Upon completing the Bancho's Ordeal? Pasta Contest! mission in Dave the Diver, players will have the opportunity to open a branch. This essentially functions as a second sushi bar, and fans will need to assign a manager to oversee it. For those players that want to make sure that they send the optimal employee to their branch, this guide contains details on picking the best branch manager in Dave the Diver.

Dave the Diver: Branch Manager Stats

To identify the best branch managers, players need to look at their employee's Cooking and Serving stats. Indeed, both of those stats play a very important role in determining a staff member's potential as a manager, and here are details on each of them:

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  • Cooking: A manager's Cooking stat determines the rank of their branch, which in turn determines the maximum rank of ingredient that can be sent to it. As such, if a player wants every ingredient in Dave the Diver to be available at their branch, they will need its rank to be nine. This occurs if the manager has a Cooking stat of 450+, and that should be considered a requirement when picking a staff member for the job.
  • Serving: Managers spend a lot of time delivering food, and it is thus very important that they have a high Serving stat. For the uninitiated, this stat in Dave the Diver determines the employee's speed, and having quick servers is critical to maximizing profits.

Dave the Diver: Best Branch Managers

In summary, players should look to make a staff member with 450+ Cooking and a high Serving stat their branch manager, and it is easiest to get Drae to those requirements. Indeed, this Dave the Diver employee should have more than enough Cooking to run a Rank 9 branch by the time he reaches Level 15, and he has a tremendous Serving stat to boot. It could thus be said that Drae is the best branch manager in the game, and players should definitely consider investing heavily in his training.

dave the diver best manager

That said, Drae is not the only staff member that is capable of running a successful branch, as both Kyoko and Raul have very strong Serving and are able to hit 450+ Cooking. Those employees will not pass the relevant Cooking threshold until they hit Level 18, though, making them more difficult to establish than Drae. However, if an indie video game fan has adequately trained Kyoko or Raul, they should feel free to make one of them the manager of their branch and keep Drae as a server.

Dave the Diver is available now for PC.

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