
  • Melee weapons are essential in Days Gone due to limited bullet supplies and can be easily repaired using scraps.
  • Unlocking melee skills like Bull Rush and Hard Hitter can significantly improve combat effectiveness against enemies.
  • Craftable weapons like the Baseball Bat Axe and Ripper Blade offer high damage outputs and durability for players.

Days Gone can be a brutal game for those who prefer to shoot their enemies from afar. Bullet supplies can only last so long. In Days Gone, all of civilization's modern ranged efforts devolve back to the Stone Age, where players will have to rely on their trusty big sticks. Thankfully, Days Gone has a plethora of options available for melee weapons.

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Melee weapons tend to be more reliable in a pinch and are easily repaired using scraps. Of course, scraps are also precious in Days Gone, so players will want to ensure that they devote their metal refuse to the best melee weapons in the game. This is how the ten of the most effective ones fare, and why they deserve the player's scrap.

Updated on May 10, 2024, by Jake Fillery: Players should seek the best melee weapons in Days Gone, presenting themselves with intense power that will assist in their survivability against the infected and endless hordes. Days Gone's best melee weapons often come in a range of blunt and sharp items that can be scavenged or crafted through upgrades, providing Deacon with the necessary tools to get through the perils on the road ahead. Whilst Days Gone 2 seems unlikely, it's always a fun idea to get back on the chopper and hit the road in Days Gone.

The Best Melee Skills

days gone developer excited ps5 game

Days Gone offers a lot of player choice and customization when it comes to how Deacon grows as a survivor. Not only will gamers be able to snag (and craft) an array of powerful melee weapons, but they'll also be able to unlock a variety of skills that can help improve just how well those weapons work against the hordes of freakers.

Here's a look at some of the best melee skills that players can unlock to synergize with the weapons available on this list.

  • Bull Rush - Unlocking this ability will allow players to do a "sprint attack" with any swingable weapon. This works well for situations in which Deacon is running from a horde of enemies and may have to deal with a few stray attackers in front of him. This attack will punish them, send them reeling, and most importantly, stun them, so Deacon can make a swift getaway.
  • The Reckoning - Once players have this ability, they'll have a chance on each successful melee hit to proc a critical kill. When prompted, players can hit the corresponding button to score an automatic takedown.
  • Escape Artist - One of the downsides of using melee weapons often is that players will find themselves grabbed by enemies more frequently. To combat this, they can unlock the Escape Artist skill. This allows players to perform an execution-style attack with their melee weapon once they break free of an enemy's grasp, allowing Deacon to punish those that are foolish enough to try and hold him back.
  • Hard Hitter / Home Run - These weapons are all pretty fantastic on their own but no player is going to turn down more damage. The Hard Hitter ability will upgrade all of Deacon's melee weapons with additional damage. The Home Run variant is the next step up, unlocking later on for an additional damage boost that turns the melee weapons on this list into deadly tools of survival.
  • Busted Up - A lot of the weapons featured on this list are powerful enough to cleave through Deacon's enemies but that doesn't mean he'll be able to simply stand still and keep swinging. Eventually, players are going to need to dodge oncoming enemy attacks. Unfortunately, dodging too much will consume stamina, making players a sitting duck in a horde of freakers. To keep this from happening, players can snag Busted Up, which refills stamina each time Deacon ends an enemy with melee attacks.
  • Field Repairs - This is perhaps the most important skill that melee players can learn, and Deacon will gain access to it early on. Costing just one skill point, this handy skill allows players to repair their crafted melee weapons using scrap. This is vital, as melee weapons will deteriorate over time, and there's nothing worse than a powerful, crafted weapon breaking in the middle of a tense fight.

17 Sledgehammer

2.5 Damage, 1.4 Durability

0_0001_Days Gone
  • Found across the open world

The sledgehammer is a staple of blunt weapons in video games for a few reasons. It's a worthy tool that can get the job done, and it can turn bones into dust. That is if players are willing to be patient enough for the slow swing speed. The blunt-force trauma is definitely worth it, but its stats are painfully average.

The sledgehammer isn't the best weapon in the world, but it's a good tool to have as a backup. Players aren't going to bonk every enemy they come across due to the low durability and damage, but it can be found just as commonly as gas canisters.

16 2x4

0.3 Damage, 9.3 Durability

Deacon St John in a close encounter with an infected person in the Days Gone game
  • Found across the open world

Whilst there is nothing special about a measly plank of wood, it's a weapon that proves that improvising is king when it comes to surviving the apocalypse. The 2x4 can be found pretty much anywhere in the freaker-infested ruins of civilization, which makes it a common spawn that can always be accessed to dish out some defensive strikes.

