The following contains spoilers for Episode 5 of DanMachi IV, "Argo Vesta (Heroic Slash of Holy Flame)" now streaming on HIDIVE.

DanMachi IV has started hot, and the danger has felt real, with the threat constantly getting larger, and the team's weaknesses being constantly exploited. Simultaneously, this arc has been exemplary in showcasing the party's strengths despite that, leading to some emotional payoff here, at the end of what appears to be the season's first arc.

Last week, after some character high points, the danger couldn't keep the party down, even at their lowest point. Haruhime activated an ability that has been kept a secret since the first episode, and while it might not have been the most ideal time to deploy it, it was the biggest secret weapon to tip the scales.

RELATED: DanMachi IV: Episode 4 "Mermaid (The Girl of Water City)" Review

The Secret Weapon


Haruhime's spell was the catalyst for a cliffhanger, making viewers wonder what the power could be and how it would change the course of the battle. And perhaps it's foolish to expect something too contradictory for Haruhime's character, but for all the flashy presentation, it was sorta just a stronger version of her normal ability.

While that isn't necessarily a bad thing, some viewers who didn't rewatch previous seasons prior to IV may have forgotten the power's limitations. Haruhime's power being able to affect more than one person feels slightly underwhelming, especially since Aisha explains in a flashback that they can't rely on her upgrades alone.

Had the power's reveal been more impressive, it might have made the subsequent twist a bit more daunting. After episode 4's optimistic turn of events and 5's opening salvo of supercharged monster kills, the party realizes they've been led into another trap by the infuriatingly intelligent Moss Huge.

The show really doesn't let up at all when piling on the pressure, and the mounting stakes didn't get very stale either, letting heavy-hitters go a great duration before taking hits of their own. In a small flashback, the show acknowledges how powerful Bell AND Aisha are, and Aisha's mention was very fitting. She truly is the tank of the group when Bell isn't around, so if she takes a big hit, it better be sold well, and thankfully it was.

A Supporter's Promise


All this time in the dungeon and Lili has been expanding her horizons, taking on a larger responsibility, and honestly thriving. However, this is the first episode where it feels as though the situation truly gets to her and causes her to have doubts about her abilities. She can come up with great plans, but in a moment where the smartest move involves sacrifice, she hesitates.

But rather than treating this as a weakness, the episode treats it as the reason she will not be a failure. Reflecting on her first arc with Bell and his acceptance of her - despite what she did - convinces her that it doesn't matter how likely it is that they'll all die. She isn't going to give up. Her arc in just five episodes feels like one of her best since she was first introduced.

Return of the Rookie


The only other arguable flaw with the episode was how quickly it all seemed to wrap up in the second half. At the crescendo of Lili's big moment, Bell finally finds his way back to his friends, though Marie is nowhere to be seen. He intervenes and isolates himself and the Moss Huge into the most perfectly designed arena in the dungeon possible, and battles it. Marie does show up at the very end but disappears just as quickly (it's uncertain how quickly she'll come back).

It wouldn't be surprising if a few scenes were cut from the source material to abridge the conclusion of this arc. Bell's fight is impressive, but the explanation of the clarity he's found to defeat the monster felt weak and unnecessary. There is the power scaling to consider, but what justification there is for Bell reigning victorious is implied through visual storytelling.

In the review for episode 3, I wrote that the final fight felt a tad rushed, but it actually comes back into play in a really clever way, explaining how Bell is prepared to take on the Moss Huge. While this was appreciated, it still felt as though Bell's journey from being separated to reuniting with the party should have had a little more time to sell his strengthened resolve going into the final fight.

Regardless, the horrors of the dungeon seem to have been vanquished, and now it's time for the party to go home, get paid, and assess their situation. The ending of this chapter might have taken a little more time for itself, but if the rest of season 4 is anything like this arc, fans are in for a hell of a ride.

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