
  • DayZ challenges players to survive in an open sandbox world, with no quest markers and permanent consequences for death.
  • Various backpack options in DayZ offer different capacities, durability, and water resistance, providing unique advantages and disadvantages.
  • Crafting, scavenging, and careful selection of backpacks are crucial in DayZ to ensure survival and success in the dangerous land of Chernarus.

DayZ is a game that puts players into a multiplayer sandbox with one very simple objective: survive. In DayZ, there are no quest markers or daily quests that dictate the player's next course of action, allowing players to make what they will of the game, and challenging them to create their own fun.

Best Sandbox Games Of All Time

There have been a ton of sandbox games released in the past few years, but these stand head-and-shoulders above the competition.

That is not to say the in-game world map is completely empty, devoid of anything the players can interact with. The world is populated by other players and the Infected, which is the name given to zombies. Players must survive the dangers of Chernarus, as death is permanent, so players need to make sure they are well stocked up for the forays into the dangerous land.

Updated February 19, 2024, by Mara Cowley: DayZ remains an ever-popular game for players and friends to team up together to try and survive the horrors infesting the land. On top of gathering useful equipment, weaponry and armor, players also need high-end storage to carry around and protect their goods. Thankfully, there is no shortage of DayZ backpacks for players to pilfer from bases or infected. This article has been updated to include more of the best backpacks in DayZ, as well as where the players can find them so they can make use of them for themselves.

12 Drybag Backpack

Found on Civilians

A shed full of the colourful Drybag Backpacks


5x6 (30 slots)


63 Slots (9x7)



Heat Isolation

Medium Insulation

Max Wetness




One of the many backpacks that can be found scattered among the primary civilization locations, and in small boats along the coast. Their large size allows players to store large items and additional primary weapons. They have uses outside of being a backpack, however, as players can bury them using a shovel or pickaxe to hide loot for the player to return to later.

With a generous capacity of 63 slots, players can use the backpack to stock up on a plentiful amount of supplies as they travel the apocalyptic world of Chernarus. Alongside being spacious, the Drybag is also great at keeping the items inside safe from water damage from rain or other sources of water. While all of these elements make it sound like the perfect backpack, it does have the drawbacks of being slightly less durable than other backpacks, and the bright colors make players easier to spot.

11 Hiking Backpack

Found on Civilians and Infected

DayZ hiking backpack


4x5 (20 slots)


42 slots (7x6)



Heat Isolation

Medium Insulation

Max Wetness




Boasting comfort and practicality, the Hiking Backpack is a good option for most players, as it has plenty of storage allowing players to carry more goods with 42 slots, and its wetness threshold and insulation are both middling, making it not the worst backpack out there.

However, it has the same flaw as the Drybag Backpack, as it only seems to come in various bright colors such as blue or orange, and even the green is rather vivid. This would make players easier to spot even from a considerable distance, marking them as easy prey. As such, it might be best that players don't rely on using this bag too much, but it would certainly do in a pinch.

10 Utility Buttpack

Found on Military, & Helicopter Crash Sites

Inventory screen showing the additional inventory storage the Utility Buttpack.


4x4 (16 Slots)


30 Slots (6x5)



Heat Isolation

Bad insulation

Max Wetness




While it's not a backpack by name, the Utility Buttpack is another example of DayZ's external storage sources players can avail themselves of, allowing them to carry more and keep their hands free to deal with enemies. The Utility Buttpack is a Very Rare item players can acquire from Military Infected or Helicopter Crash Sites, with a bit of luck. While it isn't the strongest or the most spacious, its strength lies in its uniqueness.

The Utility Backpack comes with a standard 30 slots of external storage, but it can also be combined with another backpack to gain more storage, effectively giving the player two sets of storage. It's the only backpack that can be combined with another. While it has only a Durability rating of 100 and isn't very water-resistant, nor does it have high insulation, the ability to combine the item or equip it on an Assault Vest makes it a very handy backpack to use in conjunction with another.

9 Burlap Backpack

Crafted With Three Sticks & A Burlap Courier Bag

The player stands in front of a large stone wall, a burlap backpack on their bag.


4x5 (20 slots)


42 slots (7x6



Heat Isolation

Low Insulation

Max Wetness




One of the craftable bags players can create in the game, the burlap backpack can be created by combining an empty Burlap Courier Bag with three sticks, though some Infected can also be found wandering with this backpack equipped, saving players valuable time. While it is not the largest backpack with the most capacity, it does have some elements that make it worthy of consideration.

It does boast a relatively decent capacity size with 42 slots, allowing players to store a good amount of supplies for their perilous journeys, as well as being an extremely low-profile backpack that allows players to more easily blend in with their surroundings. However, the Burlap Backpack is far from being perfect with its high absorbency percentage meaning the items inside can very easily become wet and damaged, as well as only 100 durability. But with the stealth this backpack provides, players should run into fewer physical confrontations.

8 Fur Backpack

Crafted With 3 Wooden Sticks & A Fur Courier Bag

DayZ Fur backpack


4x5 (20 slots)


42 slots (7x6)



Heat Isolation

Low Insulation

Max Wetness




Though it isn't the most fashionable backpack, the Fur Backpack does boast some usefulness, as its muted colors can act as a form of camouflage, and it has a good amount of storage capacity with 42 slots. As it is made of fur, its maximum wetness threshold is rather high, leaving the players' equipment in danger of water damage.

DayZ: Best Things To Craft First

Don't leave home base without crafting these essential items first in DayZ.

