
  • Pyromancy builds in Dark Souls offer a unique and satisfying way to overcome challenges and enemies.
  • Spells like Fire Whip and Undead Rapport provide strategic advantages in combat and exploration.
  • The use of pyromancy spells like Fire Tempest and Chaos Storm can be game-changing in tough situations.

Dark Souls is one of the greatest video games ever made, opening the eyes of many players to what an action game can achieve when it beats them down every step of the way without coddling, which leads to each and every victory feeling immensely satisfying. In Dark Souls, both normal enemies and bosses can down the player in a few shots, making it important to avoid damage and get out as much offense as possible without being pushed into a tight corner.

7 Shortest Soulslikes Games, Ranked

Soulslike games have become a huge sub-genre of gaming over the last decade, but which Soulslike games run for the shortest time?

As a result, many veterans prefer to just stay out of danger altogether, preferring to use pyromancy instead to take their opponent out. These powerful spells can be a bit of a pain to use early on, but players who put enough points into Attunement and get a ton of good spells can take out the majority of their opponents with ease, with the faster-paced bosses of the DLC being one of the few challenges that can't be curtailed with this moveset.

Updated on March 9, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Dark Souls is a game that heavily promotes different builds, with some being harder to get used to than others. At a glance, it can be challenging to even think about pursuing a build focused on pyromancy, but a few experiments here and there will make it infinitely clear that slinging fiery spells against opponents is a surefire way to take tme out with ease. Barring enemies who have resistance to fire, most enemies will be toast by the time players sling their fire spells at them. With plenty of pyromancies to choose from in the game, more have been added to flesh out this list.

11 Flash Sweat

Covers The Player In Water, Reducing Fire Damage By 45%

Flash Sweat in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Purchase From Laurentius

While Flash Sweat may seem like a pretty needless thing to attach to a player's Attunement slot, the Chosen Undead shouldn't scoff at this support pyromancy at all. After all, Dark Souls is an area full of fiery areas and enemies, so it's easy to see why this particular support magic isn't the worst thing in the world.

In fact, players having trouble with any enemies with the fire element can use this pyromancy to make things easier for themselves. It's a pretty situational spell, so it won't hog a player's Attunement slot for too long either.

10 Undead Rapport

Charm The Undead To Serve As Allies

Dark Souls 1 Undead Rapport Showcase

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Obtain From Quelana of Izalith

The majority of enemies that players fight in Dark Souls are undead, making this spell a must-have to turn the tables. Undead Rapport switches the allegiances of any undead foes within the spell's vicinity, which makes for an amusing way to deal with combat encounters.

It's also a great way to avoid combat altogether if players want to circumvent certain challenges or rush to a boss room as quickly as possible. The amusement factor enabled by this spell alone is well worth the price of admission — namely, one Attunement slot.

9 Fire Surge

Shoots A Continuous Stream Of Fire

Fire Surge in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Located In Painted World Of Ariamis

Given the limited uses for the spells in Dark Souls, it becomes important to equip Pyromancies that can be used for an extended period of time. Thankfully, Fire Surge is one such spell that fits the bill.

As long as players aren't too wasteful with this spell, they can use Fire Surge to unleash hellfire on their opponents at a steady pace. It's a fun spell to use if players want to see enemies burn to a crisp at a rapid pace, and is the Dark Souls equivalent of a flamethrower.

8 Combustion

A Quick, Melee-Focused Fire Spell

Combustion in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Purchase From Laurentius

Not all Pyromancies in Dark Souls need to be long-range death dealers that require perfect aim. In fact, a great spell in Dark Souls that players can use to dish out some serious damage from up close is Combustion.

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This spell hits like a truck and doesn't take long to cast. The only downside, if one perceives it that way, is that the spell mandates players to be within melee range. It's a risky but rewarding spell that can be dangerous to cast unless players can block and dodge at a moment's notice if things go south.

