Exploring dungeons is a difficult process, and sometimes your adventurers need to patch up their wounds and rest. Setting up a Camp in Darkest Dungeon is an ideal solution for when your fighters are wounded and stressed.

As a new player, you may want to prioritize being able to establish a camp, as it can be the difference between surviving or perishing in the many dungeosn within the game. For those who are struggling to find this feature, this guide will direct you on how to set up a Camp in Darkest Dungeon.

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How to Set up a Camp in Darkest Dungeon

Darkest Dungeon Firewood

Setting up a Camp in Darkest Dungeon requires you to use a special item called Firewood. This resource takes up one slot in your inventory and can be used in any room without enemies. Just click on the item and your squad will set up a Camp. However, you cannot simply buy this item, and it is only available on longer missions.

How to Get Firewood in Darkest Dungeon

Darkest Dungeon dungeons

Firewood cannot be purchased in the shop, unlike other equipment for exploring dungeons. Instead, you can receive it at the beginning of long missions. Here is a list of all the dungeon types where you can get Firewood at the start:

  • Medium Expedition – Gives you one Firewood.
  • Long Expedition – Gives you two Firewood.
  • Exhausting Expedition – Gives you four Firewood.
  • Epic Courtyard Expedition – Doesn’t give you Firewood, but allows you to get it from different objects you can interact with.
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How Does a Camp Work in Darkest Dungeon?

Darkest Dungeon: dungeon

A Camp in Darkest Dungeon is a special feature that allows your adventurers to rest, heal, and get various bonus effects. It is divided into two different phases. The first one is the food phase, which allows your squad to eat. Here are all the options available in this phase:

  • Starve – Does not consume food, deals 20% damage to your adventurers, and gives them +15 Stress.
  • Half – Consumes x3 food and has no positive or negative effects.
  • Full – Consumes x4 food and heals your adventurers by 10%.
  • Feast – Consumes x8 food and heals your adventurers by 25%. It also reduces their Stress level by 10.

The exact amount of food you have to consume also depends on your party members. If you have fewer than four adventurers, they will need less food. Also, various quirks and diseases can increase the amount of food your characters have to consume.

The second phase allows your adventurers to use various skills. They can heal someone or cheer up the party with an inspiring speech. Also, you shouldn’t forget about the characters who can guard the Camp while others sleep. For example, your Highwayman can set traps that prevent nighttime ambushes.

After your adventurers finish their business, they will go to sleep. If you don’t have a character capable of preventing ambushes, then you have a chance of being attacked by monsters. Above all else, it is important to plan your expeditions well to ensure your adventurers get back in one piece.

Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon

PS4 , PS Vita , Xbox One , Switch , PC , iOS
January 19, 2016
Red Hook Studios
Red Hook Studios