Given his popularity, there are thousands of comic books Superman is (directly and indirectly) involved in. All this can make starting to read The Man of Steel a little daunting for first-time readers. For this exact reason, here are some of the best Superman comics beginners should be starting with. This list will include everything from jumping on points to standalone stories every Superman fan should check out. Happy reading!

Updated March 4, 2024, by Ben Painter: Superman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time, but there are a lot of casual fans of the genre who aren't familiar with the Man of Steel. James Gunn is rebooting the character in his new DCU, with the title of Superman. It's the perfect time for new fans to get on board early and refresh their minds on some great Superman stories from the comics. With a rich history spanning across from his first appearance in 1938, there are countless of comic tales to explore.

Best Comics By Alan Moore, Ranked

Alan Moore is one of the greatest comic book writers of all time. His works have defined the world of comics for decades.

12 The Death & Return Of Superman

Release Dates: December 1992, (The Death Of Superman), June 1993 (The Return Of Superman)

The Death Of Superman & Return Of Superman DC Comics
  • Created by: Mike Carlin, Dan Jurgens, Roger Stern, Louise Simonson, Jerry Ordway, Karl Kesel

This absolutely iconic story-line, in which the man who was thought to be invincible was finally killed, shocked the world back in the 90s. Going onto become one of the most popular and best-selling comics, it has been adapted to animated movies, and it even drew inspiration for Zack Synder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

This comic cannot be shown in one part, but two. Its sequel, Return of Superman (also known as Reign of the Supermen), makes for a complete package of a perfect Superman story. This story has everything: giant monsters, a team of Supermen, and Superman even dons a mullet. What more can a new fan want?

11 Action Comics #1

Release Date: April 1938

Action Comics 1 Comic Cover
  • Created by: Vincent Sullivan, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Jack Adler

Where best to start with Superman comics other than the very beginning? Way back in 1938! This comic was not only considered the first appearance of Superman, but the start of the whole superhero genre. Without this, then there would not be all the iconic heroes that fans know and love almost 90 years later.

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Frank Miller is one of the most influential comic book creators of all time. His works span decades with some of the best comics on the market.

Action Comics Vol. 1 features a lot of different stories, but it kicks off with "Superman, Champion of the Oppressed." It sets the basic story of Clark Kent, which has held up to this day. As a child, he was sent to Earth to avoid his planet's destruction. He becomes a hero and even still works as a reporter. Fans will need to purchase a reprint if they want to read this release, as an original print of this comic was sold for over $3 million in 2014.

10 Superman: Up In The Sky

Release Date: April 2020

Superman Up In The Sky
  • Created by: Bob Harras, Andy Kubert, Brad Anderson, Tom King, Sandra Hope, Clayton Cowles, Jamie S. Rich, Brittany Holzherr

It's a fairly recent story compared to some of this list, but this takes nothing away from how amazing the story is for fans to start off their Superman adventures. The story is about Superman venturing away from Earth to find a girl who has been kidnapped by a mysterious spaceman.

What is great about this tale is that it delves into what makes Superman the textbook superhero, the one who inspired many. Despite the fact he is not human at all, he is the most human out of everyone. This story is not a classic Superman adventure, but a deep insight into the character.

9 Superman: Last Son Of Krypton

Release Date: December 2006

Superman Last Son Of Krytpon Cover
  • Created by: Geoff Johns, Richard Dinner, Adam Kubert

This story is a fantastic way for fans to start off. It introduces the modern incarnation of the Superman villain General Zod to mainstream media. He was first introduced in 1961, but he was never from the planet of Krypton until this comic.

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This story is a reminder that Superman is not from Earth, and that he is not actually the only Kryptonian that survived the planet's demise. The Last Son in the title does not refer to Superman, but to a new character in the comic. Fans will need to read the story to find out their origins. Richard Donner, the director of 1978's Superman, was a writer of this comic, hence the tie-ins to characters he created for that movie.

8 Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Release Date: October 2003

Superman:Batman Public Enemies Cover
  • Created by: Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness

Batman is no doubt an incredibly popular superhero. Casual fans are much more familiar with The Dark Knight than Superman, mainly due to his movie appearances. A potential way to start off with Superman stories is with a tale that features both Batman and Superman.

The premise of this story is that Lex Luthor, who was at that time the President of the United States, declares Batman and Superman as enemies of the state and offers a $1 billion bounty on their heads. This, of course, prompts villains and even heroes to try and take them down to claim this extraordinary prize. It's a truly epic story, which burgeoning Superman fans will love.

