A game that's been a hot topic ever since it's announcement in May 2012, Cyberpunk 2077 released last December with a lot of excitement and hype around it, though its launch was less than ideal.

It's no secret that Cyberpunk 2077 had a plethora of issues running on older console generations at launch, but over the course of last year, the development team of Cyberpunk 2077 has devoted their time to fix and eliminate these problems from all versions of the game. And now CD Projekt Red is looking to the future.

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CD Projekt Red has narrowed down the release window for Cyberpunk 2077's next generation console version, set to launch in the first quarter of 2022 on an unspecified date, shortly followed by the next-gen release of The Witcher 3 in the second quarter of 2022.

In addition to releasing Cyberpunk 2077 for the next console generation, CD Projekt Red remains committed on providing the game with the polish it sorely needed at launch, as well as expanding on the development team working on it, with a promise of delivering a major Cyberpunk 2077 update in the near future.

With no specific dates given for either the update or the expansion, the original plans for providing the game with rapid post-launch content support seem to have been put on hold or otherwise staggered by the work needed to smooth out Cyberpunk 2077's rough edges. Though the fruits of CD Projekt Red's labor on Cyberpunk 2077 started a redemption story for the game, with new players picking up the game in its much more stable state, it's clear that the journey has only just begun.

Players and fans of the game seem cautiously excited for what the future holds for Cyberpunk 2077, yet despite this – the game still has some glaring features missing that most would consider major quality of life additions. Namely, the players are disappointed that the game still lacks any way to change the protagonist V's appearance after the character creation screen, as well as the lack of having a transmogrification system for the numerous items of clothing found in Night City, which Cyberpunk 2077 treats solely as bits of armor rather than the fashion statement they were marketed to be.

Hopefully, the fanbase will get some of these oft-requested features in the upcoming update – as signs point that the developers still have plans for Night City – and will keep supporting the game for years after its launch.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE:Cyberpunk 2077’s Bugs and Glitches Still Hold it Back