
  • Dark Souls 2 has the most build variety out of any Dark Souls title, thanks in part to its four ring slots
  • Certain rings in Dark Souls 2 are must-haves for certain builds
  • Players can find a variety of powerful rings, like the Bracing Knuckle Ring for increased item durability, the Royal Soldier's Ring for increased equip load, and the Stone Ring for extra poise damage.

Dark Souls 2 introduced a wide range of new weapons, armor, and rings that opened up thousands of build options. To this day, Dark Souls 2 has the most build variety out of any Dark Souls title. One reason build variety skyrocketed with this game is the fact that Dark Souls 2 has four ring slots instead of the original's two.

Dark Souls 2: 10 Rings & Weapons That Are Brilliant As Combos

Dark Souls 2 features a wide array of rings and weapons. Here's a look at some pairings that make excellent combos.

As a result, From Software introduced plenty of new rings for players to try. Nearly every ring has a purpose and isn't a bad option, but there are certainly rings that triumph over the rest. Whether they grant a wide range of stat bonuses or increase damage output, some rings are must-haves for certain builds.

Updated October 20, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: The best DS2 rings vary from rings that grant basic, but effective, bonuses to those whose effects are much harder to understand. The Life Ring, for example, is one of the best rings Dark Souls 2 players can get because of how easy it is to locate and how simple its effect is. But, the Old Leo Ring requires players to play carefully and with excellent timing to take advantage of its powerful effects. Many rings have alternate, improved versions that can only be acquired in New Game Plus or elsewhere in later-game challenges. Be sure to check each of these DS2 best rings to find the location and methods to acquire, and equip, each and every one.

15 Old Leo Ring

Dark Souls 2 Dragon In Heide's Tower Of Flame

The Old Leo Ring may seem surprising to be included amongst the best rings DS2 has for players to find, but its because in the hands of the right player, this ring can be devastating. Its effect is kind of nuanced – the Old Leo ring increases counter damage for thrusting weapons, but many players don't even know what a counter-attack is in Dark Souls 2.

A counter attack is not the same as a parry, it's quite different. When an enemy is just about to strike, or is in the middle of an animation to strike, attacks will deal a little bit of extra damage. With the Old Leo Ring, perfectly timed attacks with thrusting weapons can massively increase players' damage output, as well as their ability to stagger foes.

How To Get the Old Leo Ring

  • Defeat the Old Dragonslayer in the Cathedral of Blue, which should automatically drop the ring alongside the Soul of the Old Dragonslayer

14 Ring of Life Protection

Dark Souls 2 Fog Wall

The Ring of Life Protection is an important one that players ought to have at least one of, if able. The effect is similar to the effect of the Ring of Sacrifice from the original Dark Souls – when equipped, players won't turn hollow or lose any souls upon death.

This is an especially important benefit in Dark Souls 2 as the Hollowing mechanic is way more punishing and cumbersome than it was before (or after). Going Hollow is very annoying in DS2, and so is losing tons of souls to an unexpected death. Always keep a Ring of Life Protection in the inventory, just in case things aren't going your way but you need to keep your masses of souls to level up.

Where To Find Rings of Life Protection

  • Purchased from Felkin the Outcast for 6000 Souls, and can be repaired for 14,000 Souls

13 Bracing Knuckle Ring

Dark Souls 2 Fume Knight brandishing ultra greatsword and greatsword

There are many rings available in Dark Souls 2 that can give a player better stats and abilities, but one ring is useful for those that find themselves struggling to keep their items repaired. The Bracing Knuckle Ring will give players better durability for all of their items, decreasing the cost of repair and giving players stronger weapons, armor, and rings, that will last them much longer through intense fights.

Where To Find Bracing Knuckle Ring

  • Normal Variant: Located behind a false wall in the Lost Bastille.
  • +1 Version: Sold by Chancellor Wellage, who is found in the Drangleic Castle.
  • +2 Located in the Undead Crypt.

12 Royal Soldier's Ring

Dark Souls 2 Heavy Armor

Being able to equip four rings in Dark Souls 2 gives players a lot of choices when it comes to how to build and spec their character. There are a lot of rings that will help boost combat prowess, increase a character's magical capabilities, and even allow them to take more hits. One particularly useful ring, the Royal Soldier's Ring, gives players access to better armor and weapons by increasing their maximum Equip Load by a percentage. This gives players a chance to add better, stronger, and heavier gear to a given build without losing any of their mobility.

Where To Find Royal Soldier's Ring

  • Normal Variant: Hidden behind a breakable wall within the No-Man's Wharf area.
  • +1 Version: Past a room filled with Ruin Sentinels in Drangleic Castle, within a metal chest.
  • +2 Version: Dropped by Velstadt, the Royal Aegis (In New Game +)

11 Stone Ring

Via: Jason Turner (YouTube)

For PvE, there aren't many rings that are as instantly noticeable as the Stone Ring. While equipped, every attack will deal an additional 30 Poise damage. This works on all attacks including spells. For fast-attacking weapons, this is a must for shutting down heavily-armored opponents in a few strikes. It can even stun a few bosses when used properly.

