
  • Dark and Darker is a free-to-play co-op MMORPG with classic hack-and-slash dungeon adventures, featuring both PvE and PvP elements.
  • Clerics in the game can be healing and support characters or damage dealers, with unique abilities like undead enemy damage and self-healing.
  • The game offers a variety of spells and abilities for the Cleric class, including healing, damage, and utility spells, catering to different playstyles and team compositions.

Dark and Darker is a co-op MMORPG that focuses on delivering a singular, refined gameplay experience rather than trying to cater to all tastes. It excels at providing players, whether solo or in teams, with classic hack-and-slash dungeon adventures. It is a free-to-play, cooperative dungeon-crawling experience featuring both PvE and PvP elements.

Dark And Darker: Best Perks

All classes in Dark and Darker have access to a number of perks they can choose from, but some are better than others.

Clerics in Dark and Darker can be either healing and support characters, or built as damage dealers who act as a backup healer. They are especially gifted at taking down undead enemies and can use a wide range of equipment, although they tend to specialize in using a shield and a mace. Furthermore, Cleric is an excellent class for beginners to get to grips with.

8 Lesser Heal

Basic Targeted Healing Spell

Lesser Heal Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 3
  • Affinity: Divine
  • Scaling: 100%
  • Casting Time: 1.25 seconds
  • Limit: 3 casts

Lesser Heal is the basic targeted healing spell that the Cleric class has access to in Dark and Darker. The amount of health restored by this spell is 15 plus the Cleric’s magical healing stat, multiplied by the Cleric’s magic power bonus.

Dark and Darker: Best Weapons, Ranked

Dark and Darker offers players a fairly narrow selection of wepaons, but this makes it simpler to choose the best option.

If no target is specified as the target of Lesser Heal, it will target the player that cast it, and become a self-heal. This is one of the staples of a Cleric’s toolset. However, Cleric is a Dark and Darker class that can only cast a certain number of a specific spell each dungeon run. In this case, they can cast up to 3 Lesser Heal spells.

7 Bind

Castable Stun

Bind Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 3
  • Affinity: Divine
  • Casting Time: 1 second
  • Limit: 4 casts

Bind is one of the simplest spells that a Cleric can cast in Dark and Darker, but it is a very useful one. However, it takes some skill to use Bind well. All this spell does is lock the target in place for ¾ of a second.

Where Bind is really useful is for tying up the front enemy in a group in a tight space, keeping the rest of the group trapped behind them. It can be stacked and should give the rest of the player’s group time to deal with them. In PvP, Bind can be used to lock down an attacker and escape, or to stop a target that is trying to run away.

6 Holy Strike

AoE Magical Attack

Holy Strike Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 4
  • Affinity: Divine
  • Casting Time: 2 seconds
  • Scaling: 100%
  • Limit: 4 casts

Just because Cleric is a healing and support class in Dark and Darker, does not mean that certain Cleric character builds can’t put out some decent damage as well. Holy Strike is a good example of excellent Cleric damage potential.

This is an AoE spell that does 20 divine magic damage, over an area of 1 meter. However, there is a ½ second delay between the spell landing and the strike going off. This means timing is critical when casting this spell.

5 Holy Light

Self-Heal And Damage In One

Holy Light Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 5
  • Affinity: Divine
  • Casting Time: 2.25 seconds
  • Scaling: 100%
  • Limit: 3 casts

Clerics are notoriously capable of taking down undead enemies such as zombies or other monsters. This is a trope that has been tied to the class in many games, including Dungeons & Dragons in the 5th edition. Holy Light is a demonstration that Dark and Darker imagines the Cleric in the same way.

On cast, the player is either healed for 25 health or if an undead enemy is targeted, the spell does 100 base damage to the target. The self-healing aspect of Holy Light is increased by the player’s magic healing stat, multiplied by their magical power bonus.

4 Sanctuary

A Classic Cleric Spell

Sanctuary Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 6
  • Affinity: Divine
  • Casting Time: 2.75 seconds
  • Scaling: 50% per second
  • Limit: 2 casts

Many games that feature a Cleric class also have a Sanctuary spell. This is, in effect, the Cleric’s signature ability. In Dark and Darker, Sanctuary creates an AoE of 3.5 meters around the player. Within that area, two things happen. Players within the zone are healed by 5 health every second, and undead enemies are damaged by 14 health per second.

Dark And Darker: Best Bows, Ranked

There are only 6 bows available in Dark and Darker, with most of these being locked to the Ranger class.

As with most Cleric healing spells, the amount healed is increased by the Cleric’s magic healing stat, multiplied by their magical power bonus. This is a channeled spell, meaning the Cleric can’t move while casting, and it lasts for 5 seconds.

3 Locusts Swarm

Channeled AoE Spell

Locusts Swarm Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 7
  • Affinity: Divine
  • Casting Time: 2.75 seconds
  • Scaling: 100% per second
  • Limit: 2 casts

In Dark and Darker, the Cleric class can be built to do general damage, rather than damage just against undead creatures. Locust Swarm is a spell that does AoE damage to anything within a 3-meter radius of the casting point.

This is a channeled spell that can last for up to 6 seconds as long as the Cleric doesn’t move. It does 2 divine magic damage to all targets in the area, every second. This damages ticks every 0.1 seconds.

2 Earthquake

AoE Earth Spell

Earthquake Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 7
  • Affinity: Earth
  • Casting Time: 2.75 seconds
  • Scaling: 50% per step
  • Limit: 2 casts

Earthquake is the only Earth affinity spell in the Cleric’s arsenal in Dark and Darker. This is another channeled spell, so the player can’t move for the 6 seconds it can last, otherwise it will be cut short.

Dark And Darker: Best Swords, Ranked

Dark and Darker is a great dungeon crawler with some excellent slashing and piercing swords.

The spall has two functions. Firstly, it creates an earthquake at the target point, and any enemy within that area will take 7 earth magic damage for every step they take within the affected area. Secondly, they are also hit with a 50% movement speed buff.

1 Resurrection

The Ultimate Party Support Spell

Resurrection Cleric Skill In Dark And Darker
  • Tier: 8
  • Affinity: Divine
  • Casting Time: 2.75 seconds
  • Limit: 1 cast

What can be said about the Cleric spell, Resurrection, in Dark and Darker? The name alone tells the player exactly what this spell does. This spell is the reason why it is usually very easy to find a group as a Cleric.

However, this powerful Cleric spell can only be cast once per dungeon crawl. It may only be cast on an ally that has a soul heart as well. Almost every Cleric will rely on this spell at one time or another, although it has zero utility at all for people who prefer to play solo.

dark and darker
Dark and Darker

August 7, 2023
Action RPG