Everyone loves a challenge, but there is a fine line between a test of skill and sinking into agonizing misery. Dark Souls and its offshoots are notorious for being unforgiving and downright punishing for players who expect a leisurely experience.

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To a new player, the challenges that come with starting a Dark Souls game are almost immediate and it gives little time to ease into the viciousness of the gameplay. Time and patience are integral to mastering the necessary skills and through experience any budding Souls player can grind their way to the final boss. Although, by knowing a few key details of the game, players can better grasp its dynamics.

10 Controls

Dark Souls has a very particular set of controls and while simple to learn they are truly difficult to master. When it comes down to a hair of a second's difference between successfully dodging an enemy attack and succumbing to the damage, knowing the controls by heart is critical. The best way to memorize the controls is through experience, but players can practice by farming souls and experimenting with different builds to find what helps their fingers move the fastest. No player wants to suffer the anguish of attacking when they meant to block with their shield.

9 Stats And Skills

Looking at stats - Demons Souls Tips From Dark Souls

One of the more confusing aspects of the Souls series is the intricacy of the statistics and skills. Every weapon has unique stats and leveling up, as do the attributes. Players have starting stats through the beginning classes that provide certain strengths and weaknesses in key gameplay areas.

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Likewise, weapons should be leveled up according to how players want to play the game. New players looking for specific details on a weapon's leveling scale can refer to one of the game's wikis for specific information.

8 Bosses

Dark Souls' Gaping Dragon

Intimidating bosses are a favorite aspect of the series for many fans, but they are a bane to a number of its new players. While some bosses are easier than others, the key to beating any of them is predicting their attacks and building a strategy around their assaults. Trial and error is almost a guarantee for a new-comers first play through, but ensuring that soul level and weapons are properly matched for each boss fight is an important first step to avoiding the dreaded "You Died" screen.

7 Understanding The Lore

Another beloved feature of the series is the in-depth lore that comes with each entry. Caked in intrigue and mystery, the lore doesn't answer every question, leaving much up to fan speculation, but the essentials have been covered by numerous wikis and Youtuber's.

RELATED: Dark Souls: 10 Questions About The Lore, Answered

Ancient powers, fantastic kingdoms, and the genesis of all mankind are key factors in the story, but each game operates with their own set of characters and plots. New players should watch the cut scenes and talk to every character to gain the full Souls experience.

The beauty of the setting in the Souls series is breath-taking, each game crafts some truly awesome areas. From magnificent castles, to enchanted forests, to everything in between, these are games that place the player in a world beyond the realm of reality. Nonetheless, new players will have some difficulty getting the feel for each game's map and all the shortcuts and hidden spaces that are entailed. Backtracking and recognizing landmarks can help ease the burden of learning the massive setting.

5 Distinct Enemy Types

Dark Souls 3 combat.

As a new player, the sheer amount of enemies and varied move-sets that each uses can seem terrifying. While their designs can make enemies seem more intimidating than they might actually be, knowing the weaknesses of certain enemies is essential to get through certain areas of the games. Also, specific spells or weapons may not work against certain enemies that are resistant. Checking the wiki to ensure that proper equipment or spells are handy is useful, but also trial and error against certain creatures or baddies can enlighten players as to which moves to avoid when attacking.

4 Soul Farming

Dark Souls 3 Lothric Bonfire (Easy Farm)

Souls are a vital factor in the game and the faster players understand the importance of farming and saving souls, the quicker they can master the game. To level up attributes, players will need to use a certain amount of souls, which are scaled higher and higher as the game proceeds. Souls can be found hidden throughout each area of the game, but mostly they are received after defeating an enemy or boss. Finding comfortable and familiar sections of each map that have level-appropriate enemies to face off against can help raise a low soul level and hone some necessary combat skills.

3 Learning To Dodge

dark souls fight

Dodging is another critical gameplay feature well-known in the Souls franchise. Every player does it a little bit differently, but the idea is roughly the same, use a roll, shield block, or parry to avoid an enemy attack and establish footing to counter as quickly as possible. Timing is everything, as is paying attention to the endurance meter that dictates when a dodge or roll isn't possible. A lot depends on statistics here, so new players should determine what type of defense will best fit their character build.

2 Using The Right Weapons

Dark Souls 3 Lothric Knight Sword

The varied weapons of the Souls series are some the coolest in video game history, but without the proper stats and understanding, they can be almost useless. Depending on what attributes players want their character to excel in, certain weapons are more effective than others. A character with an emphasis on heavy armor and weapons will want high strength to be able to use that giant battle axe, but players wanting to focus on dexterity and endurance will want something quicker and faster to slice with. Above all, it comes down to experimenting with new weapons and checking their leveling stats for what will work best.

1 The Repetition

demons souls how to level up

It is pretty inevitable that new players will die on their first run-through of the game. With each death comes the sudden reality of repeating the same area with the same enemies once again. Broken controllers and expletive words aside, the stress from the Souls series can be harrowing for many players unaccustomed to this brutal style of gameplay. It is best to look at each death as a learning experience from which to correct hinderances. Through perseverance and a willingness to learn, players can vanquish any opponent that dares cross their path.

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