The world of DayZ is a dangerous place. With zombies, poisonous gas, other players, and a whole host of fatal diseases and deadly wounds that can be suffered, it’s safe to say that players will have their work cut out for them to survive in this post-apocalyptic wilderness.

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Fortunately, a wide array of medical supplies can be scavenged for, usually from hospitals and clinics, which can be used to treat the various ailments that players might pick up on their travels. Here are the best medical supplies that players should look out for in DayZ.

10 Bandages

DayZ Bandages

Simple and effective, bandages can be used to prevent blood loss after receiving a wound. These come in handy after participating in any type of combat, whether it be fending off the infected or fighting another player.

Rags can also be used as makeshift bandages, but players will need to disinfect them before applying them, as untreated rags may cause an infection that could eventually kill the player.

9 Disinfectants

DayZ Disinfectant

There are several types of disinfectants in the game, including standard disinfectants, iodine, and alcohol tincture. All of them work the same way, allowing players to disinfect any wounds they may have received or sterilize rags before using them for bandaging.

They serve as a useful preventative measure to avoid infection and the extra hassle of treating it, so disinfectants shouldn’t be underestimated.

8 Chlorine Tablets

DayZ Chlorine

One of the best items to acquire in the early game, chlorine tablets sanitize dirty water and make it safe to drink. This is especially important if players are unable to find a water pump in a nearby town and must resort to drinking from bottles or containers out in the wild.

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These items often cause infections like cholera, but chlorine tablets will cleanse the water and allow players to hydrate without fear.

7 Charcoal Tablets

DayZ Charcoal

A food version of chlorine, charcoal tablets can cure food poisoning gained from eating uncooked meats or from eating with bloody hands. It's always best to cook food on a campfire or a stove to gain the maximum benefit and avoid illness, but these pills can at least negate the potential negative effects.

They can also treat chemical poisoning from drinking disinfectant or gasoline if the player somehow finds themselves in that position.

6 Epinephrine

DayZ Epinephrine

Best used as a tool for reviving players, epinephrine can instantly wake up unconscious players and effectively bring them back to life. It’s helpful if a teammate has come off worse for wear in combat or has passed out from the pain.

It can also be used to limit stamina consumption for one minute, allowing players to get themselves out of sticky situations like escaping from a contaminated gas zone.

5 Saline Bag

DayZ Saline Bag

If the player has lost a great deal of blood from wounds, a saline bag is the best thing for them. This will boost blood regeneration to five times the normal rate, and increase the player’s hydration, allowing them to quickly recover from severe blood loss.

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Saline bags can only be administered using an IV start kit, so players should ensure they have one on standby to avoid getting caught out.

4 Multivitamin Pills

DayZ Multivitamin Pills

In a harsh land where food and water are scarce, players should make sure they get their daily vitamins, as having a strong immune system will provide the player with plenty of natural resistance to disease.

As a result, these pills work to fight most diseases, and conveniently, can be taken at the same time as other medications such as tetracycline, which will boost the player’s healing even further.

3 Painkillers

DayZ Morphine

Painkillers, or more specifically codeine and morphine, can provide some much-needed relief from sprains and fractures. Codeine should be used for more moderate pain, whereas morphine is best suited for crippling injuries.

Both medicines help players move faster when in pain, reducing the penalty to movement speed that comes into effect at low health. They also prevent players from passing out from pain, which would leave them highly vulnerable and exposed.

2 PO-X Antidote

DayZ Contaminated Gas zone

With contaminated gas zones dotted around the map, and sometimes even moving to new locations, players will want a shot of PO-X at hand. It cures gas poisoning, getting rid of it entirely at stage 1 or 2, and if it has progressed to stage 3, pushing it back to 2.

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It can also be used as a makeshift epinephrine to awaken unconscious players.

1 Tetracycline Pills

DayZ Tetracyline

A general antibiotic, tetracycline can fix many medical problems that a player might have. It cures cholera acquired from drinking dirty water, treats infections from wounds, and can even help with the cold.

It has a duration of five minutes, and can’t be taken twice at the same time, so players should take another afterward if still needing treatment. However, multivitamin pills can be taken in tandem with tetracycline to boost healing as much as possible. Overall, it’s a relatively universal medicine that will serve players well during their time in DayZ.

DayZ is available for PS4, Xbox One, and Windows.

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