Dead by Daylight continues to please fans of the Resident Evil franchise. The second crossover between the two games has introduced characters Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers as survivors, while the divisive - yet undeniably cheesy - villain, Albert Wesker, also makes his debut as the chapter's mobility-based killer 'The Mastermind'.

RELATED: Beginner Tips for using Ada Wong

Each new character comes with three new perks and an 'adept' trophy/achievement. To unlock their character's adept achievement, survivors simply need to escape a trial while only using their character's three unique perks. This guide will help players understand Ada Wong's unique perks, the situations in which they're best used, and how to maximize their chances of survival and escape.

What players are allowed to bring (and what they aren't)

Adept trophies/achievements aren't anything new for Dead by Daylight. For those who are new to unlocking them, however, limiting themselves to three perks that don't always work well together can seem daunting - rest assured, though, survivors have a few tricks up their sleeves that can make unlocking their adept achievements much easier.

What's allowed:

Item Types

What do they do?


  • Allows players to heal themselves
  • Increases healing speed


  • (Purple quality or better) Unlocks the hatch
  • Tracks certain auras when combined with certain add-ons


  • Allows players to sabotage hooks to temporarily break them
  • Increases generator repair speed


  • Allows players to temporarily blind the killer
  • If the killer is carrying a survivor when blinded, they drop the survivor
  • Uncloaks the Wraith
  • Breaks the Hag's traps
  • Instantly fatigues the Nurse


  • Reveals auras of generators
  • (Pink rarity only) Reveals aura of the hatch and exit gate levers

The items above all increase players' chances of survival in different ways. Medkits, specifically, are recommended as they'll allow survivors to be more independent by healing themselves, proving useful if one's fellow survivors are being too altruistic to work on generators.

All item add-ons are also allowed, so bringing add-ons is highly recommended, as they increase a given item's effectiveness.

RELATED: The 10 Best Items in Dead by Daylight

What's NOT allowed?

Compared to what survivors are allowed to bring, the list of no-no's is shockingly small.

  • Non-unique perks: no matter how badly players may want to bring Off the Record and other meta perks, only Ada's three unique perks are allowed.
  • A fourth perk: in the same vein, players are only allowed to use Ada's three unique perks - even with all three of them equipped, they can't bring a fourth.

Unique Perk 1 - Wiretap

Dead by Daylight Ada Wong using Wiretap perk to reveal Albert Wesker

What does it do?

After filling 33% of a Generator's repair bar, players can press a button to install a wiretap on the generator.

  • At tier 1, the wiretap is active for 60 seconds. At tier 2, this is increased to 70 seconds. Finally, at tier 3, the wiretap is active for 80 seconds.
  • All survivors can see a generator with a wiretap installed on it.
  • When the killer gets within 14 meters of the wiretapped generator, their aura is visible to all survivors.

When the Killer damages the wiretapped generator, the wiretap is disabled - but a new one can be created by repairing 33% of a generator again.

What's it good for?

Wiretap is a fantastic informative perk - not only does it show fellow survivors where a generator is, but if the killer is in the vicinity, they're illuminated and visible - skilled Dead by Daylight players will use this information to safely unhook their friends or continue working on their own generator without fear of being caught off guard.

RELATED: How To Counter Stealth Killers in Dead by Daylight

What's it not so good for?

While useful in certain situations, Wiretap has numerous downsides - a killer that is dedicated to damaging generators above all else will severely hinder its usefulness, and the several killer perks that make generators more difficult to work on will also have an adverse effect on Wiretap's usefulness. In the same vein, being chased in the areas around a wiretapped generator make it easy to know what the killer is doing - but when the chase moves farther away, survivors may struggle after relying on Wiretap too heavily.

Unique Perk 2 - Reactive Healing

Dead by Daylight Ada Wong holding Medkit and hiding from Albert Wesker

What does it do?

This perk only works when the survivor using it is injured - when another survivor is injured or downed within 32 meters of them, Reactive Healing grants progress toward their healing.

  • At tier 1, their healing bar is filled by 40%. At tier 2, this bonus is increased to 45%, and the bonus caps out at 50% at tier 3.

What's it good for?

Reactive Healing is very situational - for survivors that often find themselves in close vicinity to a chase, however, it may prove useful; the immediate boost to their healing bar may even restore them to full health if the bar was already mostly filled. For this reason, the perk is best used with a medkit to get more use out of it.

What's it not so good for?

As mentioned previously, the perk is very situational - 32 meters covers a long distance, but it's in survivors best interests to be far away from the Killer while they are actively injured. While it works well with perks like Empathy and Bond that track fellow survivors, it also locks users out of bonuses that being healed by other survivors - like Rebecca Chambers - may offer.

RELATED: Beginner Tips for using Rebecca Chambers

Unique Perk 3 - Low Profile

Dead by Daylight Albert Wesker watching as Ada Wong uses the Low Profile perk

What does it do?

After all other survivors are downed, hooked, or sacrificed, this perk activates.

  • The survivor's grunts of pain, pools of blood, and scratch marks left by running are suppressed.
  • At tier 1, they are suppressed for 70 seconds. At tier 2, this lasts for 80 seconds, before finally capping out at 90 seconds at tier 3.

What's it good for?

When all seems lost, survivor that use Low Profile can shine. With its ability to activate multiple times per trial, saving teammates that the killer is slugging becomes easier - as does saving them from hooks. Even at the end of the game while searching for the hatch, using Low Profile can relieve some pressure, as survivors using it are significantly harder to find.

What's it not so good for?

A competent team of survivors will likely never get into the situations that can trigger this perk to begin with - there are several perks that revolve around being a team-player, so survivors that bring Low Profile must be prepared for the worst, or willing to let their fellow survivors die for their benefit. While that kind of ruthless thinking will make unlocking this achievement easier, it's unlikely to sit well with any friends or random teammates.

RELATED: How to avoid toxicity in dead by daylight

Escaping as Ada WongDead by Daylight Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers running through exit gate

With knowledge of Ada's perks in mind, the trials are almost ready to be conquered. Players must remember these notes before joining a match, however.

  • Bringing items will improve abilities - toolboxes, medkits, flashlights, etc. - all have their uses.
  • Bringing add-ons for those items will make them more effective.
  • Playing with friends is crucial, if possible - survivors can work together to secure a clean getaway.
  • Bringing a map offering makes life easier - a certain map can make all the difference.
  • Bringing other offerings can be useful, generating more bloodpoints or increasing the number of chests in the match.
  • Using the Wiretap perk frequently - knowing where the killer is can help fellow survivors.
  • Giving up hope is never recommended - an escape through the hatch still unlocks this achievement, and Ada's Low Profile perk will aid last-minute escapes.

Dead by Daylight is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Beginner Tips for using The Mastermind (Albert Wesker)