
  • Earth 3: A corrupt world controlled by the villainous Crime Syndicate, where the Justice League alternates are evil and misery prevails.
  • Earth 10: A Nazi-occupied world led by an evil version of Superman, who was raised by Adolf Hitler himself.
  • Earth 43: A vampire-infested world where Batman and the Justice League have been turned into blood-thirsty vampires.

DC Comics has been behind some of the most successful comic books of the last seventy-five years, sparking iconic phenomena that have reached worldwide levels of fame with some of the most loved superheroes and villains in the entire industry. There is nearly no one who doesn't recognize the blue and red of the Man of Steel or the pointed ears of the World's Greatest Detective.

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It turns out superpowers aren't always pretty. In the world of DC comics, these powers can be downright revolting.

However, the universe within DC Comics is made up of countless worlds known as the DC Multiverse, where alternate realities and backward versions of the Justice League reside. There are innumerable worlds within the void of the multiverse, some that shine just as bright as the prime Earth and some that are shrouded in shadow and unimaginable horrors. Here are some of the worst earths to live on in DC's multiverse.

1 Earth 3

Home Of The Crime Syndicate

Earth 3 dc comics

Earth 3 is a very well-known alternate reality of the Prime Earth, or Earth 1 world that most fans know and love. Earth 3 has appeared in multiple mediums across DC Comics content, such as Justice League cartoons and animated films.

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Earth 3 is controlled by the villainous alternates of the Justice League known as the Crime Syndicate. On this Earth, Superman is replaced by Ultraman, Wonder Woman by Super Woman, and Batman by Owlman. This Earth is a corrupt pool of misery and greed where no one can escape the thumb of the Crime Syndicate.

2 Earth 10

Nazi Occupied Earth

earth 10 dc comics

The Second World War was a devastating event that plunged the world into chaos, but at the end of the day, the good guys beat the bad guys. Earth 10 is a world where the Nazi Regime overtook the world with the help of their Kryptonian hero.

Instead of dropping into the lives of John and Martha Kent, Kal-El found himself in Germany, raised by Adolf Hitler himself and becoming Overman, the hope of the Third Reich. There is no question that a fascist regime would always be the spot to skip on the multiverse tour.

3 Earth 30

Red Son Earth

earth 30 entry image

Similar to Earth 10, Earth 30 is a world where the Soviet Union became victorious over the United States and its allies during the Cold War. In this instance, Kal-el once again missed the mark of the Kent farm and wound up in the arms of Mother Russia. Here, the last son of Krypton led the USSR against the United States, ultimately to his demise at the hands of Green Lantern, Lex Luthor, and Bizarro.

4 Earth 43

Vampire World

earth 43 entry image

There are several Earths in DC's multiverse with dark twists that turn the world on its head. On Earth 43, during a fight with Dracula, Batman is turned into a vampire and becomes an unstoppable beast of the night.

Batman turned the entire Justice League into Vampires, and they overran the entire world, forming the Blood League and feasting on anything they could. Earth 43 is a place not even safe during the day and should be avoided at all costs.

5 Earth 29

The Bizarroverse

earth 29 dc comics

Many comic book fans know the not-so-carbon copy of the Man of Steel, Bizarro. Bizarro is a product of attempting to clone Superman by Lex Luthor, which went horribly wrong and wound up creating the backward superhero, Bizarro.

Earth 29 is a world entirely made up of backward physics and has Bizarro versions of all the heroes in the central universe. In this universe, down is up, and left is right, and it would be a poor time for anyone visiting.

6 Earth -1

The Devastator Universe

earth negative one dc comics

Many universes have only just been brought into the light of the DC Multiverse. Beneath the more well-known worlds, in the shadow of the undesirable choices made by the various versions across the infinite earths, lie several dark worlds with horrid settings.

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Earth -1 is one such Earth belonging to the Dark Multiverse where Batman and Superman were mortal enemies, which resulted in Batman becoming infected by the Doomsday virus and becoming a scourge on the planet. While none of the dark worlds are dream vacation goals, this world in particular should be avoided like the plague.

7 Earth -44

Murder Machine Universe

Earth negative forty four dc comics

One of the more horrific scenarios involving the Dark Multiverse is on Earth -44. In a vicious assault, many of Batman's rogue gallery stormed Wayne Manor and viciously murdered Alfred Pennyworth.

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Driven to the edge, Batman teams up with Cyborg to create an artificial intelligence program using Alfred's mind. Unfortunately, the program went rogue, and Batman ended up being taken over by the AI and went on a rampage across the entire planet. There are no survivors left in the wake of the murder machine's wake, making it a world of lost hope.

8 Earth -22

The Batman Who Laughs Universe

earth -22 dc comics

One of the most terrifying dark earths in existence that is home to one of the darkest creations of DC Comics, Earth -22 is a twisted dimension where Batman has been transformed into a maniacal lunatic due to being infected by a pure strain of Joker toxin.

After murdering the Joker, Batman becomes just as twisted as his adversary, becoming the Batman Who Laughs. Stripped of his humanity, he unleashes an unstoppable rampage on the earth that leaves no one standing. The Batman Who Laughs even invaded the prime universe and tried to overtake it just as he did his own.

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