
  • Dave The Diver, developed by MINTROCKET, sold a million copies in just ten days after its release, surprising director Jaeho Hwang.
  • The success of Dave The Diver is attributed to its unique blend of genres, innovative elements, the hard work of the team, and the lovable and relatable character of Dave.
  • The game offers 25 hours of content, with players navigating underwater, capturing fish, and running a sushi restaurant, and feedback from players is highly valued for future updates.

Dave The Diver, developed by South Korea-based studio MINTROCKET, sold a million copies just ten days after its full release on June 28. The story follows Dave, a laid-back guy who finds himself exploring uncharted waters, fighting creatures under the waves, and helping run a sushi restaurant after everything. The very premise of Dave the Diver is a bit out there, and players love it for all its character and quirks.

An indie game going viral is always good for its success and oftentimes comes down to the intangible fun factor. Its success may come as a surprise to many, as it did for director Jaeho Hwang. In a recent interview with Game ZXC, he talked about how he was just as surprised as many others and now seeks to keep that popularity going through feedback and updates

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The Secret To Dave’s Success

dave the diver dave

Players are immediately introduced to Dave in the game, as he is relaxing at the beach until he suddenly gets a call. A character named Cobra calls and asks Dave for a favor: use his diving skills. Dave’s duties aren't just in the water though, as he later finds himself working for Bancho Sushi, which Cobra is an investor in and Bancho, the head chef, runs. The entire premise is something out there. Hwang told Game ZXC that he realized he wanted to create a mixed management and adventure game after stumbling upon a Japanese pub, and he believes that it's the combination of the genres and sprinkles of innovative elements that helped set Dave The Diver apart from existing games.

“I believe the secret to Dave the Diver’s success lies in the development team’s steadfast belief in a highly unique approach, combining genres in a completely distinctive way from existing games, and continuously sprinkling innovative elements like unique spices. Their dedication and hard work is what made all the difference.”

Of course, it helps how many players just love Dave. Hwang describes Dave as a bit lazy, but very optimistic and friendly. He has a hard time refusing requests from people, so when someone asks him a favor, he "can't help but give a helping hand." Hwang added that his greatest strength is that when he commits to something, he sticks with it and doesn't complain. Dave is "the kind of friend you'll find anywhere," making him a highly relatable and lovable character.

“The game deals with Dave’s journey of personal growth and his friendships along the way. At first, he’s just a happy-go-lucky diver who lives a slow and peaceful life. But his colleagues start to need his help here and there, and as he takes on larger and more complex issues to solve, he grows a stronger sense of responsibility within himself. I think it is this process of Dave’s journey and growth with his friends that is something people can easily relate to.”

New Tasks For Dave

dave the diver sushi restaurant

As of now, Dave The Diver has 25 hours' worth of content. During the day, players are Dave navigating the Blue Hole and capturing fish from various biomes -- with the occasional threat of boss fights against giant underwater creatures. At night, players must then play a role in Bancho Sushi and sell the fish that was caught by putting together dishes.

Dave The Diver is MINTROCKET's debut video game. It entered early access in October 2022, which Hwang told Game ZXC played a huge role in the title's success. During early access, the indie development company received "a lot" of encouragement and suggestions for improvements. Hwang said he continues to learn on a "daily basis" from user feedback and aims to incorporate aspects that the development team hasn't considered.

"This is something I can honestly say I didn’t see coming. Although we made a lot of refinements during Early Access, I admit that there were still areas that were lacking. I am really grateful that the new story content and missions that we added after EA were so well received...We continue to listen as suggestions come in, so we can make a more polished game and add additional content."

Dave The Diver clearly found the sweet spot between RPG, adventure, and management. The endearing and charming characters that complement Dave in his journey are easy to relate to, the pixel art style also gives a sense of nostalgia, and the unique mesh of genres ensures players are experiencing something new. As Dave the Diver continues to grow, it'll be interesting to see how feedback is incorporated into future content and updates.

Dave The Diver is available now on PC.

MORE: Dave the Diver Review