Players will encounter many sharks as they explore the ocean in Dave the Diver, and they will initially need to address those dangerous creatures with lethal force. That said, it is possible to tranquilize sharks, though fans will need to put some effort toward obtaining a weapon that is capable of consistently performing that action. This guide is here to provide more details on those weapons, and it will help players tranquilize and catch 3-star sharks in Dave the Diver.

Dave the Diver: How to Tranquilize Sharks

There are two weapons in Dave the Diver that players can use to easily tranquilize sharks, and both of them are obtained through the weapon upgrade system. For the uninitiated, fans will unlock the ability to upgrade the weapons that they have crafted as they work through the game's first chapter, and it is Duff who will make the improvements.

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With weapon upgrading unlocked, players that want to tranquilize sharks can set their sights on either the Tranquilizer Rifle, an early upgrade to the Basic Underwater Rifle, or the Modified Hush Dart, the final upgrade to the Hush Dart. Of those two weapons, it is recommended that indie video game fans target the Tranquilizer Rifle, as it can be obtained very early in the game, unlike the Modified Hush Dart.

dave the diver tranquilize shark

Once a Tranquilizer Rifle has been procured, players should simply fire it into a shark and wait to see if its effect takes hold. Fans of casual RPGs should not expect every shot that they take to tranquilize a shark, though, as the weapon has only a 40% chance of success. Fortunately, the Tranquilizer Rifle has an eight-round magazine, and players should definitely be able to subdue the creature before they run out of ammunition.

To note, if a player has opted to use the Modified Hush Dart, they will need to fire two consecutive shots into a shark to tranquilize the creature. It is also worth mentioning that Sleepy Toy Hammers and Tranquilizing Harpoon Tips are capable of putting sharks to sleep, though fans do not have a great deal of control over when they have access to those items.

Dave the Diver: How to Catch 3-Star Sharks

After a shark has been tranquilized, players can catch it with the help of a Salvage Drone. For the uninitiated, this piece of equipment is unlocked during the Tuna Party event, which occurs randomly as fans progress through the story, and it is capable of taking subdued large fish in Dave the Diver to the surface. Those captured creatures will be of three-stars, and they will award the maximum amount of meat.

Dave the Diver is available now for PC.

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