Dave the Diver is a game where players have to deep dive into the ocean. In order to be successful running the game's sushi restaurant, players will need to catch fish, collect materials, and solve mysteries. One of the things that will help players quite a bit to get everything done is to hire employees to help around the restaurant.

Not only can they help Dave serve, but they can also help Bancho cook and prep for customers, fill drinks, clean up after patrons, refill the wasabi paste for Bancho, and more.

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How to Unlock Hiring Employees in Dave the Diver


In order to unlock the Staff Menu while in Bancho's, players will need to complete Yoshie's quest. This dining diva will ask for a shark's head dish from Bancho, and he will the ingredients to cook it for her. And unlike some of the other fish he has caught, sharks fight back as bosses do in Dave the Diver. Yoshie will ask for a Whole Roasted Whitetip Shark Head for dinner, which needs a Whitetip Shark head and olive oil.

Whitetip sharks are found in fairly shallow water, usually to the far left of the swim-able sea. Kill one by waiting for it to get ready to charge, then swimming quickly out of the way and shooting it with a gun. It will take 3-5 shots depending on how upgraded the gun is. After Yoshie gets her shark head, she will open up the staffing on the restaurant's menu. This can only be accessed in the restaurant, and not on the boat or the Dave the Diver Fish Farm.

How to Get Applicants for Bancho's Sushi

After the Staff button at the bottom of the screen appears, players will be able to start hiring. Click the Staff button at the bottom of the screen in the restaurant, then click the control button or click the little yellow button right next to Yoshie on the screen. Players will get three choices for how to proceed.

  • A Flyer ad for 50 coins.
  • A TV ad for 150 coins.
  • An internet ad for 400 coins.

Choose one of these three that Dave has enough money for, then wait an in-game day. After that Yoshie will have some applicants. Select the best one Dave can afford and bring them on board. This will help players a lot for the rest of their play through time in Dave the Diver.

How to Use Employees in Dave the Diver

A good tip for Dave the Diver players is to train their employees. Click on the employee to train, then press spacebar. This will bring up a little menu beside them; this is where players can check out their details, train them, send them off to collect ingredients, or other tasks. Players will want a couple of employees to work in the restaurant, then have a spare one to fetch ingredients. To start, players will probably only need two people: one to help serving and one to be sent out for items. As the restaurant grows and gets more customers, two more will be needed to help with prep work in the kitchen and another for serving.


Training employees unlocks additional skills for them. For example, it can unlock their ability to serve drinks, and they always serve them perfectly. Employees can also learn to:


Leveling up an employee costs money, but it doesn't cost any time. So make sure to save those pennies in order to get the best possible help around the Sushi place.

How to Send Out Dave the Diver Employees to Pick Up Items Like Turmeric

Similarly to Auto Supply in Dave the Diver, how to send out employees for ingredients is not well explained. While spices and oils and other cooking ingredients can be found under the sea in crock pots and can be earned for quests, players can also send employees out for them. One of the big ones that is hard to find and players will need is Turmeric; it is needed for several recipes and one for a VIP.


Just select the employee to send out in this indie game, and press spacebar. Select "Dispatch," and then select what they need to go after. They will return the next day with the goods.

Dave the Diver is available in early access on PC.

MORE: 10 Things Dave The Diver Needs To Change Before Leaving Early Access