
  • Cyberpunk 2077 is now on par with The Witcher in popularity and success, signaling a promising future for the game.
  • The success of Wild Hunt propelled CD Projekt Red's reputation, setting the stage for Cyberpunk 2077's success and potential franchise growth.
  • Cyberpunk 2077's quick rise to success suggests that it may even surpass The Witcher franchise in the years to come, with new entries in development.

Cyberpunk 2077 now feels like the game it was meant to be. The future of Cyberpunk 2077 is already being constructed with the sequel now beginning development, and CD Projekt Red is set to expand the game's universe. However, compared to CD Projekt Red's last major franchise, The Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 may have already reached the same level of popularity.

Although it took a little extra time for Cyberpunk 2077 to finally get where it needed to be in terms of development, the game's future is already on par with The Witcher games. The Witcher franchise is the series that truly put CD Projekt Red's games on the map, but the addition of Cyberpunk 2077 to its roster is what will likely carry the developer in the future.

Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Reveals Why Its Side Quests Are So Good

Cyberpunk 2077’s lead quest designer, Paweł Sasko, reveals the secret to why the game's side quests are so consistently good.

Cyberpunk 2077 Has Already Reached The Witcher Franchise's Level

The Witcher titles are incredibly well-known—at least the third installment is, anyway. It's now almost been a decade since Wild Hunt was released and the popularity it garnered and maintains has helped bring the franchise into the mainstream. Indeed, with a live-action adaptation on Netflix and future game installments of the franchise in the works, Wild Hunt was a turning point for CD Projekt Red.

The Witcher Walked So Cyberpunk 2077 Could Run

Although CD Projekt Red gained praise for the first and second Witcher games, Wild Hunt truly put a spotlight on the developer and publisher. Even now, Wild Hunt is a popular title among gamers, but it took three whole games for CD Projekt Red to receive such prestige. Thanks to the success of Wild Hunt, it looks like Cyberpunk 2077 won't be having that same problem.

Wild Hunt was such a major success that anticipation for CD Projekt Red's next project was always going to be extremely high. Although Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012, three years before Wild Hunt was even released, the success of the latter reignited the flames of excitement. Despite Cyberpunk 2077's notorious launch woes, the game has proven to be a hit. The success of Cyberpunk 2077 and its impressive redemption story has made the game a great first installment in a planned franchise; yet, without Wild Hunt being as beloved as it is, Cyberpunk 2077 may not have had the same pull it did with an unfathomable level of hype before launch.

CD Projekt Red is currently developing a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 , codenamed Project Orion, while The Witcher has plenty of new entries in development as well.

Cyberpunk's Franchise Is Off To A Stronger Start

It's clear that Cyberpunk 2077's planned franchise won't need three games to put it on the map, and that's its biggest boon moving forward. The sci-fi franchise has already caught up with the likes of The Witcher, and it could even surpass it as the years go by. With both franchises having sequels in development from CD Projekt Red, the studio now has two juggernauts on its hands. Rather, the franchise is already catching up with The Witcher's hard-earned momentum with Cyberpunk 2077 having a sequel in development so soon and even a spin-off series with Edgerunners on Netflix.

Both franchises seem to have bright futures ahead of them. As CD Projekt Red's ambitions grow, the studio's in-development projects are set to bring tons of action and exploration to both IPs. However, Cyberpunk 2077's ability to catch up to The Witcher so quickly may see the franchise be the new top dog on CD Projekt Red's already impressive catalog of games.