Hero Shrines play an extremely important role in Darkest Dungeon 2, allowing players to unlock powerful new abilities for their characters. These skills will not be issued immediately upon arriving at a Shrine, though, as fans must first hear some backstory on the Hero that they have selected. With Darkest Dungeon 2’s Plague Doctor, this backstory eventually materializes as a chapter called “Head of the Class,” and this guide details how to get through it.

How to Complete Head of the Class in Darkest Dungeon 2

The objective of the Head of the Class quest in Darkest Dungeon 2 is to disprove the Professor, and the first step toward doing that is to repeatedly select the “Review Notes” ability. Indeed, everytime that the Professor uses “Lecture” against the student, fans should opt to Review Notes. This action will keep the Plague Doctor’s stress low and prepare her to go on the offense.

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With respect to when Darkest Dungeon fans should shift to a more aggressive approach, the opportunity comes as soon as the Professor uses “Conclusion.” It is at that point that players should pick the “Heated Rebuttal” ability and target the Professor with it. This will cause the old man to have a Coughing Fit, which deals 10 damage, and repeating this process just one more time should be enough to finish off the Professor and complete the Head of the Class chapter.

darkest dungeon 2 head of the class

Darkest Dungeon 2: Reward for Completing Head of the Class

For those players that are curious about what they will receive for finishing Head of the Class, the reward is the Plague Grenade ability. This skill can be used when the Plague Doctor is in the third or fourth position, and it infects all enemies in positions three and four with Blight. It is worth mentioning that roguelite fans that couple Plague Grenade with Noxious Blast will be able to apply that DoT effect to any enemy regardless of where they stand, provided that the Plague Doctor is in a suitable spot.

To note, Plague Grenade is certainly not the last of the abilities that can be unlocked for this powerful support character. Indeed, abilities like Indiscriminate Science, Cause of Death, and Magnesium Rain will still not be available to players at this point in the game, and they will need to visit further Hero Shrines in this hard RPG if they want to change that. Hopefully, fans will find that the additional chapters that they encounter are more straightforward than Head of the Class.

Darkest Dungeon 2 is available now in Early Access on PC.

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