Every staff member in Dave the Diver has four stats, and players should look to them when assigning specific jobs to their employees. While this is a fairly simple endeavor at its core, as the effects provided by the majority of stats can be determined by their names, the Appeal stat does make things slightly complicated. Indeed, there is little information about Dave the Diver's Appeal stat available in-game, making it difficult to incorporate it into decisions about staff placement.

Dave the Diver: What is Appeal?

To put things simply, Appeal determines how likely a staff member is to earn bonus items when dispatched. For the uninitiated, the dispatch mechanic allows players to send their employees to collect specific ingredients, and it is performed be selecting Staff at Bancho Sushi, selecting the employee of interest, and then clicking on Dispatch. Notably, dispatched employees will not be available to work at the restaurant, and indie video game fans should make sure that their needs are covered before sending out a staff member.

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Players will now understand that employees with a high Appeal stat may be suited for dispatch work, as their increased chances of receiving bonus items can certainly be helpful. That said, it is more important that dispatch-focused staff members have a high Procure stat, which determines the maximum number of ingredients that they can earn while they are gone. Indeed, it would be unwise to consistently dispatch an employee with high Appeal and low Procure, such as Cohh, as the increased likelihood of receiving bonus item will not make up for the lower rate of ingredient acquisition.

dave the diver appeal stat

There is one employee in Dave the Diver that has exceptional Procure and Appeal, though, and that is Davina. Additionally, both of her skills increase her prowess when dispatched, making her the ideal staff member for this type of work. Davina is a Platinum-level employee, though, which means that players that want to hire her will either need to wait until they have ranked up on Cooksta several times or splurge on a TV or Internet Ad.

One final thing to say about Appeal is that while some players suggest that it affects the tips that employees receive, that does not actually appear to be the case. Fans of casual RPGs are thus advised to ignore Appeal and focus on the Serving stat when assigning their servers. It is also wise to look for serving-related skills on those employees, as they can have a big impact on the overall efficacy of the restaurant.

Dave the Diver is available now for PC.

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