After being loosely connected with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it appears that the Marvel Netflix shows, which include Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Punisher, and The Defenders, along with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., will now be featured on Disney Plus.

After Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and the rest of the Marvel shows were canceled, fans were at least relieved that they would remain available on Netflix for the foreseeable future. That all came to an end when Netflix announced Daredevil was leaving the platform, along with the rest of its Marvel show roster, but it appears the series' have found a new home.

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Disney Plus announced that the entirety of the Marvel Netflix shows, along with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., will be coming to their streaming service later on March 16. By adding these shows, nearly every single adapted property of Marvel (sans the solo Spider-Man films) will now be available to stream on Disney Plus. While a show like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. shouldn't be too much of a hassle to integrate into a streaming service like Disney Plus, the Marvel Netflix shows are certainly a different story. Throughout the course of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., various characters from the Marvel Studios movies made guest appearances to assure the audience that the show's story was canon with the MCU. Even though the Marvel Netflix shows were technically connected to the MCU, the only actual connection they had was when someone briefly brought up events that happened in one of the MCU movies, and nothing more.

That's not even the biggest challenge Disney Plus will have with integration. The Marvel Netflix shows, unlike pretty much every other Marvel property, were blatantly not family-friendly. The violence in those shows came with plenty of gore, there were moments of intimacy clearly not suited for children, and the attention they spent diving into the psychology of both the heroes and the villains contains subject matter arguably so deep that younger viewers would not fully understand. Disney probably knew the challenge ahead of them but changing that to a family-friendly format without compromising the essence of those shows could prove to be like getting the fat out of french fries.

Even with all of that, it was clear that these Marvel properties, with all the thought and care that were put into production, deserve to have a bigger audience. Because they were shows instead of films, audiences were given a much deeper dive into their heroes' state of mind as well as their villains too, which helped them understand their motives. It was unfair that they were unceremoniously canceled when they were because there was plenty of material left to dive into.

The better question is, now that these shows may be fully canonized with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will Disney eventually do more with these characters than put their Netflix shows on their streaming service? Spider-Man: No Way Home featured Matt Murdock albeit very briefly, but that cameo may hint to audiences that the plan will be to re-incorporate the Marvel Netflix heroes into future MCU properties. Whether that means reviving the shows themselves or bringing the characters into future series or films is anyone's guess. One thing's for sure though: The Marvel Netflix heroes may finally get the closure that they truly deserved.

The Marvel Netflix shows, which includes Daredevil among others, will start streaming on Disney Plus on March 16th, 2022.

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Source: Disney+/Twitter