Releasing in 2016 to widespread critical fanfare, Dark Souls 3 provided a near-perfect send off for the franchise. With arguably the best environmental design in the series, the best weapon and armor variety, and a healthy dose of fan-service, Dark Souls 3 was a hit with critics and fans, even despite some complaints about the lack of an interconnected world.

One element of Dark Souls 3 that was almost universally praised was its boss design. A staple of any From Software game, Dark Souls 3 featured a plethora of thrilling boss battles, each one more unique than the last. While Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 had some amazing fights, some consider Dark Souls 3's boss fights to be the most compelling in the franchise, both in terms of their mechanics and lore.

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Iudex Gundyr

Iudex Gundyr from Dark Souls 3

The first boss players will face off against, Iudex Gundyr was once a Champion of Ash himself, and he had the goal of linking the First Flame much like the player. However, Gundyr arrived too late, and found a Firelink Shrine that was void of fire, plunged into darkness.

With little to do but walk the Shrine's grounds, Iudex Gundyr eventually came into contact with a mysterious figure, and engaged them in combat. Being bested by the warrior, Gundyr impaled himself with the Coiled Sword, and become a judge of those who would try to leave the Cemetery of Ash, testing their worthiness to link the Flame once more.

Vordt of the Boreal Valley

Vordt of the Boreal Valley in Dark Souls 3

An Outrider Knight under Pontiff Sulyvahn's rule, Vordt was sent with the Dancer to protect Lothric against the oncoming corruption, known as the Pus of Man. The Pus of Man corrupts human souls, exploding from the body and appearing like a writhing black serpent. Many of Lothric's citizens were corrupted, and Vordt was sent to ensure that no one could escape the city.

Curse-Rotted Greatwood

Curse-Rotted Greatwood from Dark Souls 3

A long time ago, the Greatwood stood at the base of the Undead Settlement. Being a Spirit Tree, the settlers of the town would bestow their ailments onto the Greatwood, curing themselves but cursing the tree in the process. After years of this, the Greatwood was transformed into a cursed abomination.

Crystal Sage

Crystal Sage in Dark Souls 3

The apprentices of Dark Souls' Big Hat Logan, the Crystal Sages brought Crystal magic to Lothric. Setting up shop in the Grand Archives, the Crystal Sage brothers spent their lives studying the art of Crystal Sorcery. Over time, they would accrue a following of scholars, who they would teach this sorcery to.

To avoid the same madness that afflicted Seath the Scaleless and Logan, the Crystal Sages' followers coated their heads in wax. Later on, the brothers would part ways, with one Sage staying in the Archives to continue their work while the other left to join Farron's Undead Legion.

Abyss Watchers

Dark Souls 3 Guide: How to Beat the Abyss Watchers - Abyss Watchers

The spearhead of the Undead Legion, the Abyss Watchers devoted their lives to protecting the world against the dark forces of the Abyss. Idolizing Knight Artorias, the Abyss Watchers were some of the fastest warriors in Lothric, using their greatsword-dagger combo to stagger their enemies with ease.

In an attempt to gain more power and speed, the Abyss Watchers would drink wolf blood, just as Artorias did long before them. While this did heighten their abilities, it also linked their souls. At some point, the Abyss Watchers were called to link the First Flame, becoming Lords of Cinder in the process.

With some Abyss Watchers left in Farron Keep to guard the Abyss below, these members began to go Hollow, with little purpose to drive them. Some Hollowed Watchers left to the Painted World of Ariandel, while other Hollow members remained, only losing themselves even further to madness, and eventually, to the Abyss.

High Lord Wolnir

High Lord Wolnir in Dark Souls 3

Long before Lothric stood as a city, the people of Carthus ruled over the land. Though bestowed a crown of royalty, Wolnir desired more. Taking the other Lords by surprise, Wolnir ruled over all of Carthus, becoming the High Lord.

However, the High Lord would soon become corrupted by the Abyss. Giving in to his paranoia, Wolnir would fall completely to the Abyss despite his efforts to resist the Dark with holy armlets.

