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  • Abilities like Sleep Inducement and Thread Manipulation make Demon Slayer characters terrifyingly powerful and deadly in battle.
  • Characters like Urogi and Daki showcase unique and dark abilities, adding depth to the series beyond just physical combat.
  • Porcelain Vase Spells, Spider Conversion, and Silk Cocoon demonstrate the creativity and darkness of the Demon Slayer universe.

Demon Slayer is one of the most well-known anime series in the world. Many consider the high quality of animation the reason for its success, but that is not entirely correct. Demon Slayer has a great story and a solid cast of characters. Both of these things are enough to capture the attention of the fans.

Demon Slayer: 6 Characters With The Highest Stamina

It would be an understatement to say that these Demon Slayer characters don't get winded easily...

Since the series is full of powerful demons, it is hardly surprising that they are equipped with so many incredible abilities. These powers can not only be used to beat an opponent, but they can also be utilized to strike fear into the hearts of an enemy. The nature of these abilities makes them both potent and terrifying.

7 Sleep Inducement

User: Enmu


While most demons opt for direct physical attacks to kill, Enmu relied on a less aggressive method. Enmu, a Lower Rank demon, had the power to put a person to sleep. He employed various methods to make his opponents fall into slumber. Once the opponent was asleep, Enmu could use his power to manipulate dreams.

He could give a person a nightmare that would cause serious psychological damage. Since the victim is unable to discern between what's real and fake, the nightmares can potentially scar them for the rest of their lives.

6 Thread Manipulation

User: Rui

Rui in Demon Slayer

Thread Manipulation was the Blood Demon Art of Rui, who was a member of the Lower Rank 6. He didn't look like a strong individual at first glance, but it didn't take long for him to change everyone's mind. Rui's Thread Manipulation was simple yet devastating. The threads that he created were so strong that they could slice through human flesh like a hot knife through butter.

Demon Slayer: Characters With The Saddest Backstories

The Demon Slayer anime series is no stranger to having characters with tragic and sad backstories. These are the most heartbreaking ones.

If a person was caught in the web of these threads, their death was inevitable. Rui's threads could break Nichirin blades, so even a Demon Slayer had trouble dealing with his attacks. The ability to slice humans into several pieces is frightening, and easily one of the darkest abilities in the series.

5 Sonic Scream

User: Urogi

Urogi from Demon Slayer

Sonic Scream is a potent ability that was used by Urogi, one of the many emotional manifestations of Hatengu. Urogi had wings, and he could fly at high speeds. His claws were sharp enough to tear through diamond, which is one of the strongest materials in existence.

Aside from the possibility of being torn to shreds, Urogi's opponents also had to deal with the Sonic Scream. This particular ability produced a powerful sound that could make a person bleed from their nose and ears. As a result, the person would become stunned, giving Urogi all the time he needed to finish them off.

4 Obi Sash Manipulation

User: Daki

Daki - Upper Moon 6 From Demon Slayer

In the Entertainment District arc, Tanjiro and his friends had to go up against Daki and Gyutaro. The two siblings were strong, so the Demon Slayers had a terrible time fighting them. While Gyutaro was the stronger of the two, Daki's abilities were more interesting.

Demon Slayer: 6 Characters Who Were Forgotten

While there are many memorable characters in Demon Slayer, there are some that have just been completely forgotten.

Her Blood Demon Art enabled her to manipulate her obi in several ways. The obi was soft, but it could easily fend off any cutting and explosive attacks. Daki could also use her obi to store people, and she could eat them at her own leisure. In order to free the victims, a person would have cut the sash at an empty point. Otherwise, the individual trapped inside would die.

3 Spider Conversion

User: Spider Family Son

Spider Family Son from Demon Slayer

Spider Conversion is a devastating ability that was wielded by the Son of the Spider Family. As the name implies, this power transforms a person into a spider hybrid. The individual would lose their consciousness, and they would become completely subservient to Son.

Using Spider Conversion, Son could build an entire army of spider hybrids who would serve him. The only drawback was that the process required 30 minutes to be completed. In addition to this power, Son had access to a venom that was so potent that it would dissolve anything that it touched.

2 Silk Cocoon

User: Spider Family Daughter

Spider Family Daughter from Demon Slayer

Silk Cocoon is without a doubt one of the most terrifying abilities in Demon Slayer. It belonged to the Spider Family's Daughter, who appeared as a villain in the first season of the anime. Daughter could create silk from her body, which she then used to form cocoons.

Despite the soft texture of the silk, it was strong enough to withstand attacks from a Nichirin sword. Daughter would use cocoons to trap an individual and then use acid to melt off their clothes. After dissolving the clothes, the acid started softening the person's body. This made it easier for Daughter to consume the prey.

1 Porcelain Vase Spells

User: Gyokko


Gyokko was a powerful demon who served as Upper Rank 5 in Muzan's massive army. He was one of the primary antagonists of the Swordsmith arc. When he infiltrated the place, it didn't take long for him to start killing the residents. To expedite the process, Gyokko used his Porcelain Vase Spells.

An unsuspecting person who accidentally touched the vase would immediately get sucked into it. The size of the person did not matter, as the vase would simply compress them. After accumulating multiple bodies, Gyokko would bind them together to create a structure so grotesque that it petrified anyone who laid their eyes on it.

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer

Release Date
April 6, 2019
Koyoharu Gotoge
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Hulu , Netflix