
  • Little Kitty, Big City sold 100,000 units in just 48 hours, a major milestone for Double Dagger Studio.
  • Players control a cat in an overwhelmingly large city, engaging in low-stakes mischief along the way.
  • The cozy game, inspired by creator Matt T. Wood's cats, aims to provide stress relief and fun for players.

Little Kitty, Big City has reached a new milestone of 100,000 units in just 48 hours. Releasing day-one on Xbox Game Pass, Little Kitty, Big City is the first game by Double Dagger studio, led by veteran developer Matt T. Wood. Gamers may recognize Wood for his work in the Left 4 Dead series, Portal 2, and Half Life 2. Fans of these works were excited to see an indie game that would draw upon Wood's level of experience. In addition to his own impressive body of work, Wood used his own cats as inspiration for Little Kitty, Big City.

In Little Kitty, Big City, players take control of a cat that falls from their window and gets lost inside an overwhelmingly large city. The objective is to find your way back home, but there are different tasks and events that the gamers can engage in along the way. Players are free to engage in low-stakes mischief, like figuring out how to make humans trip in Little Kitty, Big City.

Little Kitty, Big City Is Reminiscient of Untitled Goose Game

The chaotic antics shown in Little Kitty, Big City's recent teaser trailer should remind players of the hilarious puzzle game Untitled Goose Game.

Little Kitty, Big City sold 100,000 units in 48 hours. A new post from the game's social media account celebrates this milestone with art and a thank you to players. Little Kitty, Big City released during the same week that Xbox shut down four Bethesda Studios. After the unfortunate news, many fans decided to direct their attention towards the indie gaming space, and this included the day-one Game Pass release. As the team celebrates, Double Dagger has focused its attention on fixing bugs and glitches.

In the same vein as classics like Mario Odyessy, Little Kitty, Big City aims to offer various activities to occupy the player's time. Similarly to Animal Well, another indie that released during the same week, the objectives of this game generally fall under collecting items or interacting with other animals for the fun of it. Players can look for bones in Little Kitty, Big City as they wander around, or try to catch birds and pick up feathers. This cozy game lacks violence, as one of the Double Dagger's stated goals with Little Kitty, Big City is providing an opportunity for stress relief.

Gamers Look Forward to More after Little Kitty, Big City

Generally, players have enjoyed their experiences with this game. In addition to exploring the city, players can become a local celebrity and get humans to take pictures of them in Little Kitty, Big City. Although there appear to be plenty of small moments that add up to lots of fun, some players have mentioned that they wished Little Kitty, Big City lasted longer. It seems that many gamers are eagerly awaiting more fun experiences from Double Dagger.