Where To Find Stone Ring

Players can find this ring right after they start the game. From the starting position in Things Betwixt, run until the wooden bridge that connects to the house is visible. Run left instead of straight. Running past some shrubs will reveal a hidden path with an Ogre at the end. Kill the Ogre to receive the ring.

10 Ring Of Thorns

Via: Dark Souls Wiki - Fandom

The Ring of Thorns is a PvP-centered ring that has a moderate to high chance of counter-attacking an opponent when the player is hit. The normal ring has a 30% chance, the +1 version has a 50% chance, and the +2 variant has a 70% chance. The +1 version is a great choice for aggressive PvP players that want to quickly stagger a target when they overcommit. Obtaining the +2 version isn't worth the effort for most builds.

Where To Find Ring Of Thorns

  • Normal Variant: Kill Pate at any point during a playthrough. Doing this at the Forest of Fallen Giants is the most convenient time.
  • +1 Version: Purchased from the Grave Warden Agdaybe in the Undead Crypt. Costs 9,000 Souls.
  • +2 Version: Defeat 1,000 hosts as a red phantom. That isn't a typo; it really takes 1,000 successful invasions.

9 Vanquisher's Seal

Via: IGN.com

Granted after reaching rank 3 with the Company of Champions, the Vanquisher's Seal increases unarmed melee attack damage to 280 base, and grants it 75% Attack Rating scaling from strength with 25% from dexterity. Note that this damage is only active while the player's fists are completely empty. Fist weapons won't work.

RELATED: Dark Souls 3: The 7 Best Rings In The Game (& 7 Worst)

Vanquisher's Seal allows players to beat the entire game using their bare hands. No weapon runs are usually a joke amongst the Souls community, but this is the only time that a no weapon run is perfectly viable and, arguably, a solid choice. Two-handed heavy attacks with this ring can demolish just about any foe, including bosses.

Where To Find Vanquisher's Seal

Reach rank 3 with the Company of Champions. This requires the player to turn in 50 Awestones to the Covenant.

8 Ring Of Giants

Dark Souls 2 Giant

There are a lot of bosses in Dark Souls 2 that can eviscerate players in a few hits, but adventurers will also have to deal with a slew of smaller, but sometimes just as imposing, enemies sprinkled throughout their journey. The issue with some of these foes is that they're capable of staggering players and keeping them from attacking, making it difficult to contend with some types that have rapid-fire movements and combat skills. Those that are tired of being knocked back each time they try to land an attack can increase their Poise with the Ring of Giants. The additional boost can help keep players firmly on their feet when in combat.

Where To Find Ring Of Giants

  • Normal Variant: Purchase from Lonesome Gavlan at No-Man's Wharf
  • +1 Version: Past a chamber with Giants in the Black Gulch.
  • +2 Version: Dropped by the Giant Lord (New Game +)

7 Life Ring

Dark Souls 2 Forest of Fallen Giants
Via: Gamesided

Since players need to spend quite a few levels upgrading their adaptability stat, invasions and most co-op summons are a rather high level. Investing so much into adaptability can give players less room to breathe when speccing for other stats, which is where the Life Ring comes in. At +3, the Life Ring grants a solid +15% to maximum HP. If players have a fourth ring slot open, the Life Ring +3 is a solid pick.

Where To Find Life Ring

  • Normal Variant: Found in the Forest of Fallen Giants. In the ballista room near Pate, attack the wooden door to have an enemy open it. Alternatively, players can receive this ring as a starting gift.
  • +1 Version: Obtained in the Iron Keep. Found in the left corner of the room above the Smelter Demon arena.
  • +2 Version: Found in the cavern near Shrine of Amana's third bonfire.
  • +3 Version: Residing in an iron chest on the top floor of Brume Tower.

6 Clear Bluestone Ring

Dark Souls 2 Spiders

Every character that casts some type of spell, miracle, pyromancy, or hex will want to obtain the Clear Bluestone Ring. This ring increases the casting speed of every spell in the game. It reduces cast times by 20% on its own, but it grants an even faster 35% cast speed bonus with its +1 version and a whopping 55% cast speed boost with the +2 version.

Where To Find Clear Bluestone Ring

  • Normal Variant: Sold by Carhillion of the Fold in No-Man's Wharf. Costs 2,000 Souls.
  • +1 Version: Found in the misty part of the Shaded Woods inside a chest.
  • +2 Version: Obtained after defeating the Skeleton Lords boss in NG+. Invader Armourer Dennis at Iron Keep has a very small chance of dropping it as well.

