One of the things that have helped keep Dead by Daylight's asymmetrical gameplay fresh for so many years is frequent franchise crossovers. It's always a treat to see the heroes and villains of other games and shows appear here as playable characters. The addition of zombie and the Nemesis in the first Resident Evil crossover was great, but many fans assumed that would be the last Resident Evil crossover.

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Project W has expanded the roster of Resident Evil survivors with the addition of Rebecca Chambers and Ada Wong, letting players live out their fantasy of confronting Wesker and Nemesis with a full lobby of RE heroes. Whereas Rebecca Chambers is a combat medic, Ada Wong is a secret agent with unique perks of her own. Here are some great beginner tips for using Ada Wong.

5 Wiretap

Dead by Daylight - Chambers Repairing Generator

Killers and Survivors alike understand that one of the few things standing between the player and death at the hands of the game's huge roster of Killers is information. Knowing where the Killer is, which generators to work on, what one's teammates are doing, and whether the exit gate switches have been powered or not is crucial. Ada Wong's perk Wiretap is all about information.

Wiretap activates after the player has repaired generators for a total of 33%. The player can then use the Active Ability button after repairing a generator for three seconds to install a Wiretap. The Wiretap then remains active for 80 seconds. While the Wiretap is active, the aura of the tapped generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow. More importantly, if the Killer comes within 14 meters of a Wiretapped generator, their aura is revealed to all Survivors.

The Killer can destroy a Wiretap by damaging the generator, and in some circumstances, they will have to if they don't want to be repeatedly outplayed. Wiretapping a generator in the Killer Shack, for example, can make that notorious structure a safe haven for Survivors.

4 Reactive Healing

Dead by Daylight - Chambers Healing Teammate

Rebecca Chambers is a combat medic, and her healing abilities are specifically geared toward helping others stay alive. Ada Wong is a secret agent, and her healing perk Reactive Healing is all about keeping her on her feet. In a game like Dead by Daylight where solo queue teammates are notoriously unreliable, being self-sufficient is everything. The more the player can do for themselves, the less they have to gamble on having another teammate available and willing to help.

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When the player is already injured and another Survivor loses a Health State within 32 meters of the player, the player gains 50% of their missing healing progress. Though Reactive Healing may be out-classed by healing perks like Boon: Circle of Healing in overall effectiveness, Reactive Healing has the benefit of being passive, allowing the player to make significant healing progress even when they're preoccupied with other tasks, such as repairing a generator or fleeing from the Killer.

3 Low Profile

Dead by Daylight - Wesker Spray Cleansing

Survivor gameplay is a constant balancing act between looking out for one's self and trying to help the team. Cleansing in one of the Plague's fountains will cure the Survivor of their infection, but it will grant the Killer a more dangerous power and perhaps lead to the death of a teammate, so knowing when to do so is critical.

Low Profile is a decidedly selfish perk, in that it's all about keeping the player alive. This perk only activates when the player is the only Survivor in the Trial who is not in the Dying State, hooked, or already dead. Once activated, Low Profile suppresses the Survivor's pools of blood, Scratch Marks, and grunts of pain for 90 seconds. This perk can make escaping a Trial in its final moments much easier, especially if the player is trying to sneak to the Hatch, but it won't do much to help one's teammates.

2 Adept Ada Wong

Dead by Daylight - Wesker, Exit Gate

One of the most popular challenges amongst Dead by Daylight players is completing the Adept achievement with each character. Unlike Killers who must fulfill a variety of conditions in order to receive this achievement, Survivors must simply escape from a Trial while using only their character's unique perks. Depending on the perks, this can be much easier said than done.

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Ada Wong isn't in a terrible position when it comes to getting the Adept achievement. Reactive Healing isn't great, given that the player only benefits from it when things are going poorly for their team, and even then additional healing is required. Wiretap, on the other hand, can change the course of the entire match in Survivors' favor, especially if the player is able to Wiretap a generator in a central location or somewhere else that the Killer is frequently patrolling. Low Profile can also come in clutch for receiving this achievement since the stealth it provides in desperate situations can be exactly what the player needs to escape.

1 Other Build Options

Dead by Daylight - Wesker Camping Hook

Med-Kits are arguably the best item in the game already, and Reactive Healing gives the player yet another reason to bring one into the Trials to keep themselves patched up. The information granted by Wiretap can be further supplemented by Bond and other perks that reveal auras and otherwise grant the Survivors information, making sure they know where the Killer is as often as possible.

Low Profile can be great for getting oneself to the exit gates or the Hatch, but it doesn't make finding the Hatch any easier. Survivors who want to run a Hatch Escape build may want to consider using either Left Behind or Clairvoyance to find the Hatch, then making use of Low Profile to get to it without attracting the Killer's attention.

Dead by Daylight is now available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, and Stadia.

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