In a time when industry leaks are the name of the game, rumors have become spicier than ever when it comes to the entertainment world. It's gotten to the point where any given bit of guesswork could easily be based on solid facts that just haven't surfaced quite yet. So when it comes to a massive franchise like Doctor Who, it can be important to pay attention when a big claim comes knocking.

That appears to be the case here, where a circulating allegation from a Facebook fan page has been making the rounds with the ferocity of a moody Sontaran. The page offered up the possibility that David Tennant, who played arguably the most popular modern iteration of Doctor Who's lead known as The Doctor, will return to the role. But rather than reprising his own take on the character, he'll supposedly be the actual successor to Jodie Whittaker's current Doctor, who is the 13th (sort of) rendition of the time traveling alien with a curious fondness for humans.

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According to the user who posted the rumor, the source for the claim is a credible one who previously leaked the inclusion of Sacha Dhawan as the newest version of The Doctor's long-time greatest villain, The Master. That was proven true when Whittaker's Doctor took on Dhawan's Master in her 2nd season as the character, lending some substantial credence to this new claim regarding Tennant's return. Now, with Whittaker unfortunately set to leave the role soon, the stage may now be set for a reunion of sorts.

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It sounds farfetched both in-universe and from a production standpoint. After all, the return of a fan-favorite sounds like something disgruntled Star Wars fans would claim in their latest bid to invalidate the sequel trilogy. But it actually makes some amount of sense. The BBC recently announced that beloved series showrunner Russell T. Davies would return to Doctor Who in the near future, and he's arguably as popular in his role as Tennant was in his.

This could suggest that Doctor Who will attempt to recapture the magic of its most well-received years by bringing back 2 of the people who made it happen. It's no secret that the most recent few seasons have been among its lowest rated in some time, even the admittedly enjoyable New Years special, Eve of the Daleks. Whittaker has been giving it her all, and would likely have been a much more lauded Doctor under different circumstances. But the creative efforts of current showrunner Chris Chibnall have been controversial, at best.

So when Whittaker leaves the role and Chibnall vacates his position as showrunner, it seems as though things might refocus on the nostalgia angle. It's a shame she didn't get a proper chance to really make the role her own. But this is Doctor Who, after all. The prospect of her returning one day is all but set in stone. Hey, if Andrew Garfield can totally dominate a proper second chance as Spider-Man, Whittaker deserves the same opportunity.

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Source: Plymouth Herald