7 Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow

Release Date: September 1986

The cover of Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow
  • Created by: Alan Moore, Curt Swan, George Perez, Kurt Schaffenberger, Todd Klein, Gene D'Angelo, Juluis Schwartz

This is an exceptional Superman story and a great jumping-on point for those wanting to start right around the crisis era. Superman has passed, and Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow features a detailed account by Lois Lane of Superman's final days.

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While this is an emotional tale, it tells readers all they want to know about the kind of hero Superman was and the ideals he stood for. The exceptional writing of Alan Moore shines here to give readers a story they will remember for years.

6 Superman: Birthright

Release Date: September 2003

Superman Birthright's cover
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Created by: Mark Waid, Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan

Superman: Birthright is a modern retelling of the Man of Steel's origins by Mark Waid. This book should serve as an excellent jumping-on point for readers wanting to dive into Pre New 52-era Superman.

This is a fun and wholesome run full of a lot of character, epic battles, and Superman's path toward self-discovery. Most people wanting to commit to a post-2000 Superman readthrough should be looking towards starting here.

5 New 52 Superman

Release Date: November 2011

New 52 Superman
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Created by: Grant Morrison, Sholly Fisch, Rags Morales, Brent Anderson, Gene Ha, Andy Kubert, ChrisCross, Brad Walker

Readers wanting a relatively new but still detailed read-through of Superman should consider starting at the New 52. The New 52 was a reboot of the DC universe where every character started from scratch.

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While the New 52 Superman is controversial, the run was well-written and has multiple highlights (especially that ending). Not only is Superman's reimagining seen in The New 52 an interesting fresh take on the hero, but it also sets the stage for the future of Superman that is kick-started in DC Comics Rebirth. This is the greatest jumping-on point for those who want to start in the 2010s.

4 Superman: Red Son

Release Date: June 2003

Superman red son
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Created by: Mark Millar, Dace Johnson, Andrew Robinson, Walden Wing, Killian Plunkett, Ken Lopez, Paul Mounts, Anton Kawasaki, Mike McAvennie, Maureen McTigue, Tom Palmer Jr.

Superman: Red Son is a standalone Superman story told in an alternate universe. Imagine if, instead of landing in America, Superman had landed in Soviet territory under Joseph Stalin. This is exactly what happens in Superman: Red Son.

Here, rather than fighting for the ideals of America, Superman fights for the communist cause. Full of drama, politics, and exceptional writing, Superman: Red Son is among the hero's greatest standalone stories.

3 Kingdom Come

Release Date: May 1996

Kingdom Come
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Created by: Mark Wade, Alex Ross, Todd Klein

While not directly a Superman story, he is arguably the most important character in this tale. Considered by many to be the greatest comic book story of all time, Kingdom Come is an Elseworlds story where Superman and the Justice League abandon their roles as protectors of Earth following mass unrest and unpopularity. They are overtaken by a new group of heroes led by Magog. Long story short, the world decays into chaos and Superman ultimately has to reclaim his role.

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Superman is perhaps the most iconic DC Comics superhero, and he has been brought to live-action many times by some great actors.

Kingdom Come is full of stunning artwork, and exceptional storytelling, and dives into themes such as angst, betrayal, tragedy, and desperation. This is a masterpiece every fan of the Man of Steel should definitely check out.

2 All-Star Superman

Release Date: November 2005

All star superman
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Created by: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Jamie Grant, Phil Balsman, Travis Lanham, Brandon Montclare, Bob Schreck

Arguably the greatest Superman story out there, All-Star Superman is a story where Superman has a year left to live. Readers get to see how Superman spends his final days on Earth. This is a very touching, emotional story that explores all the core that values that make Superman who he is.

Thanks to the exceptional storytelling skills of Grant Morrison and the brilliant artwork by Frank Quietly, All-Star Superman is a quintessential Superman story.

1 Superman For All Seasons

Release Date: September 1998

Superman for All seasons
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Created by: Jeph Loeb, Tim Sale, Richard Starkings, Bjarne Hansen, Joey Cavalieri

Superman For All Seasons is a miniseries written from the point of view of Jonathan Kent, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Lex Luthor. Each issue covers a season and the book explores how those closest to the Man of Steel perceive him.

The story covers Superman's journey from a young boy in Smallville to one of humanity's strongest protectors. Serving as a case study of sorts into the Man of Steel's character, Superman For All Seasons is a brilliantly written story every superhero fan will have a good time reading.​​​​​​​

DC Comics