Danganronpa is a series with a lot of memorable characters. They range from insane serial killers to sweet to robots and members of the mafia.

Due to their strong talents and interesting range of personalities, fans have strong opinions about these characters. To make matters even more crazy, a lot of these characters die. After all, Danganronpa is a game in which characters are forced to kill each other. Part of the anxiety of playing the game is wondering if your favorite character will be the next to fall.

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Along with loved characters are also those that are hated. Some of them are just jerks and you wish they would be the next to go. With that in mind, here are five fan favorites of the series and five characters fans wish died sooner. Also before, as major spoilers for the series is ahead.

10 (We Loved) Nagito Komaeda

Nagito in Danganronpa

Nagito is a huge fan favorite to the point that he has become the unofficial face of the series. His talent to be lucky is bizarre and fascinating. Unlike some other characters, his talent has completely influenced his insane and unpredictable personality. He likes to put himself and others at risk just to test his luck.

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He manages to trick the player in an amazing number of ways throughout the second game. He even manages to commit suicide in perhaps the most crazy scheme ever done in the series. He is a genius, and one that really made the second game the best of them.

9 (Should've Died Immediately) Hifumi Yamada

No one should be surprised at this. Hifumi was basically designed to be disliked by players. His strange dog-like face, perverted personality, and even his ultimate talent is built for fans dislike. He is totally swayed by female characters, acts creepy nearly all the time, and has little else to him.

He does die but it is not soon enough. He also dies with another fan favorite, Taka, which makes his death not even that sweet.

8 (We Loved) Byakuya Togami

Some fans hate Byakuya, but they are a significant minority compared to his fans. Byakuya is the spoiled rich boy whose talent is literally the fact that he was born into money. He is cold, mean, and not a team-player. In a way, he is a foil of the main character. However, he is not a villain and he does with you in interesting ways throughout the game.

Byakuya keeps things interesting, and he definitely eats his humble pie at various points in the game.

7 (Should've Died Immediately) Hiyoko Saionji

Hiyoko has a very cute design, but she is very cruel to everyone. She tells a lot of people she hopes they will die and happily calls them out on anything she can find. She is selfish and uses her cute looks to get away with her bullying.

She does come around a little, but not enough for fans to forgive her for all her cruel lines.

6 (We Loved) Chiaki Nanami

Chiaki is quite different from typical Danganronpa characters due to the fact that her personality is pretty mild. However, that awarded her a lot of love. She is safety amidst the chaos. Basically, she was designed to be loved by players. After all, she is the ultimate gamer. With a talent like that, fans warmed up to her quickly.

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Strangely though, there are two Chiaki characters. There is the one in the anime who is human versus the one in the game which is an A.I. They have subtle differences between them. Most fans love the A.I. though, as she is the first one we meet and bond with.

5 (Should've Died Immediately) Akane Owari

Akane's personality is somewhat limited. She eats a lot, exercises like crazy, and has a thing for Nekomaru Nidai. Beyond that, that is basically all of her character and that annoyed fans at times. This is especially due to the fact that she never dies. She is one of the characters that makes it to the end of the game. Most would gladly trade her for someone more interesting like Gundam Tanaka.

4 (We Loved) Kiibo

Danganronpa V3 got mixed results from the fans. However, the characters were still quite strong in design and interesting in personality. One such character is Kiibo, who is a robot. His design is adorable and he plays into a lot of the humor in the game. He goes from adorable to very cool by the end of the game as well, as he becomes a war machine. Also, his name means hope, and that is a nice touch.

3 (Should've Died Immediately) Korekiyo Shinguji

This character was bizarre. A lot of fans knew they wouldn't like him the moment they looked at him. Despite being the ultimate anthropologist, there is little that Korekiyo does that calls back to that talent.

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The entire case around Korekiyo is also strange and oddly forgettable despite its oddness. Basically, he is an incestuous serial killer.

2 (We Loved) Toko Fukawa

Toko is from the original game and she was a hoot. She has multiple personalities, one being the ultimate serial killer and the other being the ultimate novelist. Her character was the greatest twist in that despite being an ultimate serial killer, she doesn't kill anyone in the killing game.

Her obsession with the serious Byakuya is also a pillar of Danganronpa humor.

1 (Should've Died Immediately) Teruteru Hanamura

Teruteru's profile

There is no way Teruteru is not on this list. Fans cannot stand this guy. He is a complete pervert and most of his lines are some form of perverted joke that comes off as nasty instead of funny.

The game attempts to give him a sympathetic backstory, but it really feels tacked on. Luckily for fans, he is not around for very long.

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