The weapon itself is fairly weak in damage output, but the durability certainly aids the weapon in holding its own. Players can gift their foes a plethora of strikes before they need to find a new weapon, which is more than likely going to be another 2x4.

15 Wood Baseball Bat

0.3 Damage, 9.3 Durability

Deacon shooting at a wolf Days Gone
  • Found across the open world

Another common treasure found across the open world, the wood baseball bat will certainly provide a bounty of strikes and swings that will leave a mark or two. Whether it's against zombified wolves or chasing freakers, the baseball bat has the durability to withstand some harsh and unrelenting enemies, even if its damage is rather weak.

The damage output and stopping power aren't the stealers of the show, since they comes from the delightful durability that is almost at the maximum capacity. With this wooden baseball bat found almost anywhere, players will look good and feel good as they swing their way to victory.

14 Fence Post

0.3 Damage, 9.3 Durability

fence post picture in days gone
  • Found across the open world

There isn’t much to say in terms of the impressiveness of the Fence Post. It looks as silly as it feels, and its low damage and stopping power make for a pretty pathetic attempt at a melee weapon. However, the fact that it has such high durability and that it can be found practically anywhere, makes it a fairly viable option to use when it comes to the in-game world.

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Players might find more Fence Posts than they care to admit, and it’s a great weapon just for keeping freakers at bay, or for the violent types that just want to hit enemies repeatedly with a blunt object. By no means will the Fence Post be the best weapon in Days Gone, but it certainly deserves credit for being reliable and a common find amidst the carnage.

13 Pickaxe

7.4 Damage, 1.4 Durability

deacon attacking human with pipe
  • Found across the open world

The pickaxe is a bladed weapon, so it's better than most wooden blunt sticks that players can find lying around in Days Gone. However, it breaks a little too fast, making it somewhat frustrating to use against large hordes or groups of freakers.

Against human enemies, it's also not bad, especially if the player can get the jump on them and they have no ranged backup. Players can also come by the weapon frequently enough so they can replace it in case it breaks. It's probably best to let this one break instead of repairing it with scraps, as it's common enough that players will find a replacement.

12 Ripper Club

0.3 Damage, 5 Durability

Days Gone cutscene screenshot Deacon St John driving bike thrugh dandelion field
  • Crafted with Wood Baseball Bat (1), Scrap (5), Small Pipe (1)

The Ripper Club doesn’t offer much-stopping power when it comes to stunning enemies that will otherwise bite a chunk of flesh, but that doesn’t stop the weapon from being a mighty good time thanks to its high swing speed.

With this craftable weapon in Days Gone within the hands of the player, they will be able to embed nails into their enemies, causing a rather sharp pain with some great damage outputs. The only downside comes from the average durability, meaning the Ripper Axe might break faster than players would like.

11 Hatchet

2.1 Damage, 5 Durability

Deacon herding a horde of Freakers in Days Gone
  • Found across the open world

Although players might think little of the small Hatchet, they shouldn’t judge it by its size. This melee weapon in particular has a quick swing speed that will help deter enemies, and keep those hordes of freakers away with each slash and swipe from the Hatchet.

Considering this is a weapon that can be found within the game, and no crafting is needed, the Hatchet is a desired weapon for those that are on the move, and like to do things safely and fast. The Hatchet should be reserved as a backup rather than a full offensive weapon.

10 Fire Axe

9.1 Damage, 0.7 Durability

fire axe in days gone
  • Found across the open world

Since it's a decent-looking weapon, the fire axe can easily become a favorite. It looks like a proper and intimidating tool, stylish enough for dishing out some quick deaths. The range is also respectable since the axe is quite long and the strikes with it feel weighty.

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It does have one problem, which is its fragility. The fire axe can only last for a few swings before it needs some repairs, making it less than ideal for taking on several enemies at once. It's not as common as the pickaxe nor as light or fast. Players might have to use it sparingly.

9 Machete

6.3 Damage, 5 Durability

days gone deacon with the machete
  • Found across the open world

The machete is another cool-looking weapon that's perfect for players who want to roam around killing creepers with style. It's slightly more durable than the fire axe, making it handier in prolonged melee fights. The damage isn't as high, but the machete has other strengths.

It compensates for the poorer range and the lower damage with its lightweight, meaning it swings faster. Several enemies charging the Deacon shouldn't be a problem, as the machete can make quick work of them. However, repairs are required fairly often as well.

8 Fence Post Axe

7.1 Damage, 9.3 Durability

fence post axe durability
  • Crafted with Fence Post (1), Scrap (5), Sawblade (1)

Combining something as common as a Fence Post with an axe head will give players another unique melee weapon in Days Gone. Fence Posts are found everywhere since the name itself even implies how common it is. What house wouldn’t have a fence? By picking one of these up and combining it with some tools at a crafting station, players will have a lethal weapon on their hands.

