Fans that have been following the development of Days Gone will be well familiar with some of the more frightening aspects of the game, namely the zombie-esque "freakers" that populate its world. However, horror is not all that is going on in Bend Studio's upcoming title, and some recently released screenshots focus on the game's softer side.

By visiting a new page on the PlayStation website, players will encounter an invitation to the wedding of Sarah Whitaker and Deacon St. John, Days Gone's central protagonist. As described by the invitation, the two are an unlikely pair - a botanist and a "member of an outlaw motorcycle club" respectively, but they have chosen to "ride off into the sunset and face the next chapter of life together as man and wife."

While this expression may be used figuratively here, the accompanying screenshots make it literal, with a number of them depicting the pair contentedly riding atop Deacon's motorcycle. Additional images give players a peek at the proposal preceding the wedding invitation — St. John kneeling in the wilderness on a moonlit night.

days gone romance
days gone romance
days gone landscape
days gone romance
days gone romance
days gone romance
days gone romance

For those that are touched by the sweetness of these newly revealed screenshots, it may come as welcome news that the matrimonial invite appears to be more than just a way to setup the couple's relationship prior to DaysGone's release. That is, entering "DAYSGONE" as an RSVP code gives fans access to information on how to actually see the wedding this week:

Please join us on this site Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 at 6:00am PT to watch the wedding of Deacon and Sarah.

Of course, in the timeline of Days Gone, these tender events are likely to precede the tragedy that led to the game's post-apocalyptic world, and it certainly seems likely that the title will elaborate on what happened to Sarah and Deacon. Learning the details of the young couple's fate could indeed be a painful experience for players that are relishing in these pre-launch nuptials.

After several delays, eager fans are certain to be excited about the new story details being made available. While it remains to be seen exactly what will be revealed on February 13, it may just scratch the itch of anyone wanting a little more romance from the game.

Days Gone releases April 26 exclusively on the PS4.

Source: PlayStation