FromSoftware's Dark Souls trilogy has been praised for its groundbreaking level design, visual direction, and unabashed difficulty. However, there's a fine line between challenge and cheap shots, and, when players are forced to trudge through areas which feel deliberately designed to induce headaches, it can really take a toll.

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Though iconic locations like Firelink Shrine from Dark Souls or The Kiln of the First Flame from the first and third games are unforgettable, places like The Undead Crypt, Farron Keep, or the infamous Blighttown tarnish the otherwise sterling Souls experience. Here are 10 of our least favorite locations in the Dark Souls trilogy.

10 Farron Keep (Dark Souls III)

Though it's capped off with a pretty memorable boss in the Abyss Watcher, Farron Keep is a literal slog through a poison-infested swamp that's as tedious as it is frustrating. For some reason, FromSoft has a penchant for adding at least one poison-filled bog to every Souls game, and this is easily one of the worst.

The worst aspect of this area is that players can't simply run through it. Rather, they're required to extinguish three fires to progress, meaning that they'll have to explore the area fairly thoroughly. Much like a certain infamously-hated location in the first game, Farron Keep is nothing but a rage-inducing roadblock.

9 Lost Izalith (Dark Souls)

What should have been one of the most interesting environments in a game filled with cool locations, Dark Souls' Lost Izalith is a major letdown. Beginning with a trudge through lava which all but requires the Orange Charred Ring to get through and may well burn players' retinas, the area is filled with all sorts of unmentionable creatures, the least-nasty of which being a gang of undead dragon behinds.

Though fairly short, Lost Izalith culminates with a fight against the Bed of Chaos, one of the most despised boss fights in the series. Though it has interesting lore implications, Lost Izalith is better left buried.

8 No Man's Wharf (Dark Souls II)

Though most would argue that there are plenty of worse areas in Dark Souls 2, special attention needs to be given to Dead Man's Wharf. FromSoft were far too carried away with the game's new torch mechanic, and, as a result, this area is far too dark.

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Essentially a dimly-lit maze which requires players to ignite light sources to navigate, it's an absolute terror for first-time players, and we feel that it doesn't quite get the hate that it deserves. It would have received more attention from the community were it not found in the trilogy's weakest entry.

7 Irithyll Dungeon (Dark Souls III)

If you thought No Man's Wharf's layout was obnoxious, you haven't seen anything yet. Irythill Dungeon from Dark Souls' third installment is a twisted labyrinth that's nigh-unnavigable for newcomers. Utterly confusing and riddled with enemies that can actually drain your Max HP, it's a hellish gauntlet which most will be desperate to escape.

The basilisks are annoying, the jailors are downright atrocious, and the rest of the enemies are just grotesque. It may be a neat location for horror fans, but we'd prefer to get through Irithyll dungeon as quickly as possible.

6 Sen's Fortress (Dark Souls)

Though it's not particularly harrowing for those who've been through it before and are privy to all of its traps and hazards, Sen's Fortress can be an absolute pain to navigate for the first time. A funhouse of boobytraps and near-bottomless pits, Sen's Fortress represents a major hurdle for those hoping to make it to Anor Londo in one piece.

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The view from the top of the structure may be remarkable, but the boss fight against the Iron Golem is anything but. One of the easiest encounters in the game, he's a joke compared to the rest of the area.

5 Black Gulch (Dark Souls II)

DARK SOULSâ„¢ II: Scholar of the First Sin_20170909210927

How could FromSoft make the seemingly endless dark pits of Dark Souls II worse? By adding outrageous amounts of poison, that's how! Undoubtedly one of the most community-derided areas in the Dark Souls sequel, getting through Black Gulch feels like more of a test of patience than one of skill. With poison literally shooting from the walls and one of the most grotesque bosses in the series awaiting players at the end, we'd much rather just forget about this hazardous wasteland.

4 Catacombs Of Carthus (Dark Souls III)

For those who somehow haven't picked up on it yet, we don't tend to be huge fans of FromSoft's dark, cavernous levels, and Dark Souls 3's Catacombs of Carthus is one of the worst.

Often feeling like a version of Sen's Fortress from the first game on steroids, the Catacombs of Carthus is a trap-laden mess full of skeletons, rats, and... well, more skeletons. With how agile and annoying these enemies can be, trudging through this place can be absolutely atrocious, and that's to say nothing of High Lord Wolnir, a boss often considered to be one of the game's worst.

3 Tomb Of The Giants (Dark Souls)

We've made it abundantly clear that we don't enjoy dark cavernous areas, and Tomb of the Giants from the original Dark Souls is the darkest, most cavernous of them all. It's quite literally impossible to see more than a few inches in front of your character if you aren't using proper equipment, and navigating this place almost always comes down to simple trial and error.

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That's to say nothing of the hideous skeleton monstrosities patrolling the place. While it may offer some neat views of the Demon Ruins and Ash Lake and culminate in an okay-ish fight against Gravelord Nito, it remains one of the worst areas in the Souls series.

2 Blighttown (Dark Souls)

Perhaps the most infamous area in any of the Souls games, Blighttown is a cursed series of rickety ladders and walkways hanging precariously over a poisonous swamp. If the enemies don't kill you, the sheer drops will, and that's to say nothing of the blowdart snipers who can incur the dreaded toxic status effect.

Though it's not quite as bad as it's made out to be, Blighttown is a major headache to get through, and it's made all the worse for those who aren't stocked up on purple moss and purple moss clumps.

1 Frigid Outskirts (Dark Souls II)

Hands down one of the most painful areas in all of Dark Souls, the Frigid Outskirts feels as if the developers gave up and made an area so obscure and difficult to get through that no one would even bother.

Essentially Dark Souls' take on the Lost Woods from the Zelda games, players have to navigate a barren, frozen tundra with little in the way of landmarks by which to navigate. To make matters far worse, blizzards occasionally blow in, reducing visibility to zero and bringing with them a horde of aggressive beasts. It's an absolute chore to get through, and it never seems to get any easier on repeat playthroughs.

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