While Danganronpa may be all about the infamous Killing Game and solving mysterious murders, it has a lot more to offer. Investigations aside, each Danganronpa game offers a wide array of new and interesting characters to befriend and grow close to. Each cast has its own unique dynamic amongst itself that can change the way a trial unfolds.

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It's easy to see that a large portion of the series' popularity is due to its engaging characters. For any players that are curious to see who they're most compatible with according to the stars, here are twelve Danganronpa characters and the Zodiac sign they suit most.

While each entry does not go into too much lore detail, there are light spoilers with regards to each character's talent along with spoilers in certain links. Click at your own risk!

12 Aquarius: Kyoko Kirigiri

Danganronpa Kyoko Kirigiri starring straight ahead
  • Game: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
  • Talent: Ultimate Detective

There is no better fit for the capable and independent Aquarius than Kyoko. Not only are Aquarius people known to be very quiet and keep to themselves, but they also tend to run/hide from emotional expression. While Kyoko initially appears cold and distant, avoiding the group and unwilling to cooperate, she eventually warms up. By the end of the game, the player learns she has much in common with the Aquarius, such as strongly disliking those who break their promises.

Kyoko and the Aquarius both may seem cold, but behind their stoic exterior are their true emotions that they hide in order to stay objective.

11 Pisces: Gonta Gokuhara

Danganronpa V3 Gonta Gokuhara
  • Game: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
  • Talent: Ultimate Entomologist

Gonta is a true gentle giant. While he may appear a bit intimidating, Gonta fits the bill of a typical Pisces rather well. Pisces are known to be very compassionate and gentle people who tend to be overly trusting. Gonta's pure and innocent personality was an awful mix with The Killing Game, allowing him to be taken advantage of by others.

The Pisces, while kind-hearted and self-less, are at times too quick to trust those around them that claim to be their friends. In the end, true friends of Gonta (and the Pisces) will come to help when they're in need.

10 Aries: Monokuma

Danganronpa Monokuma
  • Game: Danganronpa 1-3
  • Title: Headmaster/Mascot

The Aries is a flurry of chaotic energy and no one captures that better than Danganronpa's mascot, Monokuma. Monokuma matches the typical Aries' unbridled enthusiasm and impatient mood swings. While this energetic bear may appear cheery and bright, this demeanor is just the flip side of the much more sinister Monokuma.

The turbulent Aries is always on the go, looking for fun with friends. Although Monokuma's version of "fun with friends" may be much darker than what most people envision, he's a perfect fit for the Aries nonetheless.

9 Taurus: Chiaki Namami

Danganronpa 2 Chiaki Nanami
  • Game: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
  • Talent: Ultimate Gamer

The Taurus is a person that highly values indulging in physical pleasures, and it's no secret that Chiaki loves getting in her fair share of beauty sleep throughout the day. Chiaki is a quiet and often sleepy girl, always dozing off and is rather calm most of the time.

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While Chiaki may come off as aloof and uninterested in the goings-on around her, deep down, she and the Taurus are reliable and devoted people who care deeply about protecting their friends.

8 Gemini: Shuichi Saihara

Danganronpa V3 Shuichi Saihara
  • Game: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
  • Talent: Ultimate Detective

Shuichi is a perfect Gemini as he is a gentle and adaptive person while also having a very nervous side he tries but fails to hide. The Gemini is a mixture of kind-heartedness and insecurity. While Shuichi is capable and has the ability to learn new things quickly, he often doubts himself, leading to indecisiveness.

Not only does Shuichi have the same duality as the Gemini, but he also shares the sign's sense of curiosity as he is always the first one to push for answers and clues in every new investigation.

7 Cancer: Gundham Tanaka

Danganronpa 2 Gundham Tanaka
  • Game: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
  • Talent: Ultimate Breeder

The Cancer is known to be a very imaginative type of person, so who could possibly fit the bill better than Gundham and his Four Dark Devas of Destruction? Gundham is clearly a very imaginative person as he falls victim to the "chuunibyou syndrome," a term used to describe someone that has delusions of grandeur in which they possess magical powers no one else has.

On top of being much-needed comic relief for his classmates, Gundham, like the Cancer, is a very emotional and sympathetic person. While this may not be apparent at first, Gundham eventually proves that he doesn't only care for his animal friends but his human ones as well.

6 Leo: Junko Enoshima

Danganronpa Junko Enoshima
  • Game: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
  • Talent: Ultimate Fashionista

Among other things that can be said about the infamous Junko, she is undoubtedly a creative and passionate person; just like the typical Leo. Without delving too much into the intricate Danganronpa lore, hardcore fans will know exactly how passionate Junko is about what she believes in.

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Much like the Leo, Junko can come off as self-centered or too carefree at times. Both are eccentric people that love indulging in what they find fun and absolutely hate when they aren't being treated like the loyalty they feel they are.

5 Virgo: K1-B0 (Keebo/Ki-Bo/Kiibo)

Danganronpa V3 K1-B0 Kiibo Keebo
  • Game: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
  • Talent: Ultimate Robot

While a bit rough around the edges, Keebo is a loyal friend but also very practical and analytical when it comes to investigations. Virgos are often very similar and even face many of the same weaknesses as the robot boy, such as shyness and Keebo's "all work and no play" kind of attitude.

Much like the Virgo, Keebo, being a robot, often struggles with his emotions and properly expressing himself which sometimes can lead to misunderstandings.

4 Libra: Sonia Nevermind

Danganronpa 2 Sonia Nevermind
  • Game: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
  • Talent: Ultimate Princess

Sonia and the Libra have much in common, from their diplomatic method of engaging with others to the way they value their friendships. Sonia is a very cheery and fair-minded person and always remains civil, even with those that she dislikes.

Much like the Libra, Sonia prefers to be in the company of others and makes for a great leader due to her cooperative nature. Sonia also dislikes acts of violence and injustice due to her upbringing, making for a perfect match for this sign.

3 Scorpio: Maki Harukawa

Danganronpa V3 Maki Harukawa
  • Game: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
  • Talent: Ultimate Child Caregiver (revealed to be Ultimate Assassin)

Maki is the perfect Scorpio as they are often resourceful, powerful, and very brave. Often time, Scorpios can be distrusting and manipulative people that resort to violence to get their way; for Ultimate Assassin, Maki, it's simply second nature.

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However, while initially cold, Maki (like the Scorpio) eventually proves herself to be a loyal and true friend. Underneath her intimidating exterior is a kind-hearted person that wants to protect those she loves.

2 Sagittarius: Nagito Komaeda

Danganronpa 2 Nagito Komaeda
  • Game: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
  • Talent: Ultimate Lucky Student

Nagito's obsession with keeping up team morale with his constant pep talks (that often fall on deaf ears) is very typical of the Sagittarius. Both the Sagittarius and Nagito are idealists who have the tendency to promise more than what they're capable of.

Both parties also have a unique sense of humor (like Nagito's signature style of self-deprecating comedy) and can sometimes say things that are undiplomatic. This can lead to awkwardness when talking with friends.

1 Capricorn: Byakuya Togami

Danganronpa Byakuya Togami
  • Game: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
  • Talent: Ultimate Affluent Progeny

Byakuya is the perfect embodiment of the Capricorn: responsible and disciplined. While Capricorns are very proper and good with things like self-control, they can also be very condescending. Byakuya (at least at the beginning) is very much snobby towards his classmates and considers everyone else beneath him.

Byakuya treasures tradition and family, similar to the Capricorn. Not only this, but both parties tend to be stubborn about their perspectives, similar to how it took much convincing to get Byakuya to finally cooperate with the others and see them as allies rather than enemies.

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