As anyone can guess by the title, Darksiders III is the latest entry in the cult hack-and-slash series, Darksiders. However, it might throw people off that it comes six years after the previous entry. On top of that, it's made by a new team. After original developer THQ went under in late 2012, Nordic Games acquired the name and assets. Thus, THQ Nordic was born, and resurrected the dormant Darksiders property.

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Because of this new developer and fresh perspective, Darksiders III does a few things differently than its predecessors. Players should be familiar with these quirks going into this game, in order to get the most out of the experience.

10 Don't Worry About Being Lost At The Start

War, Fury, and Death in Darksiders III

Darksiders 3 may be a sequel, and it does indeed present players with an overload of dark fantasy terms and names to memorize. In actuality, though, this doesn't last. The story only briefly touches on the first entry as a framing device.

Fury doesn't spend much time with her fellow Horsemen, and soon embarks on a journey of her own. Specifically, her goal is to hunt down the Seven Deadly Sins, which form the game's boss battles. References to the exploits of War and Death are rare, so gamers shouldn't dwell on the jargon that arises from these brief encounters. Avoid the needless headache and focus solely on the main story.

9 Don't Play Like Other Entries

War, Fury, and Death in the Darksiders games

To help differentiate the Four Horsemen, the Darksiders developers created a distinctive fighting style for each one. This also means that the gameplay varies drastically between the series' entries.

In the first title, War was very heavy with an emphasis on short-range sword attacks. The sequel saw Death exploiting his agility to jump around and strike with his dual scythes. Now, Fury once again goes back to the heavier feeling. However, she wields a whip, giving her more range than her brothers. Players shouldn't confuse her for them in any capacity; Fury has her own distinct play style.

8 Don't Muscle Through The Madness

Fury and an enemy in Darksiders III

To go along with the heavier feeling, Darksiders 3 throws in a greater challenge, opting for a Dark Souls approach to its gameplay. This means that each encounter is an exercise in patience, and players will die a lot.

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While Fury's windup isn't as painfully slow as in the Dark Souls games, she takes just as much abuse. Enemies can easily kill her in a few hits. Players must stay on their toes more than the previous entries if they want to last. Rather than get by on raw power, they need to pick their shots, read the tells, and know when to go on the defensive.

7 Spend Souls Wisely

Vulgrim in Darksiders III

While not as extensive as the gear system from Darksiders 2, this third entry does include a similar mechanic. Players rack up souls by killing enemies, and they use those souls as currency.

On one hand, Fury can pour them into her Health, Strength, or Arcane skills. This is basically how the game handles leveling up. Alternatively, these souls can go into buying consumable items or equipment. This balancing act is a key part of progression, and players must always consider where their souls are best spent.

6 Search The World

Weapon enhancement in Darksiders III

Another aspect of progression lies in the weapons. To power up the tools in Fury's belt, players must place enhancement in each one's Skill Tree. These offer different stat boosts for the weapon in question.

The catch is that these don't come from battle. Instead, they're scattered throughout the world. If Fury doesn't want to be stuck with weak weapons, she'll have to do some rudimentary exploration at the very least. Thankfully, these enhancements aren't difficult to find if players casually scan their surroundings.

5 Revisit Past Areas

Fury swinging in Darksiders III

Like its predecessors, Darksiders 3takes a Metroidvania approach to adventure. As Fury explores the world, she finds that certain areas are blocked off with seemingly no way to pass. Not to state the obvious, but she doesn't have the necessary tools to unblock these paths.

Be patient. She'll soon gain the weapon or form needed to traverse these obstacles. It's worth revisiting some of these places to round up the remaining collectibles. As previously mentioned, they're essential to strengthening Fury's arsenal. All it takes is a bit of backtracking.

4 Don't Rely On Transformation

Fury's Havoc Form in Darksiders 3

In the previous games, the Horsemen's colossal transformations basically guaranteed a win. They may have taken a while to charge up, but they were so powerful that they decimated any enemies in the vicinity. This didn't do much for game balance, but it was certainly cathartic.

Sadly, that feeling is gone. Fury's Havoc transformation isn't nearly as tough as her brothers' Chaos and Reaper forms. In fact, several of her regular attacks actually do more damage in the long run. Considering the meter is just as slow to refill, transforming overall is far less appealing.

3 Always Expect Attacks From Behind

A rear attack in Darksiders III

Fury encounters many deadly adversaries on her quest, but perhaps none is worse than the camera. Situating it never feels fluid, which leads to some awkward battles. This is particularly dangerous when she's in a small room or corridor, as foes can easily take advantage of the cumbersome camera to strike from behind.

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An indicator does alert players to which direction an attack comes from; however, it's not as helpful as it has been in other games, like God of War. The simplest solution is to keep dodging and always expect a cheap shot from the rear.

2 Practice Fury's Forms

A Hollow Form in Darksiders III

As expected, Fury has a plethora of weapons at her disposal. However, these don't function as one might think, as they're each tied to a particular Hollow Form or style. Players unlock more of these forms throughout the journey. While they're in a form, they can only use the tools that it specializes in. The Storm Hollow, for instance, gives Fury a lance and lightning projectiles.

Since most monsters call for certain strategies, players have to switch between forms to achieve victory. Those wishing to prevent a painfully unbalanced playthrough would do well to master these stylistic swaps. Otherwise, Fury's foes will pick her apart while she's in a state she's not used to.

1 A Certain Side Quest Changes The Ending

Fury and the Lord of the Hollows in Darksiders III

Darksiders 3 is a mostly linear action game with a semi-open world. Players must fight their way through that world and experience the story as they go. To get an extending ending, though, Fury must intervene in a longstanding conflict.

Once they meet with Abraxis and the Lord of the Hollows, players can choose to either kill or spare them. This potentially leads to an optional boss fight for each one. More importantly, sparing the Lord of the Hollows gifts Fury a Mysterious Stone Sigil, which changes both the ending cutscenes with the Charred Council and the post-credit scene. It really is better for everyone if these two supernatural rivals get some closure.

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