If there are a few things that matter while playing Dark Souls, they are souls, weapons, and some jolly cooperation. The phrase was first uttered by none other than Solaire of Astora and has since been a classic Dark Souls quote. What makes it stand out is the fact that it is part of one of the darkest games in history. Fans have shown endless love for unusual characters and concepts that are present in Dark Souls. There are many fan arts online as well as memes.

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It is mainly related to Solaire, who is probably the most memorable character in the game. This would mean that people have already built some of the funniest memes based on the concept of Jolly Cooperation.

Updated April 29th by Russ Boswell: There have been a lot of players out there that have been flocking back to the original Dark Souls series to help them prepare for Elden Ring or to simply see what the series is all about after conquering Elden Ring themselves. The Dark Souls franchise is front and center once more thanks to another stellar release by From Software, who seem to be perfecting their formula for difficult-yet-rewarding gameplay with each release. Although these games are a fun single-player experience, they're even better with friends. This had led some meme creators to crank out some hilarious looks at the cooperative experience in the Souls franchise. To better highlight the Jolly Cooperation of Dark Souls, here's a look at even more memes from around the Internet.

12 Boss Cooperation

Dark Souls No One Died Deviant Art Kitophan

The Souls series is known for its tough gameplay, specifically, its hard-as-nails boss fights. Although getting to the boss room can sometimes be a task in and of itself, the real test begins when players hear the iconic boss music and see that massive red health bar appear. These incredibly imposing enemies act as gates that skill check players before releasing them into harder and more imposing zones.

This meme from Deviant Art user Kitophan showcases just how useful Jolly Cooperation can be when players are faced with a specifically difficult boss. For those that are struggling, sometimes all they need is a little help from some friends.

11 Cooperation But Not Really

Coop Meme Dark Souls

Some of the bosses in the Dark Souls franchise are ridiculously challenging for some. There's always at least one boss per title that gives players immense trouble. Thankfully, there are players out there that live, sleep, eat, and breathe these bosses, learning all of their attack patterns and striking back against them with perfect timing and grace. It can be an absolute blessing to randomly summon one of these cooperators when players are struggling with a specific boss.

Some players are even content to sit back and watch the show, with certain cooperative summons waltzing into the boss room and handling the fight completely on their own.

10 Failed Cooperation

Know Your Meme Stabbed Dark Souls

One of the scariest things for players to deal with in a Dark Souls game is being invaded while alone. It can be downright intimidating and overwhelming to see a high level player cloaked in a blood Red color and walking towards them. Thankfully, players can get some relief against these invaders by summoning friends to help, that is, unless the game suffers a connection error. Whether it's because the summoned party is having Internet issues or it's simply a miscommunication between hosts, sometimes the help that players are looking for never comes.

There are few feelings more hopeless than having to face an imposing invader after failing to summon anyone to help.

9 Another Day Another Jolly Cooperation

The entire premise of Dark Souls is based on getting better and beating the odds. But just like tennis can not be played with one person, Dark Souls is incomplete without good jolly cooperation. This is one of the best aspects of the game, meeting strangers and calling them for help into your world. There is no idea of knowing who might turn up, and that is what makes it one of the best features in the game. This is the way for the game to teach selflessness, and it does a jolly good job at it.

8 Bashed Cooperation

Has anyone ever used a game phrase to impress someone? Not sure, but the meme above is pretty funny. Everyone needs someone to jolly cooperate with, whether it is in-game or in real life. But that doesn't really mean that game quotes are the best way to do it. Going home with a broken helmet is still lucky compared to some of the other problems that one might get themself into. Just imagine using a Duke Nukem quote to impress someone. It isn't going to work. On top of that, one might even have to go for a trip to the local police station.

7 Strange Cooperation

Random Stranger Dark Souls Meme

One thing that makes the Dark Souls franchise so fun is that it can be enjoyed solo or with friends, giving players the choice as to what experience they want to have. There is no wrong way to play the game, and those that don't have any friends that are currently on can turn to the Internet to invite strangers to go on adventures with them. That's the beauty of summoning, players won't really know who they're connecting with until they're in their world and helping (or hindering) their progress.

Although it is possible to get some bad eggs from time to time, the Dark Souls community recognizes how hard some bosses and be and are happy to help their brothers-in-arms tackle the toughest fights. The only sad thing is seeing that stranger you connected with randomly disappear as soon as the fight ends.

6 Dumb Cooperation

There will always be people who want to push the game to its limits. After all, who doesn't like a platinum trophy and a speed run in their name? But it is high time to accept that there are individuals who have a different playstyle. One might argue that it is not okay to play Dark Souls with help, but is there a right or wrong way to play a game?

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After all, Jolly Cooperation is a feature instilled within the realms of the game. Everyone has the right to their opinion. But that's the keyword, "opinion."

5 Emotional Cooperation

Many of the gamers who've spent years mastering the controls and voice commands of a virtual world are considered to be people who lack the same skills in front of others socially. But is this stereotypical gibberish correct? There is no straight answer to that, but no one can deny that humans are known to do crazy things for someone they like. And a compliment, or lack thereof, can always make or break someone's day. Compliments are genuinely the best real-life Estus flasks you can give someone.

4 Fort Cooperation

The nature of art is that no one truly owns it. There will always be someone who was first to invent something, and then someone will come along, be inspired by it, and create something different yet the same. So when video games get inspired by each other, use elements and easter eggs from various media, it is jolly cooperation. Not a lot of funny/good things would be there if humans one day just decide not to share anything. Sharing is caring, as long as it is suitable for everyone.

3 Jolly Money Cooperation

If money were a concept in Tom & Jerry, it would've ended in the first episode. Take this meme for an example. The funniest thing about it is obviously the way it is drawn. But there are much deeper concepts within this meme, that might go unnoticed—things like money, fear, and a Mario pipeline.

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But the most insane thing is the level of jolly cooperation. Only if it was possible to purchase it in the game, it would've been the most innovative microtransaction technique ever. Or maybe not.

2 What Is Cooperation?

Believe it or not, but this is how a real Dark Souls player sees a fellow helper. The game has taught us a lot of concepts, and the biggest one of them is jolly cooperation. Sadly, it is not visible in real life. We've people hating and ranting on trivial things, but not many souls are left who'd genuinely want to do something good for another person. But truth be told, in times like this, we need people who'd selflessly help, in any way they can. After all, a bit of positivity never hurts anyone.

1 Souls Cooperation

The true meaning of helping is when one sincerely intends to do it. This meme is about that feeling when one stops caring about his own personal gains and be a part of something bigger. There are plenty of people who join up others in Dark Souls for the souls, but luckily there are many who join up to fight and help genuinely. There are real heroes. And as weird as their user names might be, they will always be remembered for their share of love and jolly cooperation.

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