The Darling in the Franxx anime/manga series portrays a post-apocalyptic future where human civilization is constantly threatened by monsters known as Klauxosaurs. The leaders of humanity devised weapons/robots called Franxx to fight back, and these were designed to work as male (stamen) and female (pistil) pairs. The series follows the exploits of the main characters, Hiro, a human child who has incredible talent to pilot a Franxx, and Zero Two, a hybrid human and elite pilot who wants to become fully human.

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In Darling in the Franxx, children are indoctrinated, emotionally drained, and trained to pilot the Franxx weapons to combat the Klauxosaurs in a post-apocalyptic future where reproduction and other regular human activities have become undesirable to the public.

7 Standard Franxx model

Standard Franxx model attacking

As the mass-manufactured model of the Franxx, the standard version has little to no peculiarities. Most plantations use it with few known exceptions. The standard Franxx is dark gray with yellow As the mass-manufactured model of the Franxx; the standard version has little to no peculiarities. It is used by most plantations with few known exceptions. The standard Franxx is dark gray with yellow goggles.

Typically, pilots of different standard Franxx models utilize the harpoons to capture Klauxosaurs before the others destroy them from above. Plantation 26 is an example of how inefficient this can be, as it typically takes numerous Franxx to care for a single Klauxosaur. This is why pilots flying standard Franxx models need to be so well-coordinated and communicative with each other.

6 Genista

Genista Darling In The Franx Pointing

A bulky dark grey Franxx mixed with green highlights. The Genista is a Franxx of the 13th plantation with Kokoro as its pistil. Its stamen was previously Futoshi, but this was changed to Mitsuru as the series went on. The 'Rook Sparrow,' a massive cannon, is the Genista's primary weapon.

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The Rook Sparrow is slightly larger than the Genista and has a bayonet at the bottom, which it (the Genista) uses to shatter cores. The Genista has never been depicted as a particularly fast Franxx throughout the series. Its heavy armor provides sufficient protection, and its cannon delivers a punch. The Genista is also one of the few Franxx to morph into its stampede mode, albeit for a brief duration.

5 Chlorophytum

Chlorophytum Bending

A white and violet Franxx from the 13th plantation. The Chlorophytum, in contrast to the Strelizia and the Delphinium, relies mostly on the discharge of energy beams or ammunition in its attacks. Because of this, it is extremely defenseless because it can only store so much ammunition. Even with this flaw, the Chlorophytum is still a formidable opponent.

The Chlorophytum, whose arms are formed like weapons, has demonstrated an ability that surpasses that of more prevalent Franxx versions. The Chlorophytum is also equipped with a four-panel heat sink called 'Wing Span'. Ikuno, the pistil, and Mitsuru, the stamen, were the original Chlorophytum pilots. Futoshi, a stamen, eventually replaced Mitsuru as the series progressed.

4 Argentea

Argentea Grunting look

All through the series, fans had seen Miku, the pistil, and Zorome, the stamen, pilot the Argentea. They displayed the might of the Argentea despite their incessant strife and squabbling. As its claws are its primary weapon, the Argentea is best in close battle, where it can easily rip its opponent to shreds.

As a 13th plantation Franxx, the Argentea is one of the fastest robots of the series. In the second episode of the anime, fans first see the Argentea in motion as it deftly performs a variety of stunts. The robot, which resembles a white and pink striped bunny, is incredibly agile and uses Night Claws (wolverine magma claws) attached to wrist cuffs as its primary weapon.

3 Delphinium

Delphinium crying

The Delphinium is a very potent plant because it is the leader of the Franxx on the 13th plantation. The pistil, Ichigo, and the stamen, Goro, are its pilots. When it comes to handling and battling technique, the Delphinium in the 13th plantation is second only to the Strelizia.

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The Delphinium's primary weapons are two magma swords that resemble spears and are used to sever the cores of the Klauxosaurs. Its pink hair hides one of the Delphinium's blue eyes. The Delphinium additionally sports a crest on its top chest and a multitude of shooters on its lower torso. Ichigo and Goro, who pilot the Delphinium, are known for their cool heads under pressure and their willingness to assist their fellow Franxx whenever possible.

2 9 Model

9 Model all members

The 9's model is a unique one indeed. The 9s, Zero Two's former squad, used these Franxx. Each member of Zero Two's squad has a distinct personality, so it's no surprise that the Franxx they wield is so potent.

The 9's robot features formidable robot firepower that has a striking resemblance to Strelizia. Each has proven capable of killing multiple Klauxosaurs simultaneously. Because of its incredible strength, speed, and agility, the 9's is nearly impossible to defeat. The 9's is menacing in appearance, with thick shoulder and leg plates. It is colored white and red, and like most Franxx models, it is armed with a spear.

1 Strelizia

Zero two franxx

Without a doubt, Strelizia is the strongest Franxx of them all. It was custom-made for Zero Two and featured a one-of-a-kind design. Strelizia's only pistil was Zero Two, although the Franxx has had various stamens. Only Hiro, in collaboration with Zero Two, has been successful in unleashing Strelizia's full potential, though.

Strelizia's strength has been established from the very beginning of the anime series. Many Klauxosaurs have fallen before the Franxx's sword, and it has done it with little to no assistance. Strelizia is the only Franxx in the series to have evolved multiple times, which contributes to her reputation for strength and versatility. When Zero Two's exceptional durability and fighting prowess are factored in, almost no other Franxx can defeat Strelizia.

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