As players progress through Darkest Dungeon 2, they'll begin to see enemies with a ring around them and a fancy icon. The image looks something like the stress decal used for the heroes except that it's over the heads of their opponents. This is called an Ordainment buff.

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But it's unclear as to what this Ordainment buff does. And, in truth, the more players understand Ordainment, the harder it is to get an exact bearing on what Ordainment in Darkest Dungeon 2 does. With a few steps, players can see what Ordainment does every time it is encountered.

What Ordainment Does

Darkest Dungeon 2 Spotting The Ordainment Buff
  1. Scroll over the enemy with the Ordainment buff.
  2. Look at the modified stats in the lower-righthand portion of the screen.

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Ordainment buffs give enemies extra powers. Those powers appear to be random, often taking the form of extra life and resistances. To see an enemy's stats with Ordainment, look for the dark crown-looking symbol and hover over the opponent in the lineup.

A solid Highwayman build can take away an opponent's buffs and give them to the hero but Ordainment isn't permitted to be stolen. Most terrifying of all, Ordainment has a chance to appear on bosses, sometimes making them impossible for all but the most hardened veterans to conquer.

How To Reduce Ordainment

Darkest Dungeon 2 Choosing The Denial Confession
  • Play on easier Confessions
  • Avoid combat at the end of a run

Two things increase the number of enemies with Ordinance. The first is the particular Confession. Players who are on a more difficult Confession, such as Obsession, will find that Ordainment buffs become more common s do some of the most brutal curses in video games.

As players approach the end of a run, even on an easier Confession like Denial, Ordainment will grow. Gamers can't simply not progress, so there is no way to completely avoid this. However, choosing non-combat encounters in the last few areas will decrease the likelihood of running into so many opponents with the buff.

Darkest Dungeon 2 is available now for PC.

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