Dark Souls is the second Souls game in the series and is just as hard as Demon's Souls. Newcomers might even call it a challenging experience. But most of the Dark Souls fans know that isn't the case if you've mastered a playstyle or a particular build. It is just a matter of picking the right weapon and upgrading it enough times. Because without the right weapon, the game can quickly go from "wow it is fun" to "oh god why?".

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But there are a few people who like to push boundaries, play with weapons that are probably the worst in the game, just to feel the sweet taste of victory. This list is for them and the people looking to play Dark Souls Remastered for the first time.

10 Sniper Crossbow

Here is possibly one of the worst weapons in Dark Souls. A sniper crossbow is a scoped crossbow, that is basically a regular bow, just slower and more cumbersome. Speed is a significant factor when it comes to Dark Souls, and without it, the whole experience is a sluggish mess.

Well, if a player is already wearing something substantial, this crossbow makes the overall weight heavier. On top, this bow takes almost four seconds to aim, shoot and reload. Enemies can literally walk past it while the players are still pointing in a direction.

9 Hammer Of Vamos

This is a weapon that players can acquire by killing one of the blacksmiths in the game called Blacksmith Vamos. The character is sitting in catacombs and rarely speaks. If that doesn't make people feel bad for killing him, the weapon that he drops should.

Hammer of Vamos is literally one of the worst trade-offs in the game. The weapon has a prolonged move set on top of unfortunate scaling. Although it is one of the coolest looking bad weapons.

8 Great Scythe

Talking about cool looking bad weapons, here is Great Scythe. Dark Souls is a game about souls and death, which is why it is probably a very cool weapon to hold, especially if players want to look like a reincarnation of the reaper. But is it bad? That is debatable.

Mostly because with the right approach, upgrades, and playstyle, this weapon can be used to some reasonable extent. But for most newcomers, this will probably be a very dull weapon to use, especially since it has unique combat animation compared to good standard weapons.

7 Short Bow

Here is the thing about all the bows in the Dark Souls, be it crossbow or standard bow. They are terrible. The reason isn't just that they are slow, but often because they are comparatively useless. Players do use these weapons to hit the tail of a dragon from far away, but in combat, not so much.

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Since the game heavily relies on melee weapon-based combat, most of these bows are outshined by other more essential weapons. Moreover, a short bow always gets the worst of all this, as almost everyone will pick some other bow over it.

6 Ghost Blade

Remember the shiv in The Last Of Us? The ghost blade is pretty much the same but a lot useless. It is dropped by screaming female ghosts in New Londo.

The weapon is a basic dagger with reduced damage, and players can give it to Frampt for a mere 100 souls. If that isn't enough to show how bad of a weapon this is, then the fact that it is a scarce drop makes it a genuinely faulty weapon. The ghost blade has only one percent chance of dropping from exclusively one kind of enemy. This weapon is a trap for people.

5 Black Knight Greataxe

Another weapon that Frampt only considers worth a hundred souls. But honestly, this is truly shocking that a black knight greataxe is so terrible when the black knight sword is one of the best weapons in the game.

The weapon is dropped by black knights in catacombs or kiln of the first flame and is a massive disappointment compared to the sword. This is the biggest reason it is on this list as it traps players into assuming that the greataxe will be just as useful as the other black knight weapon.

4 Drake Sword

Drake Sword in Dark Souls

This weapon is another one that is just not worth the hassle of trying to cut a dragon's tail. For starters, it has some value in the beginning if players manage to cut the Hellkite Wyvern's tail as this weapon can be equipped on lower levels. But by the time players start wandering around the Sen's Fortress, this little sword becomes totally unbearable.

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On top of this, the upgrades for this weapon require dragon scales, and the scaling is very poor. Making this weapon useless on higher levels.

3 Straight Sword Hilt

This weapon is lying around at the beginning of the game in Undead Asylum. It is a sliced up half sword that is a cult-classic weapon for souls fans. Multiple players have tried to complete the game with this little nugget, as it is one of the weakest weapons in the game.

Being the first weapon of the game gives it the recognition it has today. The only area this weapon is good at is the fact that it is better than barehanded fists. Other than that, almost everything about it is just bad.

2 Broken Sword

The reason why the broken sword is terrible is the same reason why any broken weapon is awful. They are not fully functional weapons, making them one of the hardest weapons to play with.

Some players might find joy in playing with these, primarily because of the added challenge, but most players will just hate them. On top, this weapon has a two percent chance of dropping, making it a rare useless weapon. This weapon can be sold to Frampt for only 50 souls, which is still worth more than the trouble of actually keeping it.

1 Whip

Being honest, this is one weapon that looks very different from any other melee weapon in the game. Which is why almost every player who finds it wants to use it immediately. And nearly everyone who uses it instantly regrets it. The whip is so bad because it is entirely ineffective against fierce enemies and armored enemies.

Both of which are everywhere in the world of Dark Souls. That is why this weapon is probably the worst to use in the game. It only bodes well against some skin based enemies, but those can be killed with bare fists as well. But most of all, this weapon is just not fun to use.

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