Food is a unifying force in the real world, so it makes sense that it would bring people together - or at the very least, make for a very interesting stop in a character’s journey - in the fictional world as well. The world created from DC comics on the big screen might not be as well known for their food scenes as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely devoid of characters demonstrating their love for a good meal, or of surprising scenes involving a bit of food.

There are a handful of food scenes in the DC Extended Universe that definitely make an impression on the audience. Some provide character development and others call back to the comic book inspiration. Some even prompt fans to recreate the “perfect” meal.

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Mera Tries Roses

Mera eats Roses in Aquaman

In the first Aquaman movie, Mera acts as Arthur’s introduction into the society of Atlantis. She tries to teach him the best she can until they end up as fugitives, and then, it’s his turn to teach her about the human world above the water. Mera, however, definitely shares Arthur’s tendency to act before thinking in new situations.

So, when she and Arthur visit a market and a vendor hands her a bouquet of flowers, Mera opts to do what she thinks is the appropriate thing after seeing other people enjoying various foods. She bites into the flowers themselves, prompting an amused chuckle from Arthur. It’s a lighthearted moment that reminds the audience that Mera doesn’t know everything and that both characters get to be the fish out of water, depending on the situation. The Aquaman sequel will likely move away from the fish out of water idea as both characters will be more familiar with the world the other grew up in.

Superman And Shazam Walk Into A Cafeteria

Superman comes to high school in Shazam

This particular Shazam scene doesn’t focus on the food, but the social dynamics that come with it in school. Freddy and Billy haven’t exactly had the easiest time at school up to that point. Freddy is frequently bullied, and Billy is one of the only people to stand up for him. In order to make his best friend look a little better to the popular kids in school, Billy transforms into his superhero alter ego to have lunch with him, but that’s not all.

Also walking into the cafeteria, and grabbing a tray to share a meal, is Superman himself, a superhero that Freddy has been obsessed with for a very long time. The audience might not get to see the three actually eat their food, but the idea that Superman would take time out of his day to hang out with a couple of kids who have been bullied at school is one of the most in character things the DCEU has done with the character.

Wonder Woman Tries Ice Cream

Diana gets her first ice cream cone in Wonder Woman

When Diana leaves Themyscira to enter the world of men, she’s in for a bit of a shock. People aren’t entirely what she expects, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t fall in love with humanity all the same. One of the things that helps her to do that is to experience the same things that people enjoy outside of her island home. She’s thrilled to see a baby at one point, and she’s just as thrilled to try ice cream.

The scenes, which occur in the same sequence of events, are pulled almost right out of DC’s comic book history of the character. There is no ice cream in Themyscira, so Diana trying it for the first time is a reminder that, despite all of her strength and knowledge, she’s still relatively naive to the ways of the world. There’s an innocence to Diana when she begins to experience the world, much like a child getting to experience things for the first time, and it makes her character just as fun to watch in those scenes as she is when she’s saving the day.

Barry Allen Needs His Pizza

Barry Allen eats pizza in Justice League

In Justice League, Bruce Wayme doesn’t have the easiest time recruiting heroes to give him a hand. Barry Allen is the only person to agree to help Bruce without even knowing the full extent of what they’re up against once he discovers that Bruce is actually Batman.

After Bruce sees his abilities in action, however, Barry is seen holding onto a pizza box and walking to Bruce’s waiting car. He practically inhales the pizza while chattering away to Bruce, which might seem like nothing special. The scene, however, demonstrates that the DC movie universe understands that all the energy Barry expends as the Flash has to come from somewhere. He has to maintain a huge intake of calories to fuel his power as the energy is burned almost as fast as he consumes it. It’s a nice reminder for comic book fans that, despite the outlandish premise of plenty of superhero stories, aspects are grounded in reality. Pizza is also a nearly universally loved comfort food, so it’s a good choice for Barry to eat while explaining his abilities.

Harley Quinn Anticipates Her Breakfast Sandwich

Harey Quinn is excited for her sandwich in Birds Of Prey

Though the DCEU audience is relatively divided on the Birds of Prey movie, one aspect of the movie that certainly connected with the viewers is Harley Quinn’s determination to get her perfect breakfast sandwich. She spends her time mooning over the sandwich while it’s prepared for her, detailing each step of the process in her narration - only for it to fly out of her hands and fall to the street when she leaves the bodega.

The moment is shot like a crucial piece of evidence, or even a character’s life, hangs in the balance in an action movie, rather than a breakfast sandwich going to waste. It’s a wonderfully shot scene that gives the audience a very human moment with Harley, who has no cash left, and just wanted something to eat, when everything in her life seems to be going wrong.

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