The Witcher is one of the greatest fantasy series of all time, featuring a dark and gritty world that is full to the brim with a wide variety of monsters, unique locales, exciting set-pieces, and a wonderful cast of characters who have become quite legendary in their own right. Fans of the series love the numerous characters who have been introduced in this legendary series... but there's a fair bit of hatred reserved for some of the more despicable characters too.

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Given the dark fantasy genre of The Witcher, it's easy to see why there are many heinous individuals in the series that fans detest, with these fictional personalities being pretty dark and disturbing in their own way.

8 Gaunter O'Dimm

Gaunter ODimm Skull Olgierd

Gaunter O'Dimm is one of the most fascinating and engaging antagonists in the entire game. Players love just how riveting it is to engage in a line of dialogue with this character, appearing at the very start of the main questline before seemingly disappearing... but not for long.

He is revealed to be the main villain in Hearts of Stone, serving as a malevolent entity who loves to fool people into making unfulfillable contracts and trapping their souls for his amusement. The Master of Mirrors seems to be one step ahead all the time, until Geralt figures out a way to trick and banish him... even if he is bound to come back anyway.

7 Sigismund Dijkstra

Redanian master spy Dijkstra

Dijkstra is a character who will keep the player on their toes every step of the way. This selfish and conniving villain loves to use people for his own benefit, and most players would almost always go against his wishes and not help him at any step of the way.

He's a power-hungry megalomaniac who won't stop until everyone in his way is killed, going so far as to betray his friends after Radovid's assassination in Reason of State. That being said, many people found this to be a bone-headed move by a character who seemed pretty smart otherwise, especially since he expected Geralt to not do anything as his friends died!

6 Whoreson Junior

Screenshot of Whoreson Junior from Witcher 3

Whoreson Junior is one of the biggest names in the Novigrad underworld and is known for having a psychotic streak. This makes it quite worrying that Ciri was in contact with her, and Geralt has the option of killing this sadist if he feels like he harmed Ciri.

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This character is mostly mentioned in passing but goes out of his way to let players know just how disturbing he really is. He mutilates and tortures people for his own pleasure, even going so far as to scoop out Dudu's eye while interrogating him!

5 Radovid V The Stern

Witcher 3 Radovid V

King Radovid is one of the most psychotic kings in gaming history, with his traumatic tutoring under Philippa causing him to develop a hatred of all mages. This causes him to initiate a witch hunt where all mages are burned and impaled in a truly brutal fashion time and time again.

The only way to stop him from winning the war is to assassinate him, which is a task many people consider to be necessary to secure the future of Temeria. The man was a sadistic ruler, and taking him out was necessary not only to safeguard mages but all nonhumans as well.

4 Caleb Menge

Screenshot of Caleb Menge talking to Geralt in Witcher 3

The witch hunters are some of the most violent people in the game, almost relishing the idea of capturing innocent mages and torturing them before ending their lives. So, it's only a given that the leader of the witch hunters would be the worst one of them all.

When Geralt meets Menge, he nonchalantly sends Triss to be tortured while Geralt has an important discussion with him. The fact that he makes a straight face while Triss screams in pain would make anyone hate him, and that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Menge's cold and violent nature.

3 The Ladies Of The Wood

The Crones of Crookback Bog from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

The Crones of Crookback Bog are some of the most disturbing antagonists in the entire game. They rule over the forest while eating children to maintain their youthful human appearances, which is as bad as it gets.

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If players try to keep Anna alive by doing what the Ladies of the Wood want, then she'll be driven insane after being forced to brew a stew with the bones of children. The worst part is that this is the best path that players can take, with the other option leading to the release of a malevolent force and Anna being turned into a Water Hag, dying after reverting to her normal form!

2 Morkvarg

Morkvarg the werewolf from the Witcher 3

Morkvarg is a unique character whom players get to interact with in his cursed form during Geralt's adventures on Skellige. However, players soon realize why he was stuck in this predicament, to begin with.

It turned out that Morkvarg was a horrible man, killing and pillaging without any remorse. He even went against the gods to prove that he feared no one, killing priestesses indiscriminately to the point where his own men turned against him and cursed him to become an immortal werewolf whose hunger would never be sated no matter what he ate or drank.

1 Hubert Rejk

Screenshot of Hubert Rejk from Witcher 3

A higher vampire who took on the guise of a coroner, Hubert Rejk started off a string of serial killings, with Priscilla being one of his would-be victims who was thankfully saved in the nick of time. After a long investigation period, Geralt finally discovered that this Katakan was behind the twisted murders!

The brutal manner in which Hubert tortured his victims before killing them is truly heinous. Not all higher vampires are inherently evil, and it's disturbing to see a creature so far gone that he judged people who strayed from the path of the Eternal Fire, while somehow justifying his actions!

The Witcher 3 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch.

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