DC Comics have pioneered the comic book and superhero industry. From legendary heroes like Batman and Superman to infamous super villains like The Joker and Lex Luthor, DC keeps making iconic names. Throughout the long list of characters at DC, there are a few who always go out of their way to do the right thing.

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Not only do these heroes show courage and strength during the toughest of battles, but they also show a great deal of optimism. But while optimism is an important trait for anyone who wants to be a hero, it can sometimes overshadow other values and judgement. Here's a look at a few characters who are so optimistic that it might become a fault.

4 Batman

Batman Arkham Asylum cover art

Batman may be the most popular superhero DC owns right now. There's something about The Dark Knight that draws so many people to him as their favorite hero. With his dark personality and get-up, he is certainly not the first person some may think of when it comes to optimism. When Batman's psyche is explored, some may find out that he is actually filled with hope and optimism while hiding it under his brooding persona.

An example is how he never chooses to kill his enemies. His no kill rule stems from his belief that all killers are immoral no matter what, most likely because of the trauma he suffered while watching his parents die. This rule is noble, but it constantly allows villains that are pure evil such as the Joker to remain in society. Another show of Batman's optimism is how he constantly takes in sidekicks. After the death of his second Robin, Jason Todd, Batman was heartbroken but didn't abandon his belief in vigilante justice. He has employed at least two other Robins since then and will most likely continue training the younger generation to keep peace in Gotham.

3 Harley Quinn


Harley Quinn certainly isn't the character most people think of when it comes to optimism or even heroism. Starting as the Joker's unhinged lover and partner in crime, Harley has had a long journey to becoming one of DCs most popular anti-heroes. Ever since she abandoned her persona of just being the Joker's girlfriend, Harley has tried to use her skills for better causes. Her work with the Suicide Squad and on her own has saved many lives and stopped some really nasty villains.

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The thing that's interesting about her pursuit of justice is that she's still considered mentally insane. Her mental disorders can sometimes lead to optimism in unexpected ways. An example is in The Suicide Squad film where she escapes prison and brutally murders her captors. In this scene it shows how Harley sees the world sometimes, instead of blood and guts coming from her rampage, flowers and beautiful colors appear. Harley's happy and jovial mood is so strong that even killing comes off as goofy and fun to her. This kind of optimism can lead to a lot of carnage.

2 Nightwing

Nightwing From The Rebirth Relaunch

Nightwing is one of Batman's closest allies as he was once the original Robin, Dick Grayson. Since his "graduation" into becoming Nightwing, Dick has lived up to his mentor's greatness. Nightwing chooses to watch over Gotham's sister city called Bludhaven. He often fights at night in the shadows like Batman, but his personality is much more wholesome. Rather than striking fear into others, Nightwing tries to inspire people to do the right thing.

He always makes an effort to protect the innocent and show compassion, something that villains like Heartless use against him. Heartless knows Nightwing's biggest weakness is his hope and compassion for others. He uses this to his advantage by forcing Nightwing to choose between stopping him and saving innocents. Of course the right thing to do is always save others, but sometimes Nightwings optimism leads to him not being able to handle the dilemmas villains put him in. As Nightwing grows however, he learns from Batman how to both save the city and stop the bad guy.

1 Superman

Superman in Kingdom Come

It's no surprise that Superman is by far the most optimistic hero in the DC universe. Credited as being the original superhero, Superman has inspired millions both in his fictional universe and in real life. Even though he lost his home planet and almost his entire species, Superman rarely shows doubt or hopelessness. In some incarnations of the character the iconic "S" on his chest even translates to hope. Superman always tries to see the bright side of things and believes there's good in everyone.

He strives to help others see the good in themselves and the rest of the world. Unfortunately just like real life, the world is a scary and dangerous place. The reality is that not everyone has good in their heart and Superman refusing to believe this can sometimes lead to trouble. Fortunately, Superman almost always manages to defeat evil doers due to his incredible power. Superman's optimism is one of his most admirable traits, but maybe it can blind him from the horrible truths of the world sometimes.

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