Deacons of the Deep

Deacons of the Deep close up

Led by Archdeacon Royce, the Deacons of the Deep are loyal followers of Aldrich. Leaving the Cathedral of the Deep to meet with the Pontiff Sulyvahn, Aldrich tasked his Deacons to stay behind and protect his empty chambers.

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Pontiff Sulyvahn

pontiff sulyvahn dark souls 3

Born in the Painted World of Ariandel, Sulyvahn desired more than the frost-covered plains he grew up in. Upon leaving the Painted World, Sulyvahn ventured to the Profaned Capital, and sought to use the Profaned Flame to take control of Irithyll. Achieving his goal, Sulyvahn granted himself the title of Pontiff and sent his Outrider Knights to secure the surrounding lands.

Distrustful of others, Sulyvahn gave his Outrider Knights rings that would eventually transform them into feral beasts, and sent them to Lothric to try and wrestle control from the monarchs, citing a civil war in the process. Seeking to gain more power, Sulyvahn dedicated his life to the Way of White Covenant, who worshipped Gwyndolin of Anor Londo.

With help from Aldrich and his Church of the Deep, Sulyvahn was able to indoctrinate his subordinates even further, ensuring that his rule was absolute. Though, with Aldrich's growing cannibalistic tendencies, Sulyvahn was eventually forced to allow the Devourer of Gods into Anor Londo, decimating his forces along the way.

Yhorm the Giant

Yhorm the Giant

A true hero to his people, Yhorm was once a brave soldier, credited with single-handedly keeping his city safe. Despite all of his might, Yhorm couldn't stop the Profaned Flame from destroying all life in the capital. In an attempt to stop the Profaned Flame, Yhorm offered his life as a Lord of Cinder. Before leaving, Yhorm gave Storm Ruler, a giant-killing weapon, to his friend Siegward, making him promise to kill him should he ever be resurrected.

Aldrich, Devourer of Gods

dark souls 3 aldrich devourer of gods

Suffering visions of an all-consuming Dark, Aldrich founded the Church of the Deep, a religion based around the corruption of Humanity. Over time, Aldrich became more and more obsessed with consuming human souls, eventually leading to his body being transformed into a flowing sludge.

Now, with the power of thousands inside, Aldrich was tasked with linking the First Flame. After being resurrected alongside the other Souls of Cinder, Aldrich suffered even more visions, though now they turned to Anor Londo. Fighting his way through Sulyvahn's forces, Aldrich was allowed to consume Gwyndolin.

Dancer of the Boreal Valley

Dancer of the Boreal Valley in Dark Souls 3

Perhaps a maiden to Princess Gwynevere years ago, the Dancer was forced into service when Sulyvahn took over Anor Londo. Though he had a certain admiration for her, Sulyvahn still made her an Outrider Knight, tasking her with taking over Lothric with Vordt.

Dragonslayer Armor

Dragonslayer Armour in Dark Souls 3

A suit of armor possessed by the Pilgrim Butterflies, the Dragonslayer Armor now guards the Grand Archives. Though this set resembles the ancient Dragonslayer Ornstein, his connection to the armor is unclear.

Lothric and Lorian

Prince Lothric Cropped (1)

Sons of King Oceiros, Lothric and Lorian were born to be the perfect candidates to link the First Flame. However, in trying to create the perfect heir, Oceiros committed some unknown atrocity, leaving his sons cursed. Lothric was cursed with illness, while Lorian decided to share his younger brother's curse, which deformed him, and tied the two's souls together.

Refusing to link the First Flame, the two retreated to their chambers inside Lothric Castle, deciding to watch the Flame die out from afar. This refusal is what resurrects the other Lords of Cinder.

Soul of Cinder

Soul of Cinder Dark Souls 3

The manifestation of every Lord of Cinder who sacrificed themselves to link the First Flame, the Soul of Cinder's one purpose is to defend the Flame and ensure that the Age of Fire continues. If the Soul of Cinder is defeated, then an Age of Dark threatens the world.

Dark Souls 3 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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