
  • The recent 2.0 update for Cyberpunk 2077 has brought significant improvements to the game's graphics, making characters like Johnny Silverhand appear more lifelike with richer textures and better details.
  • CD Projekt Red has been working hard to fix bugs and performance issues since the game's troubled launch, and the general opinion of Cyberpunk 2077 has become more positive as a result. The 2.0 update and upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC mark the final chapter in the game's redemption arc.
  • Cyberpunk 2077 continues to raise the bar for post-launch improvements, gradually improving the technical state of the game and allowing players to fully enjoy its visuals on a wider range of machines.

Recent images have surfaced that highlight some of the improvements made to Cyberpunk 2077's graphics as part of its recent substantial update. The Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update launched yesterday, bringing with it a host of long-awaited changes for players to experience ahead of the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC next week.

Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Cyberpunk 2077 will likely be aware of the game's shoddy state at launch. Since its initial release in late 2020, CD Projekt Red has worked to scrub the game clean of bugs and performance issues, even adding some free content drops here and there. This hard work appears to have worked in Cyberpunk 2077's favor, as general opinion of the game is mostly positive now. The 2.0 update, alongside the upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC, serve as the last major chapter in the game's redemption arc, with critical reception of Cyberpunk 2077's expansion being mostly positive.

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Much ink has been spilled about the changes to things like Cyberpunk 2077's skill trees and enemy AI, but a Reddit user recently pointed out an improvement that was not as heavily marketed ahead of the update. The post in question shows a screenshot of Johnny Silverhand in Tom's Diner before the update and a screenshot of him in the same position after the update. The post also shows a screenshot of Silverhand during a separate mission, but it should be noted that this image was captured with Overdrive RTX enabled, something only possible on very high-end PCs.

Cyberpunk 2077 has received graphical upgrades before, but the difference here is much more striking. There appears to be far more depth and detail to Silverhand's character model post-update, with richer texture in his skin, making him appear more lifelike. He also sports bags under his eyes, which is far more fitting given his neurotic character. As pointed out by many users commenting on the post, Silverhand looks much more like the real-life Keanu Reeves following the update.

Cyberpunk 2077 has always looked impressive, even at launch. Of course, the graphics at that time were dependent on what machine the game was played on, and the realism was often harmed by significant bugs and performance issues. As Cyberpunk edges closer to what was promised before its release, the technical state of the game has gradually improved, allowing players to fully enjoy its visuals on a wider range of machines. The improvement to Johnny Silverhand is just another way that Cyberpunk 2077 is raising the bar when it comes to post-launch improvements, and it's exactly what its audience deserves.

Cyberpunk 2077 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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