Dark Souls is a game that many people will ideally want to tackle using the wealth of weaponry available, and nothing else. After all, the stats can seem rather daunting to upgrade for beginners, and most people would prefer to invest in a few stats instead of trying to diversify. However, veterans of this game are well aware of just how much fun this title can get if players decide to make magic attacks their primary mode of offense instead.

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There are many ways to use magic in Dark Souls, and players who level up their Intelligence stat will be able to use the many Sorceries available in the game. Magic is a cheat code in most Souls games, and there are some really powerful Sorceries that will turn enemies to mush in no time flat.

8 Aural Decoy

Aural Decoy in Dark Souls

Given the sheer offensive potential of Sorceries, some people may wonder if support magic like Aural Decoy is useful in any way. However, given how effective it really is to sneak up on an enemy in Dark Souls, there are more uses to this spell than people may think.

With this spell, players can bamboozle a ton of enemies in the game to get a first hit in. This can be pretty useful in tough encounters where players need to be careful about engaging enemies since aggroing too many foes can lead to their doom in record time.

7 White Dragon Breath

White Dragon Breath in Dark Souls

The Soul Arrow may be a reliable spell to use early on in the game, but higher-level enemies won't be phased by it too much. As a result, it becomes important to find a replacement that can deal with higher-level mobs.

This is where the White Dragon Breath spell comes into the picture. This Sorcery is pretty powerful and can take out groups of enemies in front of the Chosen Undead, with its 20 uses making it a great spell to cast in the game.

6 Crystal Soul Spear

Crystal Soul Spear in Dark Souls

The Soul Spear is a pretty powerful sorcery that players can use to deplete the health bars of most enemies in front of them. The Crystal Soul Spear is a stronger variant that hits for even more damage!

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The best part about this spell is that it pierces enemies, dealing damage to multiple foes if aimed correctly. That being said, the limited number of uses does hurt the effectiveness of this ability, even if the damage is too good to pass up.

5 Great Heavy Soul Arrow

Great Heavy Soul Arrow in Dark Souls

The Great Heavy Soul Arrow is the highest level of this particular form of magic in Dark Souls. Casting it takes a while and the uses are limited...but most players won't mind once they see the sheer level of damage unleashed by this move.

This particular spell hits like a truck and can decimate the health bar of most enemies in no time flat. Players are recommended to save this spell for boss fights, where a few casts are all it will take to knock their health bar to 0 in record time.

4 Crystal Magic Weapon

Crystal Magic Weapon in Dark Souls

Players who are using sorceries in tandem with their melee weapons will find the Crystal Magic Weapon spell to be quite useful indeed. It enhances the damage of a weapon in accordance with the Chosen Undead's Magic Adjustment stat.

It's the highest-leveled variant of this spell that players can use to wreak havoc on their enemies. The buff can be pretty significant, and players with the appropriate build can annihilate most enemies.

3 Dark Bead

Dark Bead in Dark Souls

At a glance, Dark Bead doesn't sound like a very powerful sorcery. It spawns a bunch of dark orbs that emerge outward from the player in a wide line, hitting anyone in its path for decent damage.

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However, where this sorcery excels is when players unleash it at close range against large enemies. Multiple beads hit the opponent, leading to a ton of damage that can potentially take out these massive foes in one shot!

2 Soul Arrow

Soul Arrow in Dark Souls

The Soul Arrow is the first sorcery that players will get their hands on in the game. It's also one of the most useful spells that will carry players for many hours as they safely pick off enemies from a distance.

The high number of casts coupled with its decent damage makes Soul Arrow a great spell in every way. Players can easily deal with most regular enemies with Soul Arrow, even if it may not be the most exciting way to deal with them.

1 Homing Crystal Soulmass

Homing Crystal Soulmass in Dark Souls

The Homing Crystal Soulmass is one of the best sorceries in the game, with this spell being usable even if players haven't targeted a foe. If all of the attacks from this spell hit an enemy, then their death is pretty much guaranteed.

This spell is very annoying to deal with in PvP as well, with players requiring immaculate dodging skills to deal with this spell. Suffice it to say, the Homing Crystal Soulmass is a great sorcery that can be used in a wide variety of situations with ease!

Dark Souls is available for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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