5 Flynn's Ring

Via: Mobygames.com

Dark Souls 2 was no stranger to damage-enhancing rings. One such ring is Flynn's Ring, an item that grants increased Attack Rating as a player's total Equip Load decreases. When the player is under 60 units, they gain a rather large +50 Attack Rating to all attacks. Since this is a flat buff, it is best used on rapid-attacking weapons such as swords or claws. If players are above 60 units in weight, the buff will be less potent.

Where To Find Flynn's Ring

Found in the Dragon's Sanctum in the Crown of the Sunken King DLC. It can be found after dropping into a room filled with Corrosive Egg Crawlers and climbing a nearby ladder.

4 Chloranthy Ring

Dark Souls 2 Knight

Stamina is a core stat that every character needs to manage. The Chloranthy Ring makes this much easier, granting up to a 25% recovery bonus to Stamina with its +2 variant. Virtually every build can benefit from this. Mages and melee characters alike both rely on Stamina to sprint and use their weapons.

Ranked: 15 Most Powerful Weapons In Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls 2 features an extensive weapon selection, but today we're focusing on the strongest and most powerful options.

Where To Find Chloranthy Ring

  • Normal Variant: Behind a Pharros' Contraption in the Forest of Fallen Giants' ballista room.
  • +1 Version: Found at the end of a narrow path in the Shaded Woods. While in the misty area, hug the right wall and follow the edge of a cliff.
  • +2 Version: Obtained after defeating the Executioner's Chariot boss in NG+.

3 Ring Of Blades

Via: Dark Souls Wiki - Fandom

Similar to Flynn's Ring, the Ring of Blades grants flat physical damage to all attacks while worn. The base version grants 20 flat physical damage, the +1 version grants 35, and the +2 version grants 50. Players can obtain this ring incredibly early just after slaying The Pursuer in the Forest of Fallen Giants. It grants a noticeable damage increase with no downside. This is a no-brainer for melee characters.

Where To Find Ring Of Blades

  • Normal Variant: Obtained after defeating the Pursuer boss in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
  • +1 Version: Dropped by a certain Pursuer in Iron Keep. After defeating the Smelter Demon, rest at a bonfire, then backtrack to the boss arena. Kill the Pursuer inside to claim the ring.
  • +2 Version: Obtained after defeating the Pursuer duo in Drangleic Castle's throne room in NG+.

2 Clutch Rings

Dark Souls 2 Lightning Spear

Each of Dark Souls 2's DLCs contain special elemental rings named Clutch Rings that reduce a player's defenses in exchange for increased elemental damage. Each ring reduces a player's defenses by 80 in exchange for a +30 Attack Rating boost on the respective element. Casters will get great use out of this, but anyone using infused weapons or resins to buff their gear will notice a damage increase as well. As long as the player is careful with their positioning and avoids damage, the damage bonus well outweighs the negative.

Where To Find Clutch Rings

  • Dark Clutch Ring: Found in the eastern section of Eleum Loyce in the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC. From the Outer Wall, head right towards the courtyard with a water fountain. Enter the tower on the left and climb up the flight of stairs. At the roof, walk to the right to fall off the roof. The ring is on a corpse leaning on a tree.
  • Fire Clutch Ring: Found in the Inner Wall of Eleum Loyce in the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC. From the Inner Wall bonfire, reach the upper level of the wall. The end of the path will have a corpse in a corner. Attack the wall to the right of it to find an illusory wall. Drop down, then run up the set of stairs to find the ring in a chest.
  • Lightning Clutch Ring: Found in the Dragon's Sanctum the Crown of the Sunken King DLC. At the start of the zone, head left to find a locked door. Open it with the Eternal Sanctum Key found at the end of the area. The ring can be found inside.
  • Sorcery Clutch Ring: Found in the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC. Head to the lowest floor of Brume Tower, take an elevator up a floor, then follow the path to the left of the first enemy.

1 Third Dragon Ring

Dark Souls 2 Dragon Shrine

Combining the Life Ring, Royal Soldier Ring, and Chloranthy Ring into one, the Third Dragon Ring is the most versatile ring in all of Dark Souls 2. Obtained from Dragon Shrine, this ring grants a plethora of small yet noticeable bonuses that are useful on all builds. It stacks with rings that grant similar bonuses such as the +3 Life Ring or +2 Royal Soldier Ring. Note that the First, Second, and Third Dragon Rings cannot be worn simultaneously.

Where To Find Third Dragon Ring

  • First Dragon Ring: Reach rank 2 in the Company of Champions. This requires 25 Awestones.
  • Second Dragon Ring: Dropped by the Manscorpion Tark in the Shaded Woods. Players can either kill him or speak to Tark after defeating The Duke's Dear Freja.
  • Third Dragon Ring: Found in a chest in the Dragon Shrine castle. When players find two Drakekepers with a sword and mace, respectively, turn around to find a group of boxes. Drop down and follow the path to find the ring.

Dark Souls 2 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

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