The Fence Post Axe is sharp, embedding into enemies to cause a devastating blow. Its swing speed might be more reliable for the slower freakers out there, or even unsuspecting humans that won’t blast Deacon in the face with a shotgun. It’s one of Days Gone’s best melee weapons for a reason.

7 Spiked Bat

3.5 Damage, 9.3 Durability

spiked bat in days gone
  • Crafted with Wood Baseball Bat (1), Scrap (3), Box of Nails (1)

When it comes to weapons, functional always beats fancy, and the spiked bat is one functional beast. It might not match the machete or the fire axe's damage, but when it comes to endurance and marathon battles, the spiked bat will come out on top with higher overall damage.

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The best open-world zombie games find ways to keep players on edge, constantly reminding them that survival has to be earned in these dangerous times.

It makes up for low damage with its high durability. If it does break accidentally through a lack of scraps, players can always craft one from readily available materials. The weapon's speed isn't too bad either.

6 Ripper Blade

7.1 Damage, 5 Durability

ripper blade in days gone 1
  • Crafted with Stool Leg (1), Scrap (5), Sawblade (1)

Bladed weapons always tend to be better than blunt ones in Days Gone and thankfully, the ripper blade is a good alternative to the spiked bat. It's like the bladed equivalent, as the ripper blade only requires a stool leg and some saws.

After marrying those two components of death, players can have a respectable early-game weapon that might just take them to the late game if they're careful and resourceful enough. In that regard, the Ripper Blade easily beats out the fragile machete and fire axe.

5 Superior Club

2.5 Damage, 10 Durability

superior club crafting in days gone
  • Crafted with Wood Baseball Bat (1), Scrap (5), Small Pipe (1)

If players want to hit slowly but surely, then the superior club might just be a good choice. It's craftable and has components that are pretty easy to spot in the open world. Sure, it's a blunt weapon and axes are superior for dealing damage, but the superior club still dishes out respectable amounts of pain.

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Games have come a long way over the years, especially with the subject matter, as some games embrace darker themes.

Moreover, it doesn't take too much scrap to repair, since clubs are more durable than axes. The superior club also looks menacing, as it's a baseball bat embedded with lots of gears and other metallic objects. It's like a jacked-up version of the spiked bat.

4 Lawn Mower Machete

2 Damage, 5 Durability

Lawn Mower Machete in days gone
  • Found across the open world

The lawn mower machete is a lovely improvised weapon plucked straight out of a lawn mower's innards. Whereas before it thinned out the weeds, Deacon can now use it to thin out the freaker herd.

The lawn mower machete is essentially a better version of the machete. It can deal more damage than that weapon and has plenty of durability to spare. This aspect is crucial if players are doing some nest-burning runs.

3 Baseball Bat Axe

7.1 Damage, 9.3 Durability

Baseball Bat Axe in days gone
  • Crafted with: Wood Baseball Bat (1), Scrap (5), Sawblade (1)

For the best craftable melee weapon in the game, look no further than the baseball bat axe. It's the ideal weapon for anyone who gets easily tired of looking for ready-made weapons that consume too much scrap during repairs.

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The baseball bat axe is well, a baseball with a saw blade attached to the tip, fastened by metal wires. In terms of damage, it typically downs freakers in a couple of swings, sometimes three.

2 Superior Mace

8.7 Damage, 10 Durability

superior mace in days gone
  • Found at the entrance sign for Crater Lake's Visitor Center and on a bench overlooking the lake from the North

Then again, if players want the best ready-made weapons, the superior mace is the most powerful in the blunt category. It's a deathly, metal-looking bat with tons of gears that will surely grind and mince any organic target it makes contact with.

The superior mace will usually take care of normal enemies in one swing, or two if the player is unlucky or the angle is off. The only caveat is that it's slow, thanks to all the heavy stuff attached to the tip.

1 Superior Metal Axe

9.9 Damage, 10 Durability

superior metal axe in days gone
  • Found on the porch of Crater Lake's Visitor Center

It's a good thing players don't have to choose a compromise between the damage of bladed weapons and the durability of blunt weapons. The superior metal axe has it all. This is, hands-down, the best melee weapon in the game.

It's slightly better than the superior mace and has a faster attack animation. It also looks a bit like a proper double-bladed battle axe. It's only available in the Crater Lake region, however, so players will have to put in the work if they want this weapon in their arsenal.

days gone
Days Gone

PS4 , PC
April 26, 2019
Bend Studio
Open-World , Action , Adventure