The Green Lanterns have been one of the most popular and beloved factions in the DC Universe since their creation. For nearly eighty years, the lore and origin of the Green Lanterns have been expanded and tweaked by a number of creative minds as the characters changed hands over the years. Bill Finger and Martin Nodel created the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, who first appeared in All-American Comics #14. The character and the concept of the Green Lantern was expanded by Gil Kane and John Broome later on.

The creation of the Green Lantern Corps led to a faction of characters who were capable of exhibiting powerful will and were chosen to wield the most powerful weapon in the universe, a green power ring. Powered by will, the Green Lanterns patrol the universe in sectors to keep the peace and order in the brightest day and in the darkest night. Over the years, the Green Lantern Corps have grown to monumental numbers and several key members are heroes from Earth. Some of the most powerful members of the corps have had their names forever etched in DC Comics' history thanks to their valiant courage and indomitable will.

Updated January 26, 2024, by C.M Edwards: Green Lanterns are some of the most powerful characters within the DC universe. With countless beings that can cross the multiverse in the blink of an eye and shape entire worlds with a thought, Green Lanterns are still the first line of defense against interstellar threats to the entire galaxy. Powered by will, Green Lanterns are only as powerful as they dedicate themselves to being, rising to the occasion by sealing away their fear and breathing their will into physical existence. Countless lanterns fill the ranks of the Green Lantern Corps. Here are more of the most powerful in the DC universe.

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14 Ch'p

A Big Punch In A Small Package

chp green lantern dc comics
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern 148 (1982)

Ch'p is one of the most interesting member of the Green Lantern ranks, and is one of the few non-humanoid lanterns to serve the green light. Ch'p has a long and dedicated history with the Green Lantern Corps, serving in almost every major conflict that arose, including the battle during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Ater being displaced after the crisis, Ch'p struggled with his mental health. Yet, he remained a loyal comrade to his fellow Lanterns until the day he lost his life in a car accident.

13 Alan Scott

Channels The Power Of The Starheart

alan scott green lantern dc comics
  • First Appearance: All American Comics #16 (1940)

Alan Scott's connection to the green light is different from all other lanterns. Although he is the first published Green Lantern, he does not share the same position as Hal Jordan, as originally he belonged to a different universe as a member of the Justice Society.

Alan Scott has faced off with some of the most powerful threats in the DC universe, and continues to use the Starheart to fight for truth and justice. Alan Scott is also one of the few open members of the LGBTQ community, and has received a number of mini-series exploring his character more thoroughly.

12 Killowog

Trainer Of The Green Lanterns Of Tomorrow

green lantern killowog dc comics
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps #201 (1986)

When it comes to Green Lanterns, Killowog outclasses most due to his unwavering dedication to the Green Lantern Corps. Killowog takes great pride in being a Green Lantern, having trained most of the current roster of lanterns, including Hal Jordan.

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Killowog's history is extensive in the DC universe, having faced the likes of Nekron, Sinestro, and even Hal Jordan occasionally. Thanks to Killowog's not-so-friendly personality, he can be hard to get along with but never fails to give his all to the mission of protecting the universe.

11 Tomar Re

Most Trusted Green Lantern

dc comics green lantern tomar re
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern #6 (1961)

Tomar Re stands alongside Killowog as one of the longest-standing Green Lanterns and one of the most decorated. Tomar Re is a brilliant strategist who uses his scientific thinking to his advantage when using his power ring. Tomar Re has also seen his share of conflict with a long history in some of the most important events in DC Comic's history, such as the origin and survival of Kal-El making it to Earth. Tomar Re has been one of the brightest lights in the Green Lantern Corps, having been promoted all the way to honor guard.

10 Mogo

Planet-Sized Power

mogo green lantern
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern #188 (1985)

While one of the most powerful Green Lanterns in DC Comics, Mogo is also one of the most important. Unlike the majority of Green Lanterns, Mogo is not a humanoid. Instead, Mogo is a sentient planet that serves as both the home base of the Green Lantern Corps and the source of the selection system that allows the green power rings to seek out new lanterns.

Mogo possesses all the powers the green power ring provides but also has a string of unique abilities special to it as a planet with its own intelligence and ecosystem.

9 Arisia Rrab

Skill, Talent, And Undying Will

arisia green lantern
  • First Appearance: Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps #1 (1981)

Arisia has had a long and dedicated history as a member of the Green Lantern Corps, being chosen to wear a power ring by the Guardians to follow in her family's footsteps as her father, mother, and uncle had all been loyal lanterns and served among the ranks.

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Arisia is a talented fighter and a skilled tactician. She wields the emerald light with grace and confidence and has been the deciding factor in several of the battles the Green Lanterns have been involved in. Arisia can hold her own against nearly any Lantern, including Kilowog. Her will and confidence know no bounds, as she has stood up to manhunters, Mongul, Sadam Yat, and even the Guardians themselves, being one of the only individuals to punch one in the face.

8 Jessica Cruz

Welder Of The Ring Of Volthoom

Jessica Cruz/Green Lantern in DC Comics
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern #20 (2014)

Jessica has one of the oddest origins as a Green Lantern, as she was targeted by the sinister ring of Voltuum to be the next power ring. Targeted for her trauma and survivor's remorse, the ring sought to manipulate her as it's done others in the past.

