
  • Cyberpunk 2077 leaves many intriguing plot threads hanging, such as Nightcorp's mind control plans and the fate of characters like Sandra Dorset and Song So Mi.
  • The game introduces interesting side jobs that hint at a deeper story, like Lizzy Wizzy's inspiration and the story of Lucy and Falco from the Edgerunners anime.
  • The mysterious figure of Mr. Blue Eyes is present throughout the game, but their true identity, ambitions, and influence in Night City remain unexplained.

Cyberpunk 2077 is one of those games that a player could very easily get lost in as they explore the world and complete gigs and side jobs. Given that it's an open-world RPG, this is unsurprising. One of the most interesting things about Cyberpunk's world, however, is in navigating the neon-bathed streets of Night City just how many dangling plot threads the player will discover.

Cyberpunk 2077: 18 Things You Never Knew About Night City

Night City is one of the most expansive worlds that CD Projekt Red has ever created. Here's a look at some things you might not know about it.

It's to the point where some of the side jobs almost seem as though they're setting up a more interesting story than the primary narrative only for them to be left open-ended by the end of the game. Whether they're meant to be resurrected for the sequel or simply designed to enhance the world-building as background lore is anyone's guess. Regardless, here is a list of some of the plot threads that Cyberpunk 2077 leaves hanging in some way.

8 Nightcorp's Mind Control Plans

Sandra_Dorsett Cyberpunk 2077

Sandra Dorset is an interesting character because the game introduces her so early as a seemingly random person only to bring her back later on in the game. The player is contacted by Sandra to retrieve a data bank that had been stolen by Scavs. She, however, is less afraid of the Scavs and more afraid of being caught by her employer, Night Corp.

If the player cracks the security on her databank, it will reveal that Night Corp is experimenting with mind-controlling AI tech. This plot thread, however, ends here and is never brought up again. The player doesn't ever learn about what Sandra did with the databank, nor do they hear anything else about Night Corp. It would be interesting to learn about what becomes of this.

7 The Fate of Song So Mi

Somewhat Damaged / The Killing Moon Main Mission

Close up of Songbird in Cyberpunk 2077 with Johnny Silverhand sitting nearby

In one of the endings to the Phantom Liberty DLC, the player can side with Songbird and help her escape not just Night City, but planet Earth altogether. Songbird has plans to get to the moon with a Blackwall AI intended to save her life, but she cannot get there without V's help. If they choose to help Songbird, the player will eventually be able to find her crashed reentry pod in Dogtown sometime after completing its main questline.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: Best New Weapons, Ranked

The Phantom Liberty DLC introduces plenty of new weapons for players to get their hands on in Cyberpunk 2077, and these are among the very best.

As for what became of So Mi herself, there are only more questions; where did she go, and who did she make a deal with to save her life? Neither of these are given answers, although many have speculated that Songbird was in contact with the illusive Mr. Blue Eyes. Alternatively, So Mi's fate is left in the hands of the NUSA if players give her up to Reed and Myers.

6 Lizzy Wizzy's Inspiration

Violence Side Gig

cyberpunk 2077 lizzy wizzy

Depending on how the player chooses to complete the side job, V can reestablish contact with Lizzy Wizzy (albeit briefly). It all hinges on what the player is able to find out about the pop star's significant other, Liam Northom, who is suspected of having an affair. The truth is that Liam wishes to make an engram of Lizzy's personality, which in many ways is even worse.

Lizzy will contact V after completion of the job pleading for them to hide Liam's body, as she'd strangled him in a fit of rage. Lizzy, however, intimates that the whole situation has given her a much-needed dose of inspiration. She thanks V for helping her and promises that something beautiful will come from this whole ordeal. This is the last the player sees and hears of Lizzy Wizzy, never learning about what she's teasing.

