The upcoming remake of Demon's Souls by Bluepoint Games is one of the most highly anticipated PS5 games announced so far. Though its successor, Dark Souls, gained incredible popularity for its challenging and engaging mechanics, Demon's Souls never quite got the reputation it deserved for starting the whole franchise. Bluepoint Games is known for taking great games that are a little out of date and modernizing them while still maintaining all of the things that made them so great, and the Demon's Souls remake is the studio's second chance to prove that with a major title. Despite the remake not being out yet, many can't help but look to the future.

For those unaware, Bluepoint Games is the same studio responsible for the incredibly well received Shadow of the Colossus remake. It was able to preserve the emotional and mysterious aesthetic of that game while sprucing up the controls to help make them a little more user friendly. It would be difficult to find detractors to this remake, so expectations are set high for Demon's Souls. Assuming it does well, many are hoping that Bluepoint Games will continue down the path it's started and remake the entire Dark Souls trilogy for next generation consoles.

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Existing Dark Souls Remakes

Currently, no Dark Souls game has seen a remake to the scale of what Bluepoint Games is doing with Demon's Souls and what it already did with Shadow of the Colossus. In both of those cases, the games were reworked from the ground up, resulting in a meticulously crafted experience for modern audiences and technology. That isn't to say that Dark Souls hasn't been reimagined a few times, though, as both the first two games have been remastered or re-released in some form or another.

Many are likely familiar with Dark Souls Remastered, as it is actually the most recent installment to the franchise. Back in 2018, the original Dark Souls was remastered and released on PS4, this time including the Artorias of the Abyss DLC with it. Though there were minor gameplay changes made, for the most part, this was simply a graphical increase and a current gen port and nothing more. Likewise, Dark Souls 2 initially released at the end of the PS3's lifespan, and was promptly re-released as the Scholar of the First Sin edition for PS4 which included all three DLCs. Though Dark Souls 3 is over four years old now, it hasn't seen any form of remake other than The Fire Fades edition which included the add on content.

Could Bluepoint Games Remake the Dark Souls Trilogy?

Nameless King Dark Souls 3

While technically anything is possible, it seems unlikely that Bluepoint Games would commit itself to a remake of the entire Dark Souls trilogy for a few reasons. Up till now, the studio has focused on remaking classic games for the most up to date consoles, and a remake of Dark Souls 3 wouldn't really fit that descriptor. Furthermore, tackling all three of these beloved games is a tall order even for a studio as esteemed as Bluepoint Games.

But suppose that it did plan to go through with a remake, it would still end up being quite the wait. Assuming Bluepoint Games decides to release all three games together as one package, it would first have to finish remaking and release the Demon's Souls Remake before moving on and starting work on the first Dark Souls game. So while it isn't impossible that this could happen, it will definitely be some time before fans even hear about it. That said, there are some shortcuts which Bluepoint Games could take to make the process more realistic.

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Remakes, Remasters, and Ports

Dark souls 2 ancient dragon

Each game in the Dark Souls trilogy is in a distinctly different spot when compared to the others. Dark Souls is considered a flawed masterpiece, as it implemented the concepts and formula that would go on to evolve into one of the most iconic franchises in history. Its sequel sits in a position as sort of the awkward middle child. There's a lot to love about Dark Souls 2 and its memorable bosses, but its clunky controls and certain design choices hold it back. Finally, Dark Souls 3 is considered a polished representation of what the franchise was meant to be.

With that in mind, each game in the series should be treated differently. Dark Souls 3 doesn't need a remake, and remaking it would really be a waste of time. Next gen consoles could certainly make it look and feel better, but probably not enough to justify a from the ground up remake. Even Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is sophisticated enough to not require this level of work, and could probably get by with only a few minor adjustments. If Bluepoint Games does decide to release the Dark Souls trilogy for next gen consoles, the best way to do that is to completely remake Dark Souls, polish and remaster Dark Souls 2, and then simply release a next gen port of Dark Souls 3.

Should Bluepoint Games Remake the Dark Souls Trilogy?

Both the Dark Souls franchise and fans alike stand to get a lot out of a remake of the Dark Souls trilogy. Next generation consoles could bring the experience to an even wider range of people and in even greater detail than ever before, and many of the flaws of the older Dark Souls games could be ironed out to create truly remarkable experiences.

There's no doubt fans would love to see these games remade for next generation consoles, and if the Demon's Souls remake is successful, they very well may be. For the time being, fans should focus on what's right in front of them and do their best to tackle Demon's Souls once it finally releases, and keep an eye out for all the other amazing next gen games that are coming out this holiday season and next year. A Dark Souls trilogy remake is highly unlikely, but hopeful fans cling on to knowing that it isn't impossible in any way.

Dark Souls 3 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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