Off the Grid is a third-person, cyberpunk battle royale game set in a dystopian future where Mega Corporations battle for control of Teardrop Island. In its futuristic setting, cyberlimbs are some of the weapons of choice for the Zeros, cybernetically enhanced mercenaries seemingly sent in to do the Mega Corporations' dirty work. This and more can be seen in our exclusive reveal of Off the Grid's brand-new SWITCHER Part 2 cinematic video, the follow-up to Gunzilla Games' first Switcher teaser of the upcoming Cyberpunk-themed Battle Royale game at Gamescom 2022. In this exclusive reveal, viewers see what happens next, along with some of Off the Grid's core gameplay elements: cyberlimbs and HEXES.

Game ZXC also interviewed several team members at Gunzilla Games, including District 9 Director Neill Blomkamp working on Off the Grid, about SWITCHER Part 2 and what else players can expect from its unique approach to the Battle Royale genre. Of course, cyberlimbs and Hexes are already rather unique, and more will be revealed in due time.

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Off The Grid's SWITCHER Part 2 Reveals Cyberlimbs

off the grid cyberlimbs switcher part 1 teaser

In the SWITCHER Part 1 cinematic, viewers got a sneak peek of Off the Grid's cyberlimbs in action in the online multiplayer game, with cyber-enhancements involving rockets, swords, and bodily improvements, with a Zero easily somersaulting over a wall of lasers. When asked about what new SWITCHER Part 2 content, the team at Off the Grid said,

SWITCHER: Part 2 introduces us to the concept of replaceable cyberlimbs within the session, which players will also be able to do within the game.

In SWITCHER Part 2, players see a glimpse of replaceable cyberlimbs when a Zero takes a cyber-arm from a defeated opponent, humorously stating "I told you I liked that arm" in a playful reflection of Part 1. Although it's difficult to say how new this feature is when compared to existing looter-shooter games, it could potentially add a whole new dimension to how looting typically works in online multiplayer shooters, depending on how replacing cyberlimbs works in actual gameplay.

Off the Grid's SWITCHER Part 2 Reveals HEXES

off the grid weapon construction

Another notable feature teased in SWITCHER Part 2 is HEXES, namely "decoding a HEX", which the developers described as "one of the most important aspects of our game." As the team at Off the Grid further explained,

HEXES will be collected by players across the island to be extracted into their hideouts, where they can decode them and 3D print an in-game item. Each HEX will contain one of the following: a weapon, a cyberlimb, weapon attachments, skins, or character customization items.

Although a cinematic reveal, the video gives viewers a sense of what HEX extraction might be like by showing a snippet of collectible HEXES discoverable in the game. The end of SWITCHER Part 2 shows the Zero 3D-printing a weapon in what looks like blueprint-style extraction in seemingly a base or hideout location. Viewers may also notice the Zero sports a gold cyber-arm, potentially showcasing one of the skins mentioned, presumably altering the appearance of cyberlimbs. When interviewed, the Off the Grid team also revealed,

"As seen in OTG Cinemas’s SWITCHER, players will be able to obtain 25 different cyberlimbs upon launch, some of which can be seen in the episode. More will be added every month."

Off the Grid, therefore, looks to include an exciting amount of cyberpunk-themed weaponry and customization options that look extremely promising, with even more to come. The SWITCHER Part 2 reveal may also especially come as exciting news for fans of video games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Battle Royale shooter games, for those perhaps eagerly awaiting a Cyberpunk-themed online multiplayer shooting experience.

Off the Grid is in development.

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