It looks like Dave Bautista would love to play Marcus Fenix in Netflix's upcoming Gears of War movie. Fans have long considered the wrestler-turned-actor to be a perfect fit for both the character and the franchise as a whole, and now Bautista himself seems to agree.

When Netflix recently announced a live-action Gears of War movie, many immediately began to speculate on whom the streaming company might end up casting. Naturally, Bautista's name was one of the first to float around those discussions. But while there's no official word as of yet on such matters, that didn't stop the actor from joining in the fray to present his case.

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Bautista posted a short video on his Instagram account of himself suiting up in the classic Gears of War COG armor. Naturally, given the nature of the subject matter, he sprinkled in some colorful words in there as well. "This is my kinda s***," he says with a smirk after admiring a set of the armor. Next, it cuts to a shot of him fully suited up in the iconic bulky threads as he delivers another one-liner, "it's about f***ing time." As he dons a pair of sunglasses backed by a heavy guitar riff, the clip ends.

It's a pretty solid case, even though it doesn't really offer much in terms of how he'd perform in the role of Marcus Fenix. But Bautista's acting talents are particularly well-known at this point. Plus, he's been campaigning to play Marcus in a potential Gears of War movie for years now. So it's pretty clear that his heart is definitely in it.

This wouldn't even be the first time this particular actor has been involved in the Gears of War franchise, though it would be the first time he takes on a lead role. He pretty famously showed up as a skin for Gears 5's multiplayer, and the developers even eventually offered an option to turn Marcus into Bautista in the Gears 5 main campaign. So there's certainly a precedent for bringing him into the fold.

However Netflix's movie and animated series turn out, it would feel like a pretty big oversight to not bring Bautista into the project in at least some capacity. It would be like a Reese's Cup without peanut butter, or a Pixar movie without John Ratzenberger. Some things are just meant to be, and here's hoping Bautista as Marcus Fenix is one of them.

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