
  • Batman has a rocky relationship with several heroes in the DC Comics universe, including Green Lantern Guy Gardner and vigilante Huntress, due to their differing styles and morals.
  • Batman and John Constantine don't see eye to eye, as Batman views Constantine as unreliable and unnecessary, while Constantine finds Batman's work and style silly.
  • Batman dislikes Booster Gold because of his love for attention and the spotlight, which goes against Batman's preference for hiding in the shadows, causing tension between the two heroes.

DC Comics has few characters comparable to the popularity of Batman, who has eclipsed many other characters in their mythos such as Superman and Wonder Woman to become the single best-recognized superhero in the modern world.

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While many fans love Batman, there are a few characters that hate him as well. Besides his long list of villains who hate him for obvious reasons, there are also a few heroes across the DC Comics Universe who aren’t fond of the Caped Crusader and his style. This is perhaps unsurprising, given that Bruce Wayne isn’t the most lovable person, and he has been around long enough to irritate a lot of people.

To be clear, these characters do not always hate Batman, but they have storylines/moments when they do.

8 Guy Gardner

Guy Gardner Green Lantern flying in the sky
  • Comic Debut:Green Lantern #59
  • Creator: John Broome & Gil Kane

One of the main concepts of Batman’s character has always been how useful he believes fear to be, making his opponents afraid of him is one of the key elements of his game plans and persona. This has always set him apart from the Green Lantern Corps, even while working on teams with various members of the Green Lanterns, Batman has almost never really gotten along with one.

Guy Gardner is one of the Green Lanterns, and his relationship with most heroes goes beyond this initial dislike between Batman and the Green Lanterns though. Gardner was always an abrasive character, and his loud, obnoxious style resulted in Batman taking an instant and lasting dislike for him. Bruce believes Guy to be nothing more than a useless child, and Guy hates Batman back for it, and for feeling inferior.

7 Huntress

helena bertinelli huntress
  • Comic Debut:The Huntress #1
  • Creator: Joey Cavalieri & Joe Staton

There are a number of vigilantes working in and around Gotham City, and if they’re working there, they normally have to get along with Batman. Huntress is one of the rare exceptions, having such a violently different style and morals from the Caped Crusader, the two of them have never gotten along well.

Despite their similarities in entering vigilantism because of the loss of their parents, Huntress has always acted in a way that Batman feels makes her more like the criminals they are fighting against than a hero. For this reason, he and Huntress hate each other and avoid each other as much as possible, and despite both being in the DCEU, they've never met on-screen.

6 John Constantine

John Constantine In DC Comics
  • Comic Debut:Swamp Thing #37
  • Creator: Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, & John Totleben

One of the least heroic heroes in DC Comics, John Constantine is frequently considered by many other heroes to be unreliable and annoying. Constantine is a brash and arrogant character in general, and he primarily works with magic, a world that Batman hates to stray into, but Constantine's comics are actually amazing.

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Working on different levels of crime, these two don’t interact often, but they haven’t gotten along when they do need to work together. Constantine considers Batman’s work and style to be silly and unnecessary, while Batman thinks Constantine can’t be trusted and is no real hero at all.

5 Booster Gold

booster gold comic
  • Comic Debut:Booster Gold #1
  • Creator: Dan Jurgens

Another hero with a unique style that doesn’t suit Batman’s vision of what a hero should be, Booster Gold loves the spotlight that he gets from being super. This attention is the thing that Batman and his style shy away from completely, meaning that the two have always hated each other, although Booster Gold is still headed for the DCU.

While Booster Gold has proven in the past that he truly cares and wants to be a hero for more than just attention, Batman still usually hates working with him and tries to avoid him. Booster, in turn, hates Batman for not trusting in him and believes Bruce’s hiding in the shadows is foolish.

4 Azrael

Azrael in Azrael
  • Comic Debut:Batman: Sword of Azrael #1
  • Creator: Denny O'Neil, Joe Quesada, & Peter Milligan

It is perhaps surprising that even some of the most similar characters to Batman don’t get along with him, but Azrael is a prime example of somebody who has even taken over Bruce’s role before but doesn’t like him very much. This mostly comes from the time when Azrael was created.

In the 1990s, DC was attempting to modernize more of their characters and introduced Azrael, a grittier version of Batman willing to kill. During Knightfall, Azrael took over Batman’s duties, and the brutal way he engaged criminals and went against Batman’s code has left Batman feeling like he isn’t a hero, while Azrael believes Batman’s methods to be half-measures.

3 Lobo

Lobo smiling with a cigar in the DC comics
  • Comic Debut:Omega Men #3
  • Creator: Roger Slifer & Keith Giffen

Similar to Deadpool in Marvel Comics, Lobo has never really gotten along with most heroes in the DC Universe. His incredibly brash style, his lack of care and nihilistic tendencies, and of course the fact that he is a mercenary, have led to his relationships with most heroes being strained.

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This includes Batman, who believes Lobo to be a violent and unpredictable force who cannot be trusted. Despite having had to work together on a number of occasions, neither of them has ever been happy about it, and they have come to blows several times. Nevertheless, Lobo could appear on-screen at least within the DCU.

2 Red Hood

dc comics red hood
  • Comic Debut:Batman #635
  • Creator: Gerry Conway & Don Newton

One of the heroes with the most complicated relationship with Bruce, Jason Todd has a long history with Batman. Starting out as Robin, Jason was brutally attacked and nearly murdered by the Joker, but he returned after years with the new vigilante form of the Red Hood, and more brutal mannerisms.

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Blaming Bruce for this and not accepting that Batman never killed the Joker for his actions, Red Hood and his style have continued an uneasy alliance with Batman over the years since his return, but they have never truly trusted each other or gotten along since. Though Red Hood has appeared on-screen several times, it always involves changes from this brutal style.

1 Hal Jordan

hal jordan green lantern
  • Comic Debut:Showcase #22
  • Creator: John Broome & Gil Kane

The longest-running Green Lantern to be in the Justice League is the one hero that Batman gets along with the worst. There are a number of reasons for this, for example, Hal is an officer of justice for a higher power, while Batman generally doesn’t trust cops to get the job done against villains.

But Hal has also tried to call Batman and his style out many times.

Batman also once painted himself yellow to subdue the powers of the Green Lantern, in a hilarious but horrible moment for their relationship. Lastly, Hal once turned evil, taken over by Parallax, and Bruce wasn’t able to be ready for him to turn on the other heroes, which has always left Batman unsure about Hal, who has yet to appear on-screen since the 2011 Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie.

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