
  • Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with dangerous characters and locations, making job hunting difficult and risky in Night City. People can get killed for small amounts of money.
  • Jobs like being a Netrunner or Doll also pose significant risks and challenges, making Night City a hard place to live and work.

As players wander through Cyberpunk 2077 and the vast futuristic Night City, they might find themselves in the wrong part of town. Yet, it seems that every part of town is the ‘wrong part’ when it comes to Night City. Cyberpunk 2077 has some dangerous characters and locations, which makes job hunting fairly hard, especially when people get killed for fewer Eurodollars than the price of a soda.

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Some jobs that may be simple enough for this day and age, could be the worst for when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077. There exist some of the worst jobs in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe, that even those with empty pockets and in need of Eddies will steer clear from.

7 Retail Worker

Cyberpunk 2077 Street Vendor

Night City is known for its stores. The city is practically owned by corporations from all over the world, all trying to influence every market. Whether it’s fashion, weapons, or cars, these corporations have their hands in every capitalist pie in Night City. Yet, they aren’t the ones going into stores to rob the place.

Becoming a retail worker in Night City has its dangers. V innocently shops in a rather expensive store, only for a Cyberpsycho to barge in and start some chaos. It’s in everyone’s best interest to stay clear of retail work in Cyberpunk 2077, as who knows when the next gang member or Cyberpsycho will be the last customer.

6 Netrunner


A Netrunner is essentially a form of hacker in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe. Those that embark on a job as a Netrunner run the risk of not coming back. Cyberspace is a dangerous place for all, but entering the Net could cause some serious harm to the brain, especially if said Netrunner is found by users that want to delete their consciousness from their heads through a simple hack.

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Netrunners may seem all-powerful once they are in the Net, but pulling the plug or interrupting them will cause an easy death, leaving behind their body with the brain completely fried. It’s a horrible way to go, but in Night City, there’s rarely ever a peaceful death from old age.

5 Sanitation

Cyberpunk 2077 Night City

One of the more simple jobs that one would be able to find in Night City is sanitation. The idea of cleaning up the streets not with criminal activity, but with litter and the occasional body is something Night City is in desperate need of. Yet, everyone knows how dangerous and disgusting the streets of Night City can be, so it’s no wonder that there aren’t enough sanitation workers out there to clean the blood stains and garbage from the walkways and roads.

Even someone as innocent as a person with a bucket and a mop could be gunned down by Maelstrom or a Cyberpsycho. Or, their mental state could deteriorate when they find themselves scrapping yet another body off of the road from someone who just lost their job as a corpo. Night City is a hard place to live and a harder place to work.

4 Ripperdoc

fingers in his ripperdoc office

If someone has the skilled hands and the brain for it, then a Ripperdoc could be a decent investment. Ripperdocs operate in Night City, whether it’s legally or without a license. Their job is to install cyberware into the citizens of those that come to them, as long as they have the Eddies to pay up. Some Ripperdocs offer simple eye upgrades, whereas others can provide illegal military-grade gear that will further risk the chance of a Cyberpsycho.

Whatever the case may be, the fact that Ripperdocs work with organic matter and replace it with chrome, can’t be an easy one. The precision needed, and dedication to such a craft would leave many going home stressed and squeamish. Not to mention those Ripperdocs that get forced into labor from gang members.

3 NCPD Officer

river ward in cyberpunk 2077

The Night City Police Department is privately-owned and dedicates itself to “protect and serve” Night City. Yet, with every NCPD officer, it’s hard to tell who are the good guys, and who are the bad. The NCPD may try and arrest people in Night City, but one wrong arrest and they could see a Mantis Blade in their stomach, or fail to catch the bullet that ends up in the back of their head.

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Being a police officer in Night City can’t be an easy one, especially when most citizens can’t even trust those that are supposed to protect them. Some cops do a good job, like River Ward, whereas others are more corrupt, and just enjoy the power and punishment of others.

2 Braindance Editor

v pointing his gun at Gottfrid And Fredrik Persson in dirty biz

Entertainment has evolved in Cyberpunk 2077. No longer do people rely on superhero movies and video games. Instead, their go-to source of entertainment is a Braindance, more commonly known as a BD. This allows someone to replay someone’s memories, exactly how they happened, including that person’s emotions at the time. The sensation is indescribable, and people use BDs for pleasure, fear, or other adrenaline-fueled emotions.

However, behind every BD, is a Braindance Editor, someone who makes it their job to play these memories for themselves, and edit out any of the nasty bits that customers might not want. A BD Editor can enhance emotions, scrub scenes, or alter things as much as they like. However, this job comes with the risk of doing an XBD, which is an illegal Braindance often involving gruesome and criminal activities on poor victims.

1 Doll

Cyberpunk 2077 Evelyn Parker

There is perhaps no job more dangerous than being a Doll. Dolls are most commonly found within the sex industry, and they are equipped with chips that allow for an AI to take over, putting the consciousness to sleep whilst a paying customer has their way with the Doll, fulfilling the deepest desires of the said customer, no matter how dark and twisted this is.

A Doll’s memory can be wiped, they can also be used as proxies to keep secrets between people. The life of a Doll is not an easy one, and the sex workers of Night City have a constant fear of if their Doll Chip will malfunction, or whether someone will demand more of them.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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