It's safe to say that the DCEU cinematic universe experiment has been a mess overall. Not one to give up, new studio co-chair James Gunn has set the table for a full reset. That Herculean task will require some fresh blood. Only one hero manages to be lesser-known and highly anticipated, and that hero is Michael Jon Carter, AKA Booster Gold.

It seems like DC has struggled with its biggest names, with the notable exception of Matt Reeves' The Batman, and excelled when dealing with smaller icons. As a result, James Gunn's new take on the universe will reboot the old guard and elevate some B-listers.

RELATED: James Gunn Reveals Booster Gold Is The Most Requested DC Character By Fans

Who is Booster Gold in DC Comics?

dc comics booster gold

Booster Gold was created in 1985 by Dan Jurgens. He was the first brand-new character to be introduced to the main DC continuity after the Crisis on Infinite Earths event. He was a new kind of hero for the franchise when he was introduced. Where most of DC's lineup was all about justice, vengeance, and honor, Booster Gold is in the hero business for fame and fortune. Though he's a man who'll always do the right thing, Booster Gold is a far cry from his fellow Justice League members.

Michael Jon Carter was born in Gotham City in the year 2442. Though technology had advanced well beyond our contemporary capabilities, life was much the same. Carter grew up poor after his father ran out on the family and gambled away all their money. His way out of poverty finally came when his natural athleticism earned him a football scholarship to Gotham U. He was a celebrated quarterback until his mother came down with a debilitating illness. His father came back into his life and convinced him to start betting against his team and throwing his games. After Carter's deceit was exposed, he was expelled. Without his only hope dashed, Carter secured a meager job as a night watchman at a nearby museum. There, at a Superheroes of the 20th Century exhibit, he discovered his ticket to a better life.

Carter stole a variety of relics from the exhibit, pilfered an advanced security robot with an encyclopedic knowledge of historical events, and traveled back to the 20th century in Rip Hunter's time machine. With his advanced technology and all-encompassing knowledge of upcoming events, Carter was able to become a superhero. In his first outing, he saved then-president Ronald Reagan from the villainous Chiller. Carter was celebrated as a hero, but he accidentally mixed his new heroic moniker with his old football nickname, leading Reagan to introduce the world to Booster Gold. Gold quickly established a corporation to profit from his heroics and set to work self-promoting his way to the top.

What are Booster Gold's powers?

Booster Gold DC hero

Booster Gold's powers all come from the advanced technology he stole from his home century. His sidekick, a floating friendly robot called Skeets, provides him with all the knowledge he needs to intervene in world-changing events and earn publicity for his heroics. He also got his hands on a powerful energy blaster that serves as his main method of attack. He wears a Power Suit that grants him superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes. His visor grants him enhanced senses and an advanced HUD. Later iterations of the suit have time travel technology built right in, allowing him to hop through time at will. He also grabbed a Legion of Super-Heroes flight ring and Brainiac's force field belt, both of which are key to his capabilities. Though Booster Gold lacks any metahuman powers, his tech, his knowledge, and his natural athleticism make him a real asset to the Justice League.

Who could play Booster Gold in live-action?

booster-gold-arrowverse Cropped

Booster Gold has been portrayed in live-action twice. Eric Martsolf took on the role in a 2011 episode of Smallville and Donald Faison portrays a version of the character known only as Mike in Legends of Tomorrow. The Arrowverse has adapted many of his traits into Arthur Darvill's Rip Hunter. It's unlikely that either of these performers will return to the role of the DCU version of the character. Instead, they'll need a new performer who can pull off the leading man role and deliver a lot of outstanding comedy beats.

Nathan Fillion is a common fan pick, and while he'd undoubtedly be great in the role, he's a bit on the old side. A more straightforward choice might be Taron Edgerton, a natural leading man who also has solid comedic chops. At 34, Edgerton still sells the youth of the character, and he's shown himself to be excellent in action scenes. If the studio wants to go outside the box, Glenn Howerton would be a fascinating choice. The Always Sunny star is also a bit outside the age range, but his delivery as a comedic actor makes him immediately irreplaceable. Booster Gold should always feel a bit out of place, and casting someone like Howerton would make that a reality.

Booster Gold is a fantastic character to have around. He brings so much to the DC Comics Universe, and he'd be a great asset to the on-screen iteration. Whatever Booster Gold looks like when he hits the small screen, he really is tomorrow's hero today.

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