The Dark Souls series is very memorable to anyone who plays the games, but for a very different reason than usual. The series is one of the most challenging action-RPGs ever, curb-stomping new and returning players in-game, all the time. Dark Souls players have the words "YOU DIED" imprinted in their souls to the point that players and fans around the world have turned those words into hilarious memes.

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Similar to the extremely educational Guidance Soapstone messages like "Try Finger But Hole," the Dark Souls memes are meant to be seen to be appreciated. As if players have not seen "you died" screen enough times in-game, now they have to see it outside the game as well.

10 Where Do You Think You're Going

When it comes to Dark Souls, there is no concept of how far something is, how near it is, players must not blink. An average blink takes 350 milliseconds, which is enough for the game to show the players where they belong. The whole concept of the battle in-game is based on timed blocking and attacking; every part of a second makes a difference. One miss and players will see the infamous "you died" screen before they can scream. The moral of the story is, do not underestimate Dark Souls, ever.

9 Have A Little Faith Or Don't

If there are two things the players need to know about Dark Souls, it's you'll die a lot and do not trust the Guidance Soapstone messages, no matter how lucrative they sound. The message could be about a tremendously powerful weapon off the cliff or an illusory wall ahead, but mostly it's a trap. Players can either understand that these are meant to deceive them or have a little faith in them. However, a little faith in a google search is always a better option.

8 Summoning Failed

Dark Souls has a unique multiplayer and phantom summoning system. It's one of those things that makes the game a little easy during invasions and boss battles. But like everything in Dark Souls, summoning signs are as trusty as the guidance messages.

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One minute, players can feel extremely over-confident because of a summon message, and the next, they are back to the Firelink Shrine or Majula bonfire after losing all their souls. But maybe that's for the better. Perhaps the game is teaching players to have more confidence in themselves.

7 Strength In Numbers

Now there is one thing that is just very straight-forward about all the Souls games, the strength builds. It's super convenient to farm souls cycling through a secure area and pumping up your strength attribute. And while many may feel like this is not the right way to play the game, it is one of the ways. As they say, "all is fair in love and war," and Dark Souls is both to its fanbase. Also, if this way allows the players to see less amount of "you died" screens, Why not.

6 Probably The Best Tutorial

Some may say that Souls games have a terrible tutorial level, especially for new players. The difficulty of the tutorials in Dark Souls is equal to the final level of some other game. While it may be true, here is another way to look at it. Humans are known to learn from their mistakes, and every time an embarrassing "you died" screen appears, it motives them to be better. It does, however, punish a lot of new players for trying, which causes them to lose interest in the game.

While many other games have imprinted their symbols into the hearts and minds of gamers around the world, Dark Souls has spray painted it into their souls. Games like Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, and Zelda will always be remembered for the beautifully aesthetic minimal logos. In contrast, Dark Souls will be remembered for the times' it punished the players for trying something simple. It's bizarre how companies are investing thousands of dollars into building a symbolic logo when all Dark Souls did was type it in a font.

4 Try, Try Again

One of the most atrocious things Dark Souls is known for is its loot. Sometimes players will get a powerful weapon like Zweihander just resting in the backside graveyard of Firelink Shrine, and sometimes they will get 10 Souls on an enemy that took ten minutes to beat.

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The levels of the game are designed in a really creative manner, with interconnections and lots of shiny dead corpses waiting to be looted. It's not always fruitful, though, as many times, players will die, making that one jump just to get to the supposed treasure, which turns out to be just a consumable soul.

3 Best Recommendation Ever

The recommendations are great. First, someone likes something, then they tell someone else to try it, someone else tries it, and they die. At least, that is the case with Dark Souls recommendations. Gamers are continually telling other friends about awesome games, and Dark Souls is definitely one of those, with many perfect review scores. These ratings and hype drive many new players to try the game, and it doesn't turn out to always be fun, especially with the "You Died" screen appearing again and again. Think about the kid who got this game from an unaware grandparent on Christmas.

2 Hope It Is Not True

Technical advancements are getting better day by day. Sony is releasing a new DualSense Controller with Playstation 5, Xbox Series X is about to reinvent gaming experience, and Nintendo is probably waiting out, so they can release a portable alternative to PS5 and XBOX. All of this might be true and happening, but hopefully, the one in the meme does not. Just imagine the amount of pain and blood that will shed when players will try out Dark Souls games.

1 A Painful Experience

Dark Souls in itself is a harrowing experience. Players have to lose again and again just to beat that one boss. Continuously being ambushed and knocked down, not being able to retrieve the souls, and looking at the death screen one after the other. However, that is still better than putting your finger in the mouth of a feline animal. Because their 30 little teeth and small fangs will do more damage to the hands than rapidly pushing buttons on the controller, to all the players who are pets owners, don't do it.

NEXT: 5 Dark Souls 3 Fan Theories That Could Be True (& 5 We Hope Aren’t)