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Thankfully, Jessica was able to overcome her fear and find a well of willpower that would earn her a place in the Green Lantern Corps. Among the human Green Lanterns, Jessica Cruz is capable of conjuring massive amounts of will energy and has demonstrated great determination in some of the most difficult situations.

7 Sojourner Mullein

Leading Green Lantern In The Future State Justice League

Sojourner Mullein green lantern
  • First Appearance: Far Sector #1 (2019)

Sojourner is one of the newest Green Lanterns to be revealed in DC Comics as a part of the Young Animal imprint. She resided in a rough neighborhood in New York City as an ex-cop who had been ostracized by her department for whistleblowing. She was not chosen to be the next Green Lantern of Earth through conventional means. Instead, a Guardian visited Sojourner personally and challenged her to take up the mantle of Green Lantern and make a difference in a faraway sector in one year.

In DC Comics' main universe, Sojourner serves as a member and leader of the Justice League in the Future State timeline and has demonstrated that she is more than capable of handling her own and leading the new generation of heroes.

6 Guy Gardner

Able To Will Himself Back To The Green Light After Wearing A Red Power Ring

Guy Gardner with bloodied fists in DC Comics
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern #59 (1968)

Guy Gardner is one of the three original human lanterns to rise through the ranks of the Corps and become one of the greatest Green Lanterns in the universe. While Guy is charismatic in his own right, he comes off as obnoxious. Thankfully, when the situation is dire, Guy can focus on what's important and be a trusted team player.

Guy's history is very complicated in the DC universe, being plagued by his doubts about the guardians and his time as a Red Lantern. His best friends Kyle Reyner and Hal Jordan keep him grounded.

5 John Stewart

Able To Harness The Light Of Will Without A Power Ring

john stewart green lantern
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern #87 (1971)

John Stewart is the fourth Green Lantern from Earth to be chosen to join the corps. Having served in the army, John found little purpose in life after being discharged. John was met with a green power ring being chosen to replace Guy Gardner temporarily after he was injured. John took to the powers of the Green Lanterns easily and his background as an architect allowed his creative imagination to shine through his constructs.

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John has demonstrated time and time again that he is a cut above the rest when it comes to his dedication to the corps and has faced some of the most perilous encounters and held his head high, never wavering for a second. As of recent events, John Stewart has gone through a number of changes that have granted him access to The Source, and he no longer needs a ring to wield the green light.

4 Kyle Rayner

Able To Wield Every Power Ring Simultaneously

kyle rayner green lantern
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern #48 (1994)

The second of the human Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner is a Green Lantern with great potential and insurmountable power who was chosen by Gathnet personally. During his time as a Green Lantern, Kyle has overcome tremendous odds and reached the highest peak of power obtainable by a lantern, and become the host to the emotional entity of will, Ion.

However, Kyle's journey did not stop there as he relinquished the power of Ion but went on to be able to control every type of power ring on the emotional spectrum simultaneously, a feat thought to be impossible by the Guardians of the universe. Kyle Rayner was also chosen as the sole member of the White Lantern Corps and trained vigorously to master the power of life itself. There is no doubt that Kyle Rayner is the most powerful of all lanterns, green or otherwise.

3 Alitha

One Of The First Original Green Lanterns

alitha green lantern dc comcis
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern #18 (2017)

Alitha came from the Third World, millions of years prior to the birth of New Genesis and the rise of Darkseid. As one of seven original individuals who were gifted power rings, Alitha is the first Green Lantern recorded. With New God Physiology, it was Alitha's strength and courage that fueled her will to face the never-ending conflict that sought to destroy her world, and for this reason, she was chosen by Rami to combat the first lantern, Volthoom. While the history books of her time as a lantern are vague, it is clear that she possessed incredible power while using the Green Lantern ring.

2 Hal Jordan

Brought Himself Back To Life To Face Off Against Nekron And Volthoom

hal jordan green lantern
  • First Appearance: Showcase #22 (1959)

Hal Jordon is the epitome of what all Green Lanterns strive to be. Hal has demonstrated since the first time he wore the green power ring that his will knows no equal. Having been chosen by the fallen lantern, Abin Sur, Hal was inducted into the Green Lantern Corps, much to the dismay of his fellow lanterns.

However, Hal has more than proven himself with his countless selfless acts and his ability to always keep fighting no matter the odds. With sheer force of will alone, Hal Jordan has fended off raging Manhunters, Sinestro and his Yellow Lantern Corps, and even death itself.

1 Sadam Yat

The Only Kryptonian Green Lantern

sadam yat green lantern
  • First Appearance: Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 (1986)

Sadam Yat was prophesized to be the most powerful Green Lantern to ever live; however, Sadam was also said to bring forth the end of the Green Lantern Corps. Being from Daxam, Sadam has a physiology similar to Kryptonians like Superman and Supergirl. Because of this, Sadam possesses super strength, speed, flight, and invulnerability.

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While trying to escape his home world due to their toxic political views, he was chosen by a green power ring and soon after became the new host of Ion. Sadam was trained by Kyle Rayner, who had been injured and could no longer be the host and in no time had complete control over his new power, able to completely envelope himself in the green light like no other.