This backpack cannot be found across the map, so players who want to avail themselves of it must craft using three wooden sticks and the fur courier bag, which is also a craft-only backpack. As such, this can make it a less attractive option than backpacks that are readily available.

7 Combat Backpack

Found on Military, & Infected Military

A player runs through the desolate streets filled with abandoned cars, a combat backpack


5x6 (30 slots)


63 slots (9x7)



Heat Isolation

High insulation

Max Wetness




One of the Rare backpacks in DayZ, the Combat Backpack is a practical bag designed with comfort and utility in mind, perfect for long journeys across Chernarus. It can often be found on the back of Infected and Military personnel.

It offers somewhat above-average storage space, with a capacity of 63 slots allowing players to carry a good amount of valuable items, but the increased capacity adds some weight to it. Its neutral colors make it a good choice if players are out in forests or grassy landscapes but should take care using this backpack in areas with water as it doesn't have the greatest water resistance. But with 170 durability and high insulation, it is far from the weakest bag.

6 Assault Backpack

Found on Military, & Infected Military

In-game screenshot of the player wearing the backpack, showing inventory slots.


4x5 (20 Slots)


42 Slots (7x6)



Heat Isolation

Medium insulation

Max Wetness




Though the Assault Backpack is an Uncommon item in the world of DayZ, that is not to say that is a bad item unworthy of the player's attention. The Assault Backpack is a rather solid bag, coming with many elements that make it a well-rounded bag that is a contender for one of the best.

Best Games With Immersive Crafting

Many games nowadays implement crafting systems, not all of which are great. These crafting mechanics, however, are the best of the bunch.

With a capacity of 42 slots, it is not one of the ones with the most capacity, but classed as a large bag it allows players to populate it with large items and additional main weapons, as well as 200 Durability, making it one of the most durable bags in the game. If its water absorbency wasn't so high, it would undoubtedly be the backpack that protects its items the most, but unfortunately, it isn't very waterproof at all. With its muted colors and even a camouflage print, it does offer some stealth to the players, but its bulky appearance doesn't make it the most low-profile bag.

5 Field Backpack

Found on Military & Infected Military

A players inventroy screen showing the Field Backpack and some of the content within.


6x7 (42 Slots)


90 Slots (10x9)



Heat Isolation

High insulation

Max Wetness




The Field Backpack is the one with the highest capacity, making it an excellent choice for avid hoarders in games. As it is one of the bags that can't be crafted, if gamers wish to avail themselves of its spacious external storage, they must take it from either Military or Infected Military roaming throughout the world, though with it being Rare, players might be searching for a while.

With a capacity total of 90 slots, players will have all the items they could need and more with the Field Backpack, but it does have some cons that prevent it from being perfect. Its durability is only 130, and it is not very water-resistant, meaning rain could very well ruin all of those items stored within, which would be a lot of items to lose. But on dry days, this backpack is sure to be a winner.

4 Mountain Backpack

Found on Civilians, Infected, & in Camps

DayZ Mountain Backpack


5x7 (35 Slots)


80 Slots (10x8)



Heat Isolation

Best Insulation

Max Wetness




The Mountain Backpack may be one of the best backpacks out there available for players. It is easy to find, spawning on civilians, infected and campsites, has plentiful storage with 80 slots and has the best insulation possible to help protect items stored inside from any harsh external conditions.

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DayZ players have a lot of great mods to choose from, but the following are absolute must-haves.

Though its bright colors can be putting a literal target on the player's back, it is difficult to deny the pros of using the Mountain Backpack outweigh the cons.

3 Tactical Backpack

Found on Military, & Infected Military

Player character with the tactical backpack equipped.


5x6 (30 Slots)


63 Slots (9x7)



Heat Isolation

Best Insulation

Max Wetness




The Tactical Backpack is another example of an excellent backpack with practical uses for the players, and another backpack that is classed as Large which will allow players to carry more weapons and large-classed items.. It was added to the game in one of its patches, increasing the choice of backpacks for players, and providing even more backpack benefits.

DayZ: Best Weapons Right Now

The right weapon is essential for surviving the zombie apocalypse. Here are the best options for DayZ players.

It has a capacity size of 63 slots, meaning while it is not the most spacious, it is not the smallest and should be enough for most players. Its Durability is rather high as well, coming in at 190, though it does fall short against the water. As long as players can avoid weather and bodies of water, this backpack should last them quite a while and comes with the added bonus of green and brown colors that allow players to blend into some areas.

2 Hunter Backpack

Found on Hunters or in Forester

A customized hunter backpack with patches to improve its appearance.


5x6 (30 Slots)


63 Slots (9x7)



Heat Isolation

High insulation

Max Wetness




The Hunter Backpack is another example of DayZ's catalog of Rare backpacks, often spawning in areas where other Hunting-grade equipment spawns, such as the Campsites scattered around the map, though since it is Rare, there is no guarantee players will find one in the first couple of tries. But with its sleek appearance that offers moderate stealth and carrying capacity, it is often a well-sought-out item for those avoiding permadeath.

It has 63 slots meaning it has a good amount of storage space to offer, as well as being more water-resistant than a lot of other backpacks with wet being its maximum wetness and high insulation rating, but is hampered with only 160 Durability. But what makes this backpack stand out is the unique variant players can find called Hannah's Hunter Backpack. While the stats of the variant are the same, its appearance is different, with various patches sewn on, a cassette tape attached to one of the pouches, and a white skull drawn onto the fabric. While it may not be as low-profile as the base bag, it will give the player style points.



PC , Xbox One , PS4
December 13, 2018
Bohemia Interactive