7 Fire Whip

Sweep Foes With A Whip Made Of Fire

Chaos Fire Whip in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Obtain From Quelana of Izalith

The Fire Whip is easily one of the coolest pyromancies that players can use in the game. True to its name, casting this spell causes a whip made of fire to strike multiple foes at once, hitting for serious damage.

It hits twice, it hits fast, and the damage players can potentially do with this technique is truly amazing. Players can always rely on this spell and whip it out — no pun intended — whenever they get mobbed by numerous enemies.

6 Firestorm

An AoE Spell That Summons Pillars Of Fire With Some Powerful Knockback Effects

Firestorm in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Obtain From Quelana of Izalith

Players who want to spam one of the most powerful AoE pyromancies in the game will love what Firestorm brings to the table. Summoning pillars of fire to damage and knock back any enemy unlucky enough to be in range is immensely satisfying.

Most enemies will be burnt to a crisp if they're hit with the full brunt of this spell. However, players should keep in mind the limited uses they'll have, which makes Firestorm a Pyromancy that players should rely on only if they have no other options against a tough foe.

5 Great Fireball

A Giant AoE Fireball That Hits For Major Damage

Great Fireball in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Obtain From Quelana of Izalith

The basic fireballs that players get access to in the game are pretty decent in their own right, but there's a point where players need to upgrade to bigger and better pyromancies in the game. This is where the Great Fireball spell comes into the picture.

This spell hits like a truck and can decimate most enemies in no time flat. It's easy to see why so many pyromancy users covet this spell...although players should be mindful of the limited number of casts this spell allows.

4 Chaos Storm

AoE Fire Damage That Leaves A Residue Of Lava And Knocks Back Enemies

Chaos Storm in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Reach Rank 2 Of The Chaos Covenant

There's no denying that the Chaos variants of most pyromancies are pretty powerful and can one-short enemies with ease. However, a downside to these techniques is the fact that they take up two Attunement slots, as opposed to the standard one.

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Dark Souls is a classic, but notoriously difficult game. For gamers who want something more forgiving, these similar titles are great choices.

As a result, recommending any chaos pyromancy becomes hard because of the skill investment required for the same. Thankfully, spells like Chaos Storm do a great job of justifying the Attunement slots used, with a single strike mowing down most enemies in this great AoE attack.

3 Great Combustion

A Quick, Powerful Melee Fire Spell

Great Combustion in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Obtain From Quelana of Izalith

Most people would assume that most pyromancy spells are only good at longer ranges, but that isn't necessarily the case. Spells like Great Combustion prove just how versatile this school of magic really is.

This spell may be close range, but players won't mind once they realize just how impressive the damage output of this attack is. With only a few shots, even the strongest bosses will have their health melt in a flash.

2 Black Flame

A Melee-Range Spell That Hits Like A Truck And Easily Breaks An Opponent's Guard

Black Flame in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Found On A Corpse In The Chasm Of The Abyss

Black Flame is a tougher variant of the Great Combustion pyromancy. If an enemy blocks an attack of this spell, then their stamina is depleted significantly to the point where breaking their guard becomes pretty easy.

This pyromancy can only be found in Artorias of the Abyss and is well worth the wait. Only the toughest bosses stand a chance against the Chosen Undead after players get their hands on this particular spell!

1 Fire Tempest

Summons Pillars Of Fire That Are Almost Impossible To Avoid

Fire Tempest in Dark Souls

Slots Occupied


Number Of Uses


How To Get

Obtain From Quelana of Izalith

An AoE attack that hits like a truck, Fire Tempest is a fan-favorite pyromancy that players love to whip out against groups of enemies and tough bosses. The sheer amount of damage caused by this one move is so mind-blowing that players won't mind spamming this spell the moment they get their hands on it.

Fire Tempest is not something to be scoffed at, and the power of this move is so impressive that players can easily decimate most enemies without breaking a sweat. Filling up all the player's Attunement Slots with this spell isn't even that bad a strategy, given how generous this spell is with its uses!