5 Lucy and Falco in Night City?

Over the Edge Side Gig

Cyberpunk Edgerunners Survivors

While the heartbreaking story of David's Edgerunner crew is told primarily in the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime, the game makes several references to the Night City legends in the form of Easter eggs and one side job that can be started in Santo Domingo (specifically by looting a garbage can outside Megabuilding 4). The side job puts V in contact with Falco, one of the two surviving members of the crew, who gives V David's jacket and is never heard from again.

Every Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Easter Egg in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Explained

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners enjoyed massive support from Cyberpunk 2077's community, and the Phantom Liberty update features Easter Eggs in its honor.

Lucy, the other surviving member is last seen in Edgerunners on the Moon. Recent updates to Cyberpunk 2077, however, suggest that she came back down to Earth where she added niches for each of the deceased Edgerunner crew members in the Columbarium. If Lucy is back on Earth, back in Night City no less, then what could she (as well as Falco for that matter) be up to?

4 Who's Controlling The Peralez's?

Dream On Side Gig

Cyberpunk 2077 Peralez

One of the more interesting side jobs in the game is "Dream On," in which V discovers a full-blown thought control operation with ties to the Peralez's. Not only have Jefferson's memories of a recent home invasion been erased, but his entire past has been rewritten, but by whom is completely unknown. It's revealed that this is happening on a large scale, with many unnamed individuals suffering the same sort of clandestine manipulation.

Many fans have theorized that Mr. Blue Eyes is involved, as he can be seen watching V and Jefferson meet. Whoever is responsible clearly has their own agenda for Night City, though the game ultimately leaves this particular mystery unsolved.

3 The Sun Ending

Path of Glory Main Mission

Cyberpunk ending space

For many, "The Sun" ending of Cyberpunk 2077 has proven to be somewhat frustrating because it's less of a resolution and more of a teaser for something else. This ending is attained by two different means; either V chooses to enter Arasaka tower alone, or they call Rogue for help as Johnny suggests. This results in V becoming the king/queen of the Afterlife afterward, where they meet with the mysterious Mr. Blue Eyes to talk about an upcoming job.

Cyberpunk 2077: All Endings, Explained

Cyberpunk 2077 features multiple endings, most of which revolve around how V approaches the final mission. What are the consequences of V's choices?

The reasons behind this job aren't known, nor are the specifics of the job itself. V is last seen floating through space toward the Crystal Palace, gun in hand. What happens after this is a complete mystery. Some players believed that this was set up for a Crystal Palace-themed DLC expansion. Alas, PhantomLiberty has been confirmed to be the only DLC Cyberpunk will receive, making "The Sun" ending that much more of a cliffhanger.

2 What's Next For Judy?

Pyramid Song Side Gig

cyberpunk 2077 judy alvarez

Unless the player chooses to make their V a female, Judy's ending in Cyberpunk 2077 is rather bittersweet. It means having to say goodbye to the tech geek they love so that she may recover the parts of herself that Night City stripped away over the years. Judy will send V text messages about what she's up to for a time until she enters a dead zone somewhere in the Midwest and all contact is severed.

What's next for Judy is a complete mystery, though this is precisely the point. Judy has found freedom that those in Night City could only dream of, and with that freedom comes a hopeful uncertainty.

1 Who Is Mr. Blue Eyes

Dream On / Path of Glory / The Killing Moon Quests

Cyberpunk 2077 Mr Blue Eyes job offer during sun ending

Much like the G-man in Half-Life, Mr. Blue Eyes is a shadowy figure in Cyberpunk 2077 that can be found in the background at several important moments before he makes his formal appearance at the end of the game. When V is mysteriously contacted by a voice claiming to know their "true nature" (the situation with the Relic), Mr. Blue Eyes can be seen nearby.

When V and Songbird are at the NCX Spaceport, Mr. Blue Eyes can be seen watching them as they progress. The final job that V does at the end is seemingly organized by Mr. Blue Eyes, but to what end? What are this person's ambitions in Night City? How far does their influence extend? None of these questions have answers just yet.

cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
RPG , Action