There are only four months left in 2021 and there hasn't been much word on when the upcoming free DLCs are launching for Cyberpunk 2077. The issue of the CD Projekt Red cyber attack earlier this year slowed down the development of updates to the game, but even so, the Polish-based studio hasn't given an updated timeline on when fans can expect new content. The DLC will hopefully bridge some gaps left by the game's main story and flesh out the world of Night City even further, but no one really knows what sort of story content will be included.

While there are plenty of different directions that the studio could take in the upcoming DLC, it would be worth it to focus on one of Cyberpunk 2077's lifepaths: the Nomads. The Nomads live just outside Night City in small groups that look out for one another and serve as one of the three starting lifepaths available for the player to choose from when starting the game. Although they get some screentime during Cyberpunk's campaign, DLC featuring the Nomads might help bring new layers to the faction previously unseen in the base game.

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Learning More About Cyberpunk 2077's Nomads

Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Smoking

Despite being one of the more interesting groups occupying Night City and the surrounding area, the Nomads don't get much focus in Cyberpunk's main story. There are plenty of side missions to do that involve them, but the different Nomad groups aren't really the focus of those either, they usually take a backseat to V's relationship with Panam. Additionally, the side missions usually only focus on characterizing Panam and some of the people in her Nomad group, the Aldecaldos. If the upcoming DLC were to be about the Nomads, it could really flesh out more of their culture and lifestyle that isn't seen in the main campaign and side missions. After all, they play a big part in Night City as the faction that surrounds the city on just about all sides, so a Nomad-centric DLC would also give plenty of background to the greater world of Cyberpunk 2077 as well.

By allowing V to spend more time with other groups, they might be able to understand more of the nuances involved with the seemingly constant turf war that the Nomads are having. This could lead to interesting story paths and choices that the player would have to make based on what they've learned about each faction. It could also open up more options for the final mission of the game by allowing different Nomad groups to join V in whatever path the player chooses.

Making Good on Those Who Chose the Nomad Lifepath

nomads from cyberpunk

Nomad-focused DLC would also be able to give those who chose the Nomad lifepath at the beginning of the game a better understanding of the background that their version of V comes from. Some background is given during the brief prologue section of the game, but it didn't go much further than that, unfortunately. Many have suggested how Cyberpunk 2077's lifepaths could be improved in the DLC and while there certainly could be major changes coming to them with the update, simply including more Nomad lore could help fill out V's backstory more.

Those who chose the Corpo and Streetkid lifepaths had plenty of opportunities to use their background to further expand conversations in the base game. Although Nomads were able to expand the game's dialogue in a similar way, a lot of it was regulated to talking to other Nomads in side missions. Focusing the DLC on the Nomads would give those players the chance to use that feature much